Friday, September 30, 2011





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Lluvias Previstas en 5 días (del 30/9 al 5/10/2011)...

Presentamos la Carta Prevista de Lluvias Acumuladas para 5 días.   Corresponde a un Período de 120 horas, que se extiende entre el Viernes-30/9 y el Miércoles-5-Octubre.     Puede observarse variada distribución de Lluvias en el territorio argentino, y en los países vecinos. Ver la Carta Prevista en el siguiente LINK
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Too Gay For Honduras

I was frankly amazed to read in Thursday's El Heraldo that Ricky Martin, the Puerto Rican pop singer who is openly gay, might be denied a visa to enter Honduras and give a concert, solely because he's gay.

None the less, that's more or less what Áfrico Madrid, Interior Minister, (the man who banned Halloween in Honduras) told El Heraldo. In an interview he said that he had received pressure, though no written requests, from the church organizations of Honduras to deny him a visa because he was a bad example for families in Honduras. Madrid told El Heraldo:
"It is through the departmental rules that we will analyze the request they presented to hold the event and in all cases it is the management, based on the convenience and to safeguard the moral and ethical principles of our society, that will authorize or not the event."

"Representatives of the Christian churches, Evangelical and Catholic of Honduras, have asked that we not authorize the permission because he is not a good family example,....this is not the type of family that the laws of Honduras and Honduran society want to construct and promote in the young and the rest of the population."

Ricky Martin, openly gay since 2010, lives with his two children and his partner.

Just to be clear, Honduras cannot legally deny a person admission just because they are gay. As Sandra Ponce was forced to point out today in response to Áfrico Madrid's insanity, to deny him entrance would be a violation of the Honduran constitution, human rights, and international treaties to which Honduras is signatory.

But the fine points of law, like the Honduran constitution and human rights, often seem to be beyond the grasp of Áfrico Madrid.Any source

State losing ground on poverty goals

By Jamey Dunn

A government commission seeking to cut extreme poverty in half in the state by 2015 says Illinois is moving in the opposite direction of that goal.

A report released by the Commission on the Elimination of Poverty found that more than 800,000 people are living in extreme poverty in the state. That number increased by more than 200,000 since the General Assembly created the commission in 2008. Extreme poverty is defined as an income that is less than half of the federal poverty level. For a family of four that would mean $11,175 a year. Making up 10 percent of those who are extremely poor, children are the most represented age group. More than12 percent of people living below the extreme poverty line have a disability that hinders their ability to work.

The recession that has pushed more residents into poverty and made things harder for those already below the poverty line has also strangled state revenues. With fewer tax dollars rolling in and much of the money from the recent tax increase going toward the state’s deficit, lawmakers made cuts to balance the budget. “The implications of substantial service cuts for those experiencing extreme poverty — many of whom rely on state-funded services in their communities to meet their basic needs — will be nothing short of devastating,” the report said. The commission’s report focused on several of the group’s recommendations from its 2010 plan. All but two of the legislative recommendations the group made last year and revisited in the report were defined as either “losing ground” or at a standstill.

Rep. La Shawn Ford, a Chicago Democrat and sponsor of a measure that would bar the state from asking most job applicants about nonviolent criminal records, said he has hope for his legislation. House Bill 1210 failed to emerge from committee during the spring legislative session. He said that The Illinois Department of Central Management Systems, which manages the state's workforce, is concerned about implementation costs, such as printing new applications. But Ford said he is working with CMS and hopes to revisit the issue during the fall veto session, scheduled for the end of October.

Ford said the plan would allow those who have paid their debt to society a chance to get back on their feet through work. “In fact, it would save the state a lot of money. The fact that we have so much recidivism — one of the reasons is that people can’t go back to work.” Ford said that jobs with specific legal requirements barring those with criminal records would be exempt from the bill. “The bill is pretty simple. The bill is safe. It eliminates employers or jobs in the state that the law automatically disqualifies. … You can’t apply for a job with law enforcement if you have a [criminal] background. The law disqualifies you. You can’t apply for a job dealing with money. The law disqualifies you.” Ford said if the state leads by example, private businesses might follow suit and stop asking about nonviolent criminal offenses. He added that the state could also offer incentives to employers that hire people with records. “It’s about time that taxpayers stopped footing the bill for individuals that are not able to go to work and pay taxes. We have to foot the bill by continuing to pay for their health care, pay for their incarceration or pay for them through social services.”

Some business leaders say components of the commission’s recommendations would potentially put more people out of work. David Vite, president of the Retail Merchants Association, said proposals such as raising the state minimum wage and requiring employers to give their work force paid sick leave would increase costs to business and deter hiring. He said in some cases, it might lead to layoffs, and some businesses would not be able to remain afloat under such demands. “It certainly would have reduced employment in the state and probably put some people out of business.”

Vite had a lukewarm reaction to one of the recommendations that did become law, House Bill 2927, and said it could help to spur hiring. The new law will offer subsidies to be spent on wages to employers who hire new workers. The companies and nonprofits that take the subsidies must agree to keep new workers even after the state stops helping to pay their wages. The subsidies are to be distributed throughout the state based on unemployment rates. “It’s not exactly what we would like, but anytime you give an opportunity to reduce the cost of labor in the state, it can give a positive effect,” Vite said.

Maywood Democratic Rep. Karen Yarbrough, who sponsored the legislation that created the commission, said the report was upsetting but not a total surprise. “It’s very distressing. I didn’t expect it to be so dire. But it is, and I understand why it is. Because working in our district offices, I mean, you see it up front and personal. This summer has been extremely distressing. People who have lost their homes, lost their jobs and probably the most important thing is that in some cases — lost hope.”

She acknowledged it is difficult to find support for proposals that would increase costs to the state or to businesses in the midst of a budget crisis and after the passage of an income tax increase. “We have an obligation. However we get it done, we have an obligation to the least of them. … We have a moral obligation to figure this out,” she said. “I understand the reality. It’s tough. But it’s our job. We signed up for it as legislators.”

The report said that the goal of eliminating poverty did not come out on top when weighed by legislators with other concerns and limited money to spend. Along with passing few of the group’s recommendations, lawmakers also shifted money away from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, slashed programs for the homeless and transitional housing and eliminated two income assistance programs. “Faced with difficult decisions about state budget cuts and policy priorities, policymakers failed to prioritize funding for programs and services and substantive bills that would meet the needs of the most vulnerable. Only by refocusing and reprioritizing in the coming year will our state be able to decrease the number of individuals and families living in extreme poverty.”

Kimberly Drew — a policy associate for the Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights, which provides assistance to the commission — said that group considered the state’s budget shortfall when making its recommendations. “There was much discussion around the current state of the Illinois budget and really what could gain traction around the budget climate.” She said administrative changes, such as Ford’s proposal and streamlining the application process for assistance programs so those who are eligible for multiply programs could cut down on the number of applications they submit, are low cost solutions. However, she said the commission will also lobby lawmakers to restore funding to the eliminated income assistance programs and programs for the homeless, among other cuts. “We want to raise up some of the cuts that have had particularly devastating impacts on people who are in extreme poverty. … The cuts to housing programs have been particularly hard felt.” Any source

OnTheFly™ 1.2 for Android just made it easier to plan your trip

(Cross-posted on the ITA Software by Google blog)

We just released the latest version of OnTheFly™, our airfare shopping mobile app, for Android. One of the new features in v1.2 is flexible date search, which enables you to browse 35 days of potential departure dates on a calendar combined with an interactive “temperature” graph.

You can also save and access search history now, including particular itineraries of interest. We’ll even check price changes for those itineraries so you can know the best time to plan that dream trip.

If you haven’t already tried OnTheFly, you can download it for free from Android Market or the App Store. OnTheFly for use with BlackBerry (OS 4.6+) can be accessed at

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Zone Euro: L'Allemagne dit "ya" au Fonds de stabilité! (FESF)

L'Allemagne dépasse ses divisions...

Depuis des semaines, la question était au centre de toutes les inquiétudes: "Les allemands voteront-ils l'élargissement du Fonds européen de stabilité financière?" Le bundestag aura bien dit "ya!" (oui)...

Angel Merkel qui doit faire face à une contestation en règle sur l'aide portée à la Grèce se disait "confiante" sur l'issue de ce scrutin jugé crucial au sein de la Zone Euro. "Elle peut se prévaloir d'un succès personnel, sa propre coalition s'est finalement rangée derrière ses recommandations, avec  523 voix (sur 620), les députés allemands ont approuvé très largement, jeudi, l'élargissement du fonds de secours de la zone euro!" (...) "C'est aussi l'occasion de rassurer les marchés et les autres états et actionnaires (F.M.I /BCE/ Union européenne:ndlr) de ce plan de sauvetage bis pour la Grèce, quelques 8 milliards d'Euros qui devrait obtenir un vote équivalent! La république fédérale d'Allemagne étant le principal acteur économique de l'Union Européenne, " son implication était rendue indispensable!" Le président français, Nicolas Sarkozy qui recevait ce jour à Paris, le premier ministre Grec  Papandréou n'a pas hésité à souligner toute l'estime qu'il porte au succès "personnel de  la chancelière..."

Car jeudi le retour de la troïka qui représente les créanciers de la Grèce marque une normalisation dans la poursuite du plan acté le 21 juillet à Paris "Par le couple franco-allemand...". Pour Athènes, il faut continuer les efforts qui contribueront à sortir l'état de sa situation actuelle, un large consensus semble faire force au sein des principales chancelleries européennes, "Il faut que les grecs puissent souffler un peu, redoubler les efforts des privatisations et la mise en orde des questions de perception fiscale tout en capitalisant sur des niches comme l'armatage, championne de la fraude fiscale!" Pour la Grèce, point de doute, "Le gouvernement fera tous les possibles pour honorer ses engagements vis à vis de la troïka, ses créanciers privés. On souhaite juste que soit pris en compte les "efforts surhumains" que doit subir notre peuple!"

2000 milliards d'euros?

Le fonds européen de stabilité est pour l'instant fixé avec une capacité de "440 milliards d'euros", une polémique fait rage sur son périmètre. Alors que de nombreux économistes montent au créneau pour que se fonds soit doté "d'une capacité réelle de 2000 milliards d'euros", d'autres misent toujours plus sur sa capacité de racheter sur le marché secondaire de la dette des états "en lieu et place" de la BCE (Banque centrale européenne) , qui se retrouve "toujours plus détournée de sa mission matricielle...". Pour de nombreux économistes, en plus de souligner le risque croissant de récession, la stratégie actuelle est  "hautement scabreuse"  du fait d'un risque inhérent "d'effet domino". "Ce que le fonds à 440 milliards d'euros serait vite incapable de supporter en cas de difficultés sur d'autres états en plus de  la seule Grèce!" Pour d'autres économistes, "Il faut faire sens à l'idée d'un fédéralisme économique, celui que peut porter la création d'un gouvernement économique européen, indispensable première étape vers une mutualisation de la crise que pourrait éteindre toute ou partie l'émition d'euro obligations!" 

Cette excellente nouvelle qui constitue une nouvelle preuve de la détermination des États de la zone euro à tout mettre en oeuvre pour assurer la stabilité et la solidité de notre union monétaire n'éteint pas cette polémique "qui fait rage dans la coulisse!" L'austérité qui s'installe dans l'ensemble des économies de la Zone Euro serait "un non-sens" pour bon nombre d'économistes qui persistent et signent sur le besoin de retrouver le chemin de la croissance. "Unique solution pour sortir de cette crise qui est loin d'être maîtrisée par des politiques enferrés dans les calendriers électoraux de leurs pays respectifs, il faut une certaine hauteur de vue!" A suivre...

Photographie: Tous droits réservés
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Event Recap: Networking 101

Another awesome week for the Finance Society. It was great to see many of the younger students come out and learn some of the key networking tips from our president Sameen Singh and senior advisor Michael Khanarian. Topics covered ranged from tips for Wassermen Events, to proper follow up email procedure. Thanks to Zeena for presenting this week's market update. Once again, we had over 100 students attend the event, and we hope to have the same turnout at next week's Morgan Stanley: What is Investment Banking presentation. It will be a great opportunity for many of you to utilize the skills you've learned in the last two workshops.

Make sure you 'like' us at to receive any updates and download our presentations!

The Finance Society
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集 數:一集未完
譯 者:王靖惠




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Covering FMQ’s Scottish style – will Wales follow suit?

It’s a fact that most of the public aren’t interested in Welsh politics or take much notice of what goes on in Cardiff Bay and Wales isn’t alone the same is true across the rest of the UK, so the weekly First or Prime Ministers Questions is a rare opportunity for politics and politicians to connect with voters.

Westminster and Edinburgh have a natural advantage in that there are considerably more broadcast and print journalists covering UK and Scottish politics which means that larger numbers of people are likely to hear about what’s going on in the respective Parliaments especially for the weekly show piece events.

But the latest service from BBC Scotland in relation to Scottish FMQ’s, a rolling update on BBC pages of what is being asked and the First Minister’s responses to the questions as well as additional information, is a template that BBC Wales could easily follow.

It would have a few advantages in helping update and inform those interested in FMQ’s but not able to access TV coverage, it would raise the profile of what is going on in the Assembly Chamber every Tuesday afternoon especially since the new legislative powers were acquired back in May and the Welsh Government laid out its Programme for Government last week and keep the First Minister on his toes.

Admittedly Scottish politics is more dynamic and has wider significance to the UK than Welsh politics at the moment but MSP’s still ask Alex Salmond about education, health, economic development, policing and rural and environmental matters as AM’s as Carwyn Jones so why not think about it.Any source

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Thursday, September 29, 2011






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Greek bailout terms may be changed, says Merkel

By Juergen Baetz Wednesday, 28 September 2011

German Chancellor Angela Merkel hinted that the second Greek bailout package might have to be renegotiated amid increasing market speculation today that European leaders want to force private holders of Greek bonds to take bigger losses.

Merkel didn't rule out altering the terms to the €109 billion ($148 billion) package, saying the decision must be based on how Greece's debt inspectors, the so-called troika, judge Athens' recent austerity efforts.

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"So we must now wait for what the troika finds out and what it tells us: do we have to renegotiate or do we not have to renegotiate?" she said in an interview with Greece's ERT television Tuesday night.

Merkel added that she "cannot anticipate the result of the troika."

Greece was saved from default last year by an initial €110 billion bailout, and the planned second rescue package includes a voluntary participation by private bondholders, who agreed to write off about 20 percent on their Greek debt holdings.

But many economists and analysts maintain that Greece — mired in a deep recession worsened by the same austerity measures implemented in return for bailout loans — must have its total debt reduced by as much as 50 percent if it is to have a chance of recovering.

The Financial Times reported that as many as seven of the eurozone's 17 members want the banks to take a bigger hit on their Greek bond holdings to allow this to happen.

Citing unnamed senior European officials, the newspaper said Germany and the Netherlands are at the forefront of the calls for the private sector to take a bigger hit, with France and the European Central Bank said to be fiercely resisting the move.

Greece "will not get back on its feet without a serious reduction in debt," said Ottmar Issing, a former chief economist of the European Central Bank, who has served as an adviser to Merkel in the past.

Athens needs to see its debt cut "at least 50 percent, probably more," Issing was quoted by Germany's Stern magazine.

Germany's banking association insisted there was no need to renegotiate the terms of the second bailout package. Banks in Germany and France are among the biggest holders of Greek bonds.

Greece's international debt inspectors will return to Athens on Thursday after they suspended their review of the country's finances early this month amid talk of budget shortfalls.

Once the fact-finding mission has made its conclusions, the finance ministers of the eurozone will organize a special meeting in October to assess them.

A positive review is required before the troika — the IMF, ECB and European Commission — can release the next batch of rescue loans Greece needs to avoid bankruptcy.

In Athens, another 24-hour public transport strike left commuters struggling to reach work without buses, subway services, taxis or trams.

Greeks have been outraged by the announcement of new austerity measures — including pension cuts and a new property levy — after more than a year of spending cuts and tax hikes.

Deputy Prime Minister Theodoros Pangalos said he will be unable to pay the new emergency levy without selling property, and argued the country's ability to pay additional taxes to cover budget gaps has been "exhausted for some time."

To help Greece and restore confidence in the euro, Jose Manuel Barroso, who heads the executive European Commission, said the 27-nation EU must develop a stronger central government.

"If we do not move forward with more unification, we will suffer more fragmentation," he told the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. "I think this is going to be a baptism of fire for a whole generation."

"Today, we are facing the biggest challenges that this union has ever had to face throughout its history — a financial crisis, an economic and social crisis, but also a crisis of confidence," Barroso said.

The crisis, which began in Greece some 18 months ago, eventually spread to engulf Portugal and Ireland, which also needed bailouts. It now threatens to mushroom further, prompting criticism from analysts and leaders including President Barack Obama that the EU is acting too slowly.

Among the most important measures that European countries have been slow to clear is a proposal to give the eurozone's €440 billion bailout fund more powers — the ability to buy government bonds, bail out banks, and lend to troubled governments quickly before they are in a full fledged crisis. Lawmakers in Germany will vote Thursday, while Finland's parliament approved the move on Wednesday.

The proposal, along with Greece's second bailout, was agreed by eurozone leaders on July 21. But the delay in voting and implementing the decisions spooked financial markets in recent weeks.

In the meantime, the ECB has shouldered the burden, buying over €150 billion ($205 billion) in government bonds to drive down borrowing costs for Italy and Spain.

Fears that the eurozone's third and fourth largest economy, Italy and Spain, may get sucked into Europe's debt crisis had stoked concern they would lose access to market funding and be forced into requesting bailouts.

A default by Greece or another country would send shock waves through the global economy, particularly in Europe, authorities fear. Banks would suffer such large losses on government bonds they hold that they would cut off credit to the wider economy and cause a new, sharper recession.

Greek bailout terms may be changed, says Merkel - Europe, World - The Independent

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Greeks protest as EU and IMF begin bailout loan audit

Greek civil servants opposing a new barrage of austerity cuts on Thursday blocked a host of ministries as senior auditors from the EU and the IMF were to begin a vital fiscal audit to see in the debt laden country can avoid default.

Greeks protest as audit on bailout loan begins. Protesters chant slogans against the new austerity measures during  a rally in front of the finance ministry in Athens.

Protesters chant slogans against the new austerity measures during a rally in front of the finance ministry in Athens. Photo: Getty

Telegraph Staff and agencies 7:55AM BST 29 Sep 2011

State TV NET reported that nearly all major ministries were occupied by protesting staff, including the ministries of finance, development, justice, labour, health, interior affairs and agriculture.

The occupations began early this morning before official opening hours and were to continue until Friday, NET said.

Greek civil servants oppose a new round of pay cuts and layoffs imposed by the government as it struggles to slash a runaway deficit.

A high-level mission from the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank, which saved Greece from bankruptcy last year, have returned for a report that will determine if the debt-hit nation can again escape default.

Four weeks ago the auditors quit the country abruptly, unhappy with the government's efforts to tackle its debt mountain.

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This week the Greek parliament approved a controversial property tax that aims to plug a budget hole and help unlock bailout funds.

The finance ministry said Greeks have €400bn invested in property, roughly the size of the nation's sovereign debt which is more than €350bn. It has estimated the tax is only 0.2pc of the real value of property and was "a completely tolerable burden".

"The important thing is to meet the 2011 and 2012 budgetary targets," Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos told the parliament ahead of the vote.

Greece needs an €8bn loan, part of a €110bn rescue package set up in May 2010, to keep paying its bills in October.

EU and IMF negotiators will resume their talks with Greek's leadership on Thursday, amid mounting social tension and what the European Union describes as the biggest challenge of its history.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has suggested a second Greek bailout may even need to be renegotiated.

Berlin, Paris and the European Central Bank are also at odds over how much Europe's banks should lose in the event of a default, which would require massive recapitalisation of bankruptcy-threatened lenders.

Asian markets gave a mixed response on Thursday following weak leads from Wall Street as worries returned over whether eurozone leaders can agree on measures to resolve their debt crisis.

As Greece waits for the funds from the first bailout approved last year, a few eurozone states have yet to sign off on a second €159bn Greek rescue package that was agreed in July.

German lawmakers vote today on expanding the scope and size of the EU's current rescue fund - the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).

It has already helped rescue Ireland and Portugal and will be tapped for Greece's second bailout.

Finland's parliament finally approved changes to the fund on Wednesday, despite deep-rooted reluctance there to bailing out eurozone strugglers.

But another seven of the 17 eurozone states still have to approve the measure.

Even if auditors decide the Greeks are doing enough to merit more financial aid, eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund will still have to sign off on the money.

Finance ministers meet on Monday in Luxembourg, but EU economic affairs spokesman Amadeu Altafaj indicated that the talks in Athens would not be concluded in time for a decision by then.

The head of the German banking federation criticised talk that eurozone governments may now push private holders of Greek government bonds to accept losses of 50pc instead of 21pc as agreed in July.

"If governments now unravel the deal that was reached on private-sector involvement, then the loss in confidence for the financial markets would more than negate the benefits of any such action," Andreas Schmitz told the German daily Bild.

A Greek government spokesman said the country, where austerity measures have met fierce resistance, would escape default.

Greeks protest as EU and IMF begin bailout loan audit - Telegraph

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Cartas Previstas para Sábado 1º y Domingo-2-Octubre-2011...

    Presentamos las Cartas Previstas de Superficie y de Lluvias(acumuladas en 6 horas), para el Sábado-1º y el Domingo-2-Octubre de 2011. 
    Se visualiza Argentina y países limitrofes.
    Ver el Informe en el siguiente Link

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Previsión fin de semana 30 de Septiembre - 2 de Octubre de 2.011


El otoño se resiste a entrar y, aunque los días cada vez son más cortos, las temperaturas siguen invitando a salir y disfrutar del monte, lo paisajes y... por qué no, del tiempo.

Esta semana pasada ha venido dominada por el sol, si bien, sin duda, lo más destacable han sido las precipitaciones de esta pasada noche, no por las cantidades, si  no por el hecho de ser algo "diferente" a lo que estamos acostumbrados en esta prolongación del verano.

Sólo han caído poco más de 4 litrillos en el Hospital, 2 litros en La Coma de Chía, y algunas décimas en Eriste, Ampriu y Laspaules. Nada que alivie en absoluto el déficit que se va acumulando.

Las temperaturas, como dijimos, muy estables, tanto máximas como mínimas. Eriste ha rondado los 24-25ºC de máximas, Ampriu entorno a 16-17ºC, Laspaules entre 18 y 19ºC y Campo superando por poco los 26ºC.

Las mínimas entre 8 y 9ºC en Eriste, un gradillo más abajas en Ampriu, cerca de los 10ºC en Laspaules y entorno a los 11ºC en Campo.

Os dejo el resumen de rigor:

Y si la semana ha sido sosa... ¡preparanse para el fin de semana!... hablo de memoria, pero desde que este blog funciona, que ya vamos buscando los 8 meses... no recuerdo haber hecho una predicción tan sosa como la que vais a tener el placer de leer hoy (breve, eso sí).

Se nos va a afianzar una dorsal encima, fortaleciéndose los próximos días. Al W nos queda una Baja Fría Aislada (BFA) entorno a Azores, ojo allí que puede haber lluvias fuertes. Entre que esa baja se reintegra de forma retrógrada en el jet, y que el anticiclón va tomando posiciones que nos puedan traer algún cambio, la estabilidad va a ser total.

Viernes: Sol, alguna nubes pro la tarde sin más evolución que alguna foto bonita y pintoresca. Temperaturas similares. Vientos flojos de sur.

Sábado: Sol, menos nubes que el día anterior. Temperaturas con escasos cambios. Vientos flojos de sur.

Domingo: Sol, escasas nubes por la tarde. Temperaturas similares. Vientos flojos.

Lunes: Sol, nubes decorativas. Temperaturas que, a lo mejor, podrían bajar ligeramente. Vientos flojos.

Comentar que es posible que a mediados/finales de la semana que viene la cosa gire a norte y refresque. Eso sí, pro el momento agua en condiciones sigue sin verse. Es lo que hay...

Resumiendo, si cabe:

Viernes, sábado, domingo y lunes: Sol, calorcete y vientos flojos.

Ya sabéis... más al momento en @meteobenas

Un saludo



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National Party Split

The fissure in the National Party has become an open split.

Ricardo Alvarez, the Mayor of Tegucigalpa with presidential aspirations, and Miguel Pastor, current head of SOPTRAVI, have formed a caucus of 25 Congress persons from the National party, splitting with Juan Orlando Hernandez, and promising a legislative agenda of their own. Three of the four fired Ministers have pledged to join the group as well (Oscar Alvarez, Armando Caledonio, and Nasry Asfura).

This split has the effect of denying the National Party a straight line ability to pass legislation without consultation. While still large, with 46 members, the National Party caucus loyal to Juan Orlando Hernandez no longer forms a majority.

Congressman Antonio Rivera Callejas, a member of the newly formed caucus, loudly denies that it has anything to do with presidential politics.

According to Callejas it has everything to do with the lack of support given to the Ministers who Lobo Sosa recently fired. "They were the people who were lending credibility to the Lobo Sosa government," Callejas told El Heraldo.

On the other hand, La Tribuna reported that Callejas completely undercut his denial when he told them
"This is the beginning of a legislative alliance between the Congress people supporting Ricardo Alvarez and Miguel Pastor, and for now it is only for legislative affairs, but I hope that later on it will become an electoral alliance."

Mario Barahona, another member of the caucus, said
"Miguel Pastor and Ricardo Alvarez are a guarantee of triumph and we understand this..."

Barahona went on to explain that it was, in fact, an alliance of those who support the political aspirations of Miguel Pastor and Ricardo Alvarez and to complain of being marginalized and mistreated by Juan Orlando Hernandez.

Juan Orlando Hernandez thought the cause was presidential politics:
"I'm very sorry that we haven't finished even the second year of governing and we are already in this debate, but such are politics,"

he said, when consulted about the split. Celine Discua, head of the National Party caucus in Congress said that this was "treason, and in the past, we've seen what happens to traitors."

This is a break. We would argue that their words are confirmation that Presidential politics was indeed the cause, more than two years before the election. What it will mean legislatively remains an open question.Any source