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校史沿革 梧棲國中創校於民國五十三年,歷經招生改制,並配合台中港都市填土興建計畫,甚具規模,並且在歷屆校長全力經營之下,使梧中始終擁有充沛的教育活力。
The brief report of Wu Ci Junior High School. Welcome to Wu Ci Junior High School.
The History of the School
Wu Ci Junior High School was opened in 1964. At that time, we already had a full list of students enrolled in the school. The construction was finished in its entirety, according to the Taichung Harbor City Proposal.
Our school has had many notable principals who all demonstrated great enthusiasm for education.
School Philosophy of Management
The Principal of Wu Ci Junior High School, Principal Yang, uses confidence, responsibility and vision to create his educational concept for Wu Ci Junior High School, as well as working hard to improve education at the school. Moreover, he also encourages teachers to take continuing education classes and helps the school to develop a good relationship with the surrounding community.
Present School Conditions
Our school has day and night classes , a resource class and a physical special education class . We are also one of the first schools to establish an English Talented and Gifted class in Taichung County. Over 40% of all our teachers have their master’s degrees. We also have high quality and advanced equipment used for teaching tools. We have an extensive library with many kinds of books, as well as an English library. These resources help create a high quality and suitable learning environment for students.
Notable School Characteristics
Wu Ci Junior High School not only helps students to achieve high grades to enter their ideal senior high school, but also promotes the teaching field in the English Talented and Gifted class. We are also working collaboratively with Providence University and Taichung First Senior High School to raise our standards. Native speakers join our staff. All of these contacts make our teaching even stronger. We have a 9 year joint curriculum plan to achieve a bilingual learning environment for our students.
The Future of Wu Ci Junior High School
Wu Ci Junior High School has a good tradition, learning environment, and vision provided by local personalities, parents and school fellows. We strive to have created a high quality learning environment. It is our hope to enable our students to be educated, polite, neat and lively.
The end of the report Thank you for listening.
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