Friday, December 31, 2010

台中 太陽堂餅店 (2012-05-13起停業)

在台中吃吃喝喝了兩天, 回台北前一定要過來買個太陽餅回去的, 整條路上都是賣太陽餅的, 該買哪一家呢? 光自由路二段上這一個區塊, 阿明師太陽餅, 太陽堂太陽餅, 太陽堂餅店, 太陽堂老店, 太陽堂老舖... 大家名字上繞著太陽堂做文章, 看起來都一樣...

但是我們是從來都不會猶豫的, 我們永遠都是只買"太陽堂餅店"的太陽餅, 幾經比較之後, 就死心蹋地的認定就是它了 -

認門牌號碼是一定不會錯的啦 -

一進門, 左側牆壁上的馬賽克太陽花/向日葵 壁畫 是鎮店的招牌 -

櫃台後方有琳瑯滿目的相關產品的展示和價格, 除了整盒購買, 也可以單買, 愛吃幾個買幾個, 買一整盒並沒有比較便宜 -
鳳梨酥 20入, NT360/ 中秋月餅 9入, NT405/ 酥皮綠豆椪 9入, NT405
紅豆沙 10入, NT280/ 巧克力豆沙 10入,NT280/ 檸檬蛋糕 8入, NT264/ 芝麻核桃餅 6入, NT192
狀元糕 NT196/ 肉餅 NT190/ 金桔餅8入,NT188
鳳梨餅8入, NT264/ 紅豆沙夾心餅10入, NT280/ 椰子餅8入, NT272

早上八點就開門了, 太陽餅已經一盒一盒疊得高高的 -

我們買了小盒10入裝, NT 150 -

包裝紙 -

成分標示, 保存期限是一個禮拜 -

五個五個裝一袋 -

蓋著太陽堂的紅印 -

層層酥脆, 而最為迷人的地方就是, 他們家的夾心糖漿是會牽絲, 流下來的, 照片中有一點點亮亮的部份, 就是那引人入勝的麥芽糖 -

除了太陽餅, 我們也很常買檸檬蛋糕 NT 264, 雖是檸檬蛋糕, 但其實是甜甜的糖衣比較多, 檸檬味不太重, 不會有檸檬酸酸的感覺 -

小姐, 手腳俐落的綁好了結 -

你也可以請她搭配不同口味, 旁邊的客人包的是椰子塔加檸檬蛋糕 -

太陽堂餅店的提袋 -

名片 -

食後感 - 太陽堂餅店的太陽餅是 Evie and Bob 覺得最好吃的太陽餅
地址: 台中市自由路2段23號
電話: (04)2222-2622/ 2223-7888
營業時間: 08:00~ ... 早上八點就開始賣了, 一早是一定買的到太陽餅的, 下午就要看情況了, 如果生意好都是早早就賣完, 所以可以先打電話去詢問

Evie and Bob 相關文章

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台中 排隊早餐 肉蛋吐司

昨天的早餐, 溫馨小屋已經是個讓我們十分驚艷的早餐, 今天1/2這一家"肉蛋吐司"更是不遑多讓, 衛星導航把我們帶到了 店門口...挖勒, 排隊都排到門外面來了, 外帶的客人, 是在門口的小桌子填好藍色的單子, 再進去付錢點餐 -

進到店裡面, 當然是還是全部都是人囉, 右邊動線是排隊付錢點餐, 左邊則是等待外帶取餐 -

廚房, 櫃檯, 工作人員已經塞滿工作區域, 看起來人手充足, 而且手腳俐落, 實在是生意太好, 整個宛如戰場一般, 後方補給不間斷, 前方持續快速出貨中 -

餐牌 -

Evie and Bob幸運的發現一個空位, 趕緊給它坐下來, 內用的單子是黃色的, 劃好餐點, 一樣也是先去排隊買單 -

很快的, 我們豐盛的早餐就上桌囉 -

換個角度, 再來一張 -

店內用餐, 都是陶瓷的餐具, 一般這種價位的早餐應該都是塑膠盤再套個塑膠袋或是使用免洗餐具比較多, 比別人多用心一些些, 就是成功的秘訣吧?

招牌熱奶茶 NT 20, 相當的濃郁香甜, 好喝, 招牌熱豆漿 NT 20, 也不錯, 用瓷杯裝, 喝起來更有味道, 大加分 -

招牌肉蛋吐司 NT 35, 其貌不揚, 白吐司, 沒有烤, 也沒有去邊, 竟然是招牌中的招牌, 真是難以置信, 還能讓這麼多死忠粉絲大排長龍, 真是"吐司不可貌相" -

肉蛋吐司, 果如其名, 就是一片煎肉片與煎蛋, 再抹上特調美乃滋 -

薄薄的肉蛋吐司, 一口咬下就停不了, 果真好吃, 甜甜美乃滋, 煎得剛剛好的肉片跟蛋, 完美組合 -

我們也點了一個玉米蛋餅 NT 30, 外皮煎的赤赤的, 搭配蒜蓉醬油跟甜辣醬, 也相當好吃 -

沙拉 NT 30, 小小一個, 但是也不馬虎, 馬鈴薯, 紅蘿蔔, 蛋, 火腿, 相當紮實, 也是美味 -

玉米濃湯 NT 25, 比較普通一點點, 但是該有的玉米跟火腿都不少 -

食後感 - 吃過了一次還想再來, 下次再來台中, 早餐一定是不能錯過"肉蛋吐司"這家的啦, 雖然人龍都是長長的, 但是店家效率相當好, 排隊點餐到取餐, 應該都在10到15分鐘左右, 是完全可以接受等待的範圍, 店內用餐就要碰碰運氣, 因為座位並不是太多, 但是因為餐點簡單, 所以要等到位子也是很有機會的.
肉蛋吐司 中西式早餐
地址: 台中市健行路1005號
電話: (04) 2327-1066/ 0932-639-483 (提供外送服務)
營業時間: 平日 04:30~12:00 假日 04:30~12:30 (星期一公休)HomeAny source

Year End Asset Allocation Model Update

I just realized that I hadn't done one of these in about two months, but the model still just barely puts allocation at the 80% equity/20% bond split that it has since May. I will point out that the model has consistently described a positive environment from stocks and even with the summer sell-off, this has clearly been the right call in a macro sense. That being said, the signals are not as overwhelmingly bullish as they were in the summer after interest rates dropped through the floor while stocks took a 15%+ hair cut.

The aggregate composite indicator on which the allocation percentages are based was off the chart this summer in a way it had not been since March 2009 and in some respects it even exceeded those levels. Since then it has come down, though we are still in very bullish territory.

Based on this and a series of positive economic indicators, I think I very solid case can be made for a good stock market for at least the next six months barring a full-blown financial collapse in Europe, which is a possibility.

Happy New Year, and I am glad that we can end on a positive note.Any source

2010 Summary: Libraries are Still Screwed

In mathematics, catastrophe theory is the study of nonlinear dynamical systems which exhibit points or curves of singularity. The behavior of systems near such points is characterized by sudden and dramatic changes resulting from even very small perturbations. The simplest sort of catastrophe is the fold catastrophe.

When a fold catastrophe occurs, a system that was formerly characterized by a single stable point evolves to a system with no stability. The point where stability disappears is known as the tipping point.

One of my goals for this past year was to raise awareness of the tipping point for libraries that will accompany the obsolescence of the print book. In January, I noted that Hal Varian's equation describing the economic value of libraries also predicts that libraries of the current sort won't exist for ebooks.

In March, I put the question directly to John Sargent, Macmillan's CEO. His response, that ebooks in libraries were a "thorny problem" got quite a bit of notice. Unfortunately, the big trade publishers have yet to actually do much to address the thorns.

In May, I was pleased that the editors of Library Journal were putting together an "eBook Summit" virtual meeting to address some of these issues, and even more pleased to be invited to write a series of articles to help frame issues for the Summit. The event ended up being titled ebooks: Libraries at the Tipping Point. For me, the highlight of the summit was Eli Neiburger's talk on How eBooks Impact Libraries. This talk is destined to be known forever as the "Libraries are Screwed" talk, and if you've not viewed it I urge you to do so forthwith.

Several other contributions raising awareness of the library-ebook catastrophe are worth noting. Emily Williams' commentary on Eli's talk is worth reading and her attention to the issue has been consistent. Library Journal's Heather McCormack is another persistent voice- I particularly loved the story she told in a column written for O'Reilly Radar. Tim Spalding's post on "Why are you for killing libraries is another favorite.

So at the end of the year, what have we accomplished? One disappointment for me was that although Library Journal's eBook Summit was quite popular with librarians, it appears that very few publishers took notice. On the rare occasions when publishers took notice of the role libraries could play in the ebook future, they tended to be depressingly reactionary, such as when the UK's Publishers Association set out their plan to marginalize libraries while apparently thinking they were boosting them.

Similarly, Amazon announced yesterday the addition of a lending feature for the Kindle. This feature seems designed to compete with a similar feature in the Nook, but nowhere in the announcement is there any mention of libraries as being anything other than the books on a user's Kindle.

Meanwhile, adoption of ebooks and ebook readers has accelerated. Amazon announced that the third-generation Kindle is the bestselling product in Amazon's history. Barnes&Noble fired back, reporting that the NOOKcolor is the best selling product in its history. In comparison, this month's announcement by Overdrive that it (finally!) has released apps for reading its library ebooks on Android devices and iPhone seems a bit too-little-too-late. (sorry, no iPad version!).

Perhaps the time is over for raising awareness about the catastrophic future of libraries. In 2011, let's build things that change the system dynamics.
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Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Thanks to all those who visited and commented this year, my only prediction is that 2011 will be an even more turbulent year than this year.

With all that's going in Wales, the UK and the World the video is full of things to remind us of what's really important.

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台中 鼎王 公益店

2010的最後一天, Evie and Bob來台中渡過, 晚餐就選個從台中紅到台北的餐廳囉, 因為臨時訂位是不可能訂到的, 所以我們早早就準備來現場等位, 17:00就到了, 被門口一大群人嚇到, 以為要排個天荒地老, 沒想到整個的人潮都是要外帶回家圍爐的, 內用是完全不用等的 -

樓梯間也挺典雅的 -

都是落地窗 -

先上來了玫瑰花茶, 很重的鐵茶壺 -

菜單 -

鍋底有兩種, 招牌是麻辣鍋, 另一個也好吃的是東北酸菜白肉鍋, 鍋底費每人NT 98, 選擇鴛鴦鍋, 一桌加 NT 150, 鴨血/豆腐/酸白菜 無限供應 -

 外帶消費方式 -

醬料部份很簡單 -

酸菜白肉鍋沾醬, 就是腐乳醬加青蒜 -

麻辣鍋沾醬是醬油醋加青蒜 -

飯櫃, 白飯無限量供應 -

鼎王的鼎 -

Evie and Bob選了鴛鴦鍋 -

Evie的最愛, 超好吃鴨血, 不怕你吃 -

另一個主角, 豆腐 -

另一鍋, 酸菜白肉 -

熱氣騰騰 -

滷大腸頭 NT 280/ 綜合手工丸 NT 198/ 鮮嫩去骨雞腿肉  NT 180 -

去骨雞腿肉, 有輕輕醃過, 燙起來爽滑嫩, 好吃 -

梅花豬肉 NT 280, 口感也好 -

綜合手工丸, 魚丸/蝦球/牛肉丸/花枝丸, 每個丸都挺耐煮的, 有嚼勁, 都挺好吃的 -

茼蒿 NT 80 -

綜合菇 NT 180 -

麻辣梅花豬, 肉質好, 麻辣鍋的調味更好, 鼎王的麻辣味真是沒得挑剔 -

燙雞肉, 嫩嫩的好吃 -

鴨血, 丸子, 灑上青蒜, 也是超對味 -

小姐不等你有清空鍋底的機會, 隨時幫你填滿, Evie請小姐只加鴨血不要豆腐, 小姐很親切的每次都幫我們只加上滿滿的鴨血-

招牌之"90度鞠躬" -

帳單 -

店旁有特約停車場 -

吃到吃不下, 先關火讓溫度降低一些, 小姐再幫我們鍋底加滿, 再包兩包回家, 不打包的人應該不多吧?(打包要NT 2 元, 購物袋費用) -

等我們吃完時, 辛苦的服務人員還是忙著在幫無數的外帶客人打包, 隊伍已經排到店門外的人行道了, 跨年家裡煮鼎王, 真是絕妙的選擇 -

目前台北也有一家店, 台中三家, 高雄一家

食後感 - 鼎王麻辣鍋, 應該還是目前吃的這麼多家麻辣鍋中覺得最對我們口味的一家, 酸菜鍋不會太酸, 麻辣鍋不會太辣 (我們選擇的是小酸小辣), 就是好吃的剛剛好, 麻辣湯基本上是可以喝的, 還怕辣也是可以加一點酸白菜湯中和一下, 麻辣的香氣也令人回味, 如果單純只叫一盤肉和吃吃鍋底也是很過癮, 吃完還可以打包回家, 自己再買一堆料來下, 雙重享受

回家前就先到我們最愛買的凱福登裕毛屋超市公益店採購一些五花肉, 日本茼蒿, 菇類 , 火鍋料等等, 載著這兩包鍋底回Evie家, 先開了有滿滿鴨血的麻辣鍋, 配上採買的火鍋料, 除了小朋友不敢吃辣外, 大家都是讚不絕口, 只能說兩人吃、全家補, 物超所值. (PS: 用餐時使用公筷母匙夾火鍋料是外帶的基本動作)  

鼎王的吃完再外帶策略, 真的是不怕你吃, 因為你吃了還想再來吃, 這真是他們的高明之處啊!!
台中公益店 (其他分店資訊請按上面附圖索驥)
地址: 台中市公益路二段42號
電話: (04)2326-1718/2326-1719HomeAny source