Saturday, June 30, 2012

Iniciem el juliol amb un marcat canvi de temps, doncs ens arriba una llengua freda en alçada a 5500 mts amb temperatures d'uns -15ºC que pot provocar en contacte amb l'aire molt calent de les capes mitges i baixes de l'atmosfera un fort creixement de nuvolades de caracter tempestuos.

Dades meteorològiques d’avui a Puigcerdà, a les 8 del matí 
 Temperatura actual: 13'6ºC 
Màxima d’ahir: 32'4ºC 
Mínima d’avui: (13'4ºC)  10'5 a la nit 
Pressió atmosfèrica: 1015 hp 
Humitat ambient: 65% 
Humitat mínima d'ahir: 10% a les 16.46 h.
 Pluja en 24 h: ----
Estat del cel:  7/8 de cel tapat
Visibilitat: regular
Cop de vent màxim : Migjorn de 24'8 km/hora 

Si ens mirem el gràfic de temperatures del juny, podrem observar com el promig es en ascens, i en el de pluges, una manca ben notable de precipitacions

En el Climograma podem veure que el juny ha estst un mes àrid

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The brief report of  Wu Ci Junior High School. Welcome to Wu Ci Junior High School.
The History of the School
Wu Ci Junior High School was opened in 1964.  At that time, we already had a full list of students enrolled in the school.  The construction was finished in its entirety, according to the Taichung Harbor City Proposal. 
Our school has had many notable principals who all demonstrated great enthusiasm for education.
School Philosophy of Management
        The Principal of Wu Ci Junior High School, Principal Yang, uses confidence, responsibility and vision to create his educational concept for Wu Ci Junior High School, as well as working hard to improve education at the school.  Moreover, he also encourages teachers to take continuing education classes and helps the school to develop a good relationship with the surrounding community.
Present School Conditions
        Our school has day and night classes , a resource class and a physical special education class .  We are also one of the first schools to establish an English Talented and Gifted class in Taichung County.  Over 40% of all our teachers have their master’s degrees.  We also have high quality and advanced equipment used for teaching tools.  We have an extensive library with many kinds of books, as well as an English library.  These resources help create a high quality and suitable learning environment for students.
Notable School Characteristics
        Wu Ci Junior High School not only helps students to achieve high grades to enter their ideal senior high school, but also promotes the teaching field in the English Talented and Gifted class.  We are also working collaboratively with Providence University and Taichung First Senior High School to raise our standards.  Native speakers join our staff.  All of these contacts make our teaching even stronger.  We have a 9 year joint curriculum plan to achieve a bilingual learning environment for our students.
The Future of Wu Ci Junior High School
Wu Ci Junior High School has a good tradition, learning environment, and vision provided by local personalities, parents and school fellows. We strive to have created a high quality learning environment.  It is our hope to enable our students to be educated, polite, neat and lively.
The end of the report Thank you for listening.

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Buy "ME" Pleaaassseeeee ...

I have been reading my earliest postings, some are worth reposting again. This was back in October 2005, gawd its nearly 7 years already, many people would have had two failed marriages within that period of time. The long standing argument of whether we want foreign institutions in our market or not is a good issue to debate. It forces us to think rationally whether we "need" them or not.

To me, its not that we need them, but it is a reflection of the "openness" of our capital markets. Secondly it is also a reflection of the "number of sizable big growth companies" that are attractive enough for them to consider putting into their portfolio. Thirdly, its the "niche exposure that some of our companies avail to international investors", do we have the necessary industry specific companies, that holds sway with international investors. To those ends, we need international investors as a gauge.

What we shouldn't be doing is to attract foreign funds just for the sake of foreign funds. We need not have them telling us what is our worth, we should be better investors ourselves. 

What is this fixation with certain Malaysians that foreign funds MUST/SHOULD buy Malaysian stocks... is it a patriotic kind of thing, somehow "they love us more" if they do,... and if they don't buy, it means "we are not worthy... enough". Get out of the pre-independence, second class citizenry, developing country mentality. Stock markets are just a structure where shares are bought and sold, whether foreign funds come in or not DOES NOT mean we are running companies with "world's best practices/standards" or we are making strong strides in the respective industry's competitive landscape. NO, it does not mean that, one way or another.

People buy stocks if they think it is going to make them money - even if we have very good companies, people might not buy because we might be overvalued already. There are tons of options for the global investors, and Malaysian market is just a little thing. Get over yourself... do you know how big is the Malaysian stock market?? Take just ONE, any one of the top 10 market cap stocks in the US - it is bigger than the total market cap of all 1,000 companies listed in Malaysia. Now we are small, it does not mean we are "nothing", that is the reality. Here we have certain reporters and commentators crying wolf and trying to find hidden motives and agenda for Malaysian stocks NOT being on the radar, .... hey, anyone who blinks will miss the KLSE.

As a matter of fact, foreign funds ignoring smaller markets could be perceived as a good thing! Foreign investors will only but if they think they can make money. If they cannot, maybe the Malaysian stockmarket is fully valued or over-valued... or it could mean that the local funds/institutions and local private investors have "snapped" up all bargains - leaving no room for good stocks to be "under-valued". In other words, we could also argue that when foreign funds/research issue BUY on a certain country - that its because the local funds/institutions and local private investors are NOT SAVVY enough to pick up under-valued stocks. So which is which... a back-handed compliment??!!

It is a good thing to compare our performance with other markets to improve our ways, but don't get emotional about it. Its just stock prices not the price of my self dignity or the price of our children ... get a better perspective. True worth comes from knowing who we are ... we do not need some else outside to tell us that today we are just $1.56...
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Quinn vetoes money for prisons

By Jamey Dunn

Gov. Pat Quinn singed the state budget today, rejecting some of the money lawmakers included to keep state facilities open.

Quinn cut a total of $57 million from the budget that lawmakers approved in May.

Most of the cuts came from money that lawmakers included in the budget to keep state facilities open. “They’re going to be closed. I do believe that we have to see our budget as what our priorities are,” Quinn said in Chicago today. He vetoed $19.4 million for the super-maximum security prison near Tamms and $21.2 million for the women’s prison in Dwight. In addition to the prisons, he plans to close three transition centers meant to help inmates reenter society. The two prisons and the transition centers are scheduled for closure on August 31. He also cut $8.9 million for a youth prison in Joliet and $6.6 million for a youth prison in Murphysboro. The facility in Joliet is slated for closure on November 30, and the Murphysboro facility is scheduled to be closed on August 31.

Quinn said his administration plans to close the Tinley Park Mental Health Center and the Singer Mental Health Center in Rockford. His administration has already begun the process of shutting down the Jacksonville center and the Warren G. Murray Mental Developmental Center in Centralia. Lawmakers gave Quinn the flexibility in the budget to use the money allocated for those centers on a plan to transition residents to new homes if he opted to shut down the institutions. “These are difficult decisions but necessary,” Quinn said of the facility closures.

He voiced displeasure over cuts lawmakers made in the budget for the Department of Children and Family Services. "I’m not happy that the General Assembly cut the budget for the Department of Children and Family Services in my opinion by way, way too much, $50 million. I think that the cuts that I have made, $57 million, in this budget should be considered for reallocation when the General Assembly comes back.” He called on legislators to put some of the money he cut into DCFS. The governor has the power to cut money from the budget with his veto pen but cannot restore spending.

He noted that the budget reduces discretionary spending from last year’s levels. “We still have to maintain our priorities for children, for education, for public safety, for health care, for human services, but we have to do so in a lean and accountable manner,” he said. Quinn said the budget would pay off $1.3 billion of the state’s overdue bills. The total estimated backlog of bills owed by the state is about $8 billion.

 He again called for pension reform. Legislative leaders have decided to take a break from negotiations, which had stalled, but say they plan to start meeting again in a few weeks. “A large amount of the money that’s spent in the budget is devoted to paying for public pensions. This is something that we still have to grapple with to reform. I've had meeting after meeting, and I plan to have even more meetings to get our legislators to understand that we cannot continue on the path we are on with respect to public pensions.”

Quinn said that more budget changes are likely to come as he works with the legislature throughout the 2013 fiscal year, which begins tomorrow. During his time as governor, he has continually described the budget as a work in process. “A budget is not a one-day exercise. It’s 365 days in a fiscal year.”Any source

Must-read pro-life news-stories, 30 June

Top stories:

Save the Children 'family planning' claims are "false, illogical and unfounded" says SPUC
Claims about the so-called unmet need for family planning in the developing world made by Save the Children are "false, illogical and unfounded", says SPUC. SPUC was responding to the report "Every woman's right: how family planning saves children's lives". Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, commented: "Babies in the developing world die because of lack of good maternity and newborn care. This will continue whether young women use contraception or not." [SPUC, 27 June]

Pro-life success at Rio as abortion excluded from outcome document, report SPUC lobbyists
The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development has witnessed a notable pro-life success, with abortion being excluded from the text of the conference's outcome document. Pat Buckley, one of SPUC's UN representatives, reported: "The outcome document (known as 'The Future We Want') has been a major battleground for months with attempts to insert anti-life measures including abortion and population control under the guise of so-called 'reproductive rights' or 'reproductive health services'. This pro-life success was won by a group of countries together with the Holy See, among others including Russia, Poland and several Latin American countries." [SPUC, 20 June]

Academies' anti-human Rio statement shows hijacking of science
A statement by world science academies in favour of population control shows how public bodies are being hijacked increasingly by ideology, says SPUC. SPUC was responding to the statement on population and consumption by the Inter Academies Panel (IAP) prior to the Rio+20 conference. Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, commented: "The fact that the IAP's statement is based on the long-discredited ideas of Malthus suggests that the ideology of abortion rights has blinded the signatories to scientific reality." [SPUC, 18 June]

Other stories:

Sexual ethics

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The Great Condom Con (again)

I have just found the 1flesh website, which has a good infographic on condoms...

It's a while since I blogged about this, but rather than repeat myself, I refer you to previous posts tagged 'condom con', especially this one, this one and this one. Also, this one, this one and this one.

These were a series of posts on the subject which I wrote back in 2009, when fewer people read this blog than do now - so unless you are one of my old faithful readers, the odds are you won't have read them.

Needless to say, I think they are worth reading!

H/t @blondpidge for pointing out the 1flesh infographicAny source

O B, essa ilustre Consoante .

Bom, a bem dizer, dos nobos bentos do Belho Continente, pode bêr-se que a Banca recebeu a boa noba e bai obter mais berba .À boleia, as bolsas com este bónus, boltam a carregar baterias.

O Pobão , que só se mobiliza por uma bandeira com o futebol , bai continuar sob a mesma batuta ,sem bússola , perdido neste neboeiro neo-liberal, à beira do abismo, na batalha pela sobrebibência, enquanto os bandos de abutres das burlas e dos buracos se embebedam nesta boda do bloco bi-partido.

As borlas e os bónus permanecem apenas para quem beberica no bolo do poder.

Basta ! O que bale é que cá no burgo já se pensa em acabar com esta bonança , já se combina a borrasca com brigadas especializadas para ataques à bomba a estas bestas.Estou a brincar…Mas a brincar, a brincar , é que…

…………………Foto minha a um B no chão da estação do metro de P.Rubras.Any source

Masas de aire que afectan a España (IX): situación anticiclónica.

Las situaciones de altas presiones son muy comunes en el tiempo de nuestro país, aunque dependiendo de donde se sitúen éstas altas presiones, el tiempo en general tranquilo que se da, tiene ciertos matices. Cuando las altas presiones se ponen encima casi de la península el tiempo es estable con cielo despejado y vientos muy flojos o en calma. Esta calma en los vientos y la presencia de cielos despejados, hace que en las situaciones invernales de altas presiones la pérdida de calor por irradiación durante la noche sea muy alta, apareciendo heladas y fenómenos de inversión térmica. Si en ese enfriamiento nocturno la temperatura del aire iguala a la de rocío entonces se forman nieblas, que a veces pueden ser persistentes sobretodo en los valles de los grandes ríos.
Cuando las altas presiones en vez de estar encima se ponen cerca, la península puede ser invadida por diversas masas de aire que dependen de la posición del anticiclón. Si la masa de aire es de origen mediterráneo aparecen nieblas en muchas zonas del interior y nubosidad baja en las costas del levante mientras que si es de origen atlántico la situación se invierte y es en el W donde pueden aparecer esas nieblas y nubosidad de tipo bajo.Cuando es de origen septentrional la nubosidad baja se queda en el cantábrico y alto Ebro, pudiendo producir aquí y en los demás casos incluso débiles precipitaciones.

En cuanto a las temperaturas a 850hPa, en general las situaciones de altas presiones sobre la península no llevan asociadas temperaturas bajas puesto que la zona de altas presiones suele estar alimentada por una dorsal, es decir, una masa de aire cálido. Aun y así, temperaturas altas en altura no indica que en superficie también las pueda haber puesto que la aparición de nieblas o inversiones térmicas puede provocar que en las zonas de montaña las temperaturas sean más altas que en los valles o zonas bajas, más aun si se forman nieblas.

Respecto al jet stream, cuando las altas presiones están cerca de la península el jet suele estar lejos y no nos afecta por lo que los vientos en la alta troposfera son flojos.

Uno de los sondeos característicos con este tipo de situaciones es uno en el que aparece inversión térmica. En el siguiente se puede ver muy bien. Durante el día la radiación solar calienta el suelo y este a su vez calienta el aire mediante la emisión de radiación infrarroja.Cuando el sol desaparece al anochecer, el suelo se enfría mucho más rápido que el aire haciendo que aparezca esa inversión térmica que suele estar acompañada de una capa seca por encima. En este sondeo correspondiente a una situación anticiclónica de invierno podemos ver como la temperatura disminuye con la altura al principio,pero luego vemos esa inversión acompañada de una capa seca. Las inversiones térmicas pueden empezar desde la propia superficie o estar a una cierta altura.

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Cancer Focus Northern Ireland's response on end-of-life issues

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
Last year SPUC re-launched its information on charities as an online index, with new entries and updated information added as and when new information is received. Today's charity is Cancer Focus Northern Ireland.

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland was formerly the Ulster Cancer Foundation. It is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC). In a letter to SPUC dated 26 June 2012, Roisin Foster, the charity's chief executive, wrote:
"Our charity sets great store by the value of human life and we work to extend life expectancy of people living with cancer and ensure the best quality of life for however long that survival may be.

We do not have a policy on assisted suicide or euthanasia, nor do we lobby or campaign for this. We do not have a formal policy on advance directives or living wills and we do not employ any staff member qualified to give advice on legal matters."
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Andamento termico settimanale in Bergamo

Domenica 01 Luglio
Altra nottata insonne per il gran caldo afoso, la minima notturna s'è fermata a 23,7°C un grado superiore a ieri ma l'afa accentua i disagi con l'indice di calore alle 8 di trenta gradi (25° e 61 % di umidità relativa) , stanno peggio nella bassa mantovana e zone terremotate dove si sfiorano i 36°C .
ecco la carta humidex delle ore 8

Sabato 30 Giugno
Oggi e domani dovrebbero essere le giornate più calde della settimana e di questa seconda ondata di caldo stagionale, da lunedi potrebbero svilupparsi dei temporali che porteranno un progressivo abbassamento delle temperature. Dopo una fase di caldo così intenso e afoso, l'entrata di aria relativamente più fresca potrebbe originare temporali anche violenti con forti grandinate.
Ecco l'andamento termico settimanale registrato a Bergamo
Lu 02 Tmin. 24.8 Tmax. 29.9 Tm. 27.63
Do 01 Tmin. 23.7 Tmax. 35.6 Tm. 29.65
Sa 30 Tmin. 22.7 Tmax. 34.2 Tm. 28.45
Ve 29 Tmin. 22.0 Tmax. 33.4 Tm. 27.70
Gi 28 Tmin. 20.8 Tmax. 32.8 Tm. 26.80
Me 27 Tmin. 20.6 Tmax. 31.5 Tm. 26.05
Ma 26 Tmin. 20.3 Tmax. 31.1 Tm. 25.70
Lu 25 Tmin. 19.5 Tmax. 33.3 Tm. 26.40
Do 24 Tmin. 20.4 Tmax. 31.1 Tm. 25.75

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Últimes hores de l'onada de calor


Alberto Alcántara -

L'onada de calor persistirà dissabte, tot i que mostrarà els primers símptomes de debilitat. Les temperatures seran molt altes, farà calor i xafogor, però els valors màxims podrien quedar lleugerament més curts. Per aquesta persistència de temperatures tan elevades, el Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya manté l'avís per calor. Aquest avís queda restringit a algunes comarques de la Catalunya Central, Ponent, Terres de l'Ebre i Camp de Tarragona. També us recordem que el risc d'incendi és alt o molt alt a gran part del país.

El dia serà radiant de sol, amb uns convidats inoporturns: els bancs de boira o núvols baixos que s'acumulen al llarg del litoral, sobretot al matí. A la tarda creixeran més nuvolades al Pirineu. A diferència de divendres, aquests núvols d'evolució seran més capaços de derivar en algun ruixat o tempesta, però en tot cas dexarien quantitats molt minses de precipitació. 

Al País Valencià i les Balears, es mantindrà la calma i la calor, amb especial intensitat al'interior de Mallorca, que està en el risc de nivell 2 (important) de l'escala de l'Agència Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET). A València i Alacant hi ha risc de nivell 1. Recordem que ahir es van assolir els 42.6 graus a Ontinyent o 41.2 a Llíria i els 40.6 a Artà. 

Pel que fa a les temperatures, de nou hem tingut una nit tropical, amb mínimes superiors als 20 graus, a molts indrets del país. És el cas de Parets del Vallès, Alguaire, Isona, Cabrils, Torroella de Montgrí, La Granada o Berga. A Xerta, la mínima ha sigut de 25 graus, a Barcelona-Zoo de 22.7 i a Tarragona de 22.2. Aquest fet, combinat en molts casos amb l'humitat, a fet difícil el dormir per culpa de la xafogor. Les mínimes han sigut més baixes a Das, amb 9.6 graus, El Pont de Suert, amb 11.1 o Gurb, amb 14.7. A mig camí hi trobem els 16.5 d'Artés, els 17.2 de Girona o els 18 de Lleida.

Les màximes podran baixar una mica, però gairebé no ho notarem. Tornarem a assolir valors de 36 o 37 graus en els casos més extrems. A la costa les temperatures reals no pujaran més enllà dels 30 graus, però la temperatura de comfort serà molt superior. Recordem que ahir es va arribar als 40 graus a Vinebre, 39,1 graus a Torroja del Priorat, als 38.9 a Riba-roja d'Ebre o als 37.9 a Tàrrega.

Adéu a l'onada de calor

Diumenge, el canvi de temps serà radical. Per un costat, les temperatures baixaran clarament, entre 8 i 10 graus a molts indrets, fins i tot més al Pirineu. Sortirem de l'onada de calor. Per una altra banda, s'acostarà una cua frontal. L'entrada d'un solc d'aire fred en altura i la calor acumulada al llarg de la setmana seran dos factors molt favorables per a la convecció. D'aquesta manera es reactivaran els ruixats i les tempestes, que podran ser localment fortes i anar acompanyades de calamarsa. En principi, seran més importants cap al Pirineu i el prelitoral i a partir de mig matí, però ja de matinada podrem veure algun ruixat cap a l'oest. La nuvolositat augmentarà arreu al llarg del dia.

El canvi de temps també hi arribarà al País Valencià, i a les Balears: la onada de calor remetrà i creixeran tempestes a partir de la tarda. Al País Valencià seran més probables a Castelló. 

Els pròxims dies, després del parèntesi de diumenge, tornaria la calma. Dilluns, amb menys aire fred en altura, les tempestes ja serien més residuals. Les temperatures tornaran a pujardimarts i dimecres, amb un temps bastant assolellat al principi i més ennuvolat dimecres.Dijous el risc de tempesta tornaria a augmentar i les temperatures baixarien.

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La pols sahariana envaeix Catalunya

La pols sahariana envaeix Catalunya

Néstor Gómez -
Ja ha arribat a Catalunya pols en suspensió procedent del cor del Sàhara, després de travessar tota la península Ibèrica. Ha entrat per les Terres de l'Ebre i Ponent i va avançant cap a la resta del país.

Us presentem dues imatges del satèl·lit Meteosat, però tractades de manera diferent:
- La imatge de l'esquerra és una imatge visible de dimarts, dia 26; capta el que veuria l'ull humà des del satèl·lit. S'hi observa la boira enganxada a la costa del Cantàbric, el cel serè al centre peninsular i núvols alts i mitjans a la meitat sud peninsular.
- La imatge de la dreta és una imatge tractada, és a dir, manipulada a partir de la suma dels canals en què emet el Meteosat per poder veure-hi aspectes poc identificables. Aquesta imatge funciona molt bé per a les boires nocturnes, però també per veure la pols en suspensió.

Imatge Meteosat de dimecres, 27 de juny, a les 8.00 hores

Imatge Meteosat de dimarts, 26 de juny, a les 8.00 hores
Si les mirem totes dues, més o menys hi veiem els mateixos núvols, tot i que amb un aspecte diferent. Tota la franja de color fúcsia és pols en suspensió arrossegada per aquesta onada densa de calor sahariana.
Dimarts, 26 de juny: a la imatge acolorida de la dreta trobem la franja fúcsia, pols en suspensió, que s'estén del nord de Portugal cap a Madrid i arriba a Múrcia, invisible en el cas de l'esquerra.
Dimecres, 27 de juny: la pols en suspensió ja entra a Lleida i Tarragona, a la imatge de la dreta. La zona amb més concentració de pols es troba a la vall de l'Ebre i especialment al País Basc.

La conseqüència de la pols en suspensió es veu en el color del cel. Si recordem el color delcel d'ahir o de primera hora d'avui, era blau, potser una mica blanquinós, però amb un bon predomini del blau. En canvi, ara el cel és blanquinós, amb mala visibilitat a llarga distància. L'horitzó serà del mateix color que el cel. Malgrat això, fa molt de sol.

Aquesta situació d'aire amb pols i mala visibilitat es mantindrà durant tot el període de l'onada de calor a Catalunya, a l'espera que tard o d'hora arribin vents i netegin l'atmosfera.Any source

Inestabilitat de cara a demà!

Bona tarda!

La situació tendeix a inestabilitzar-se de cara demà. Aquesta inestabilització és deguda  a l'entrada d'aire fred en altura. Aquesta entrada d'aire fred és força important ja que causarà un desplomament d'uns 10ºC a alçades superiors a 1500 msnm. A 5500 msnm caurà uns 5ºC. 

Aquests factors li hem de sumar les altes temperatures que tenim en superfície. Amb tot això tindrem garantida el creixement espectacular de nuvolades i tempestes força generalitzades arreu del territori. Seria estrany que en algun punt no arribés a ploure.

Vegem la situació en alçada:

Podem contemplar clarament aquesta bossa d'aire fred que es despenja del pol nord, i que arriba amb certa activitat a Catalunya, Aragó i Navarra. Aquest aire fred està associat a un front que ens creuarà d'oest a est, durant el dia de demà. Al trobar-se les temperatures altíssimes en superfície es generarà força inestabilitat. 

Temperatures de més de 30ºC en superfície avui.

Com passa en aquestes ocasions, les precipitacions seran convectives.

A continuació mostrem el mapa de precipitacions acumulades durant la jornada de demà: 

Esperem una bona recollida de litres a punts de la meitat oest i també a la falda del Montseny. Les precipitacions podran superar els 30 litres en alguns punts.

Res més,

Salut i méteo!
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Firefighter Injured, Beverly Park Mansion Saved

BEVERLY PARK - A firefighter was injured battling a large mansion fire in a gated Beverly Park community Friday evening, June 29, 2012. Due to firefighters' aggressive and coordinated attack, the vast majority of the multimillion dollar residence was saved.

A 9-1-1 call summoned scores of Los Angeles Firefighters to 50 Beverly Park Way, just West of Coldwater Canyon Drive, between Mulholland Drive and Sunset Boulevard at 6:30 p.m.

First arriving firefighters forced entry through the ground's gates to find moderate smoke pouring from the roof of the two-story French chateau-style mansion. Additional firefighters were immediately requested. Entry was again forced, this time into the 15,480 square-foot residence. Meanwhile, the well entrenched flames were rapidly spreading throughout the attic above.

Fire attack teams quickly deployed hand-lines in an effort to stop the spread throughout the interior, and were assisted by residential fire sprinklers. Simultaneously, roof teams aggressively cut holes on top of the structure to release super heated gases from below, as flames began burning through the roof allowing it to self ventilate. Shortly thereafter, portions of the roof and the ceiling inside collapsed. Additional firefighters directed their efforts to protect contents inside the home from flame, heat, smoke and water damage.

Over 100 Los Angeles Firefighters, along with assistance from Beverly Hills Fire Department, all under the command of Assistant Chief Michael Little, fully extinguished the blaze in just over one hour. Due to the incredible job of firefighters, the flames were confined to the house of origin and the majority of this beautiful home was saved.
Los Angeles Firefighters Save Beverly Park Mansion
A Beverly Hills Firefighter was injured after a beam struck him in the head. He was rapidly treated and transported by LAFD Firefighter/Paramedics and taken to a local hospital in serious but stable condition. No civilians were injured.

Preliminary information of what may have sparked the blaze is an exterior waterproofing operation that utilized a torch by workers. However, a thorough investigation by LAFD Arson Investigators will determine the exact cause. The dollar loss is estimated at $1.25 million ($1 million structure and $250,000 contents).

The mansion was a former home of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Vanderpump, whom sated to a NBCLA reporter, "...possessions, houses they can be replaced, you know, my heart goes out to the Firefighter that was injured..."

Dispatched Units: E108 E278 T78 E97 E99 E102 E71 E86 H0A H0B BC14 BC10 E60 H1 H3 E90 H6 E288 T88 BC18 BC9 E39 RA78 E58 E239 T39 DC3 E289 T89 SQ21 EM14 RA99 RA97 RA71 EM9 BC17 BC5 RT83 E27 UR88 T27 E227 HR56 BC4 E61 AR2 E94 E292 T92 E237 T37 EA1 T66 E266 T26 E226 T29 E229 E12 E64 T85 E285 E48 SU2 RA59 T26 E226
Submitted by Erik Scott, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Avui, fi de mes i fi de l'onada de calor tot i que encara l'haurem de patir durant tot el dia i no serà fins demà diumenge, que el cel es taparà i cauran ruixats que netegeran l'atmosfera i refrescaran l'ambient
Dades meteorològiques d’avui a Puigcerdà, a les 8 del matí 
 Temperatura actual: 15.5ºC 
Màxima d’ahir: 32'6ºC 
Mínima d’avui: 15'5ºC 
Pressió atmosfèrica: 1014 hp 
Humitat ambient: 56 % 
Humitat mínima d'ahir: 10% a les 18.49 h. 
 Pluja en 24 h: ---- 
 Estat del cel: serè
Visibilitat: regular  (Pols en suspensió)
 Cop de vent màxim: Mestral de 24'8 km/h

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Who's Heading into Finance, 2012?

Over 85 Consortium first-year MBAs this year indicated an interest in finance or financial services. That is within the range of what CFN has observed over the past four years--typically a range from 80-90, about a quarter of the total number of Consortium first-year MBA students in 2012.

In the aftermath of the financial crisis and amidst the occasional turbulence since then, many would swear the numbers of those expressing interest in finance would have declined over the years. MBA students, we are finding out, continue to have varying levels of interest in financial services. But most of them are less eager to rush to Wall Street to become associates in mergers & acquisitions at a big bank. The opportunities they dreamed of while applying are not always evident when recruiting season starts. And some, after they learn the process and procedures to secure Wall Street jobs, are reluctant to play the hard ball it sometimes takes to get there:  lotteries, informational interviews, technical interviews, and rounds and rounds of sweltering sessions with senior bankers. 

That's not to say Consortium MBAs aren't adequately represented on Wall Street. Year after year, many do find spots within the investment-banking corridors of Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Barclays, and JPMorgan. They thrive there, too.

Among the 85 or so, interests this year, as in recent years, vary from private equity to community banking, real estate (yes, even after that debacle in recent years), corporate banking, financial consulting, private banking, asset management and energy finance. MBA students in finance in 2012 know they must evaluate opportunities carefully and always make sure they have plenty of options. The recruiting game changes too often, too quickly and too vigorously. Not even the best, most experienced MBA students can become too confident or comfortable.

In this year's first-year class, it's no surprise that 14 from NYU-Stern will explore finance. But NYU is not the finance leader this year, as it tends to be among Consortium classes. At Cornell, 16 have expressed an interest in finance, eight at Rochester, and five each at Yale, Virginia, and Emory. (At least two from each of the 17 Consortium schools said they intended to study, explore or pursue finance.)

These numbers will likely change, just as students' interests and ambitions change. Opportunities in 2013 and how they present themselves this fall will either boost these numbers or cause them to dwindle. Seemingly remote factors as Europe in crisis and a presidential election, believe it or not, can have a direct impact on how many MBA associates banks, insurance companies and industrial companies will hire for the summer, 2013. How students survive finance, accounting and capital markets courses will have impact, too.  The 85 could blossom to 100 or dwindle to 60 by graduation, 2014.

The same numbers above often tend to be under-stated, as some students have many interests and may not yet be comfortable selecting one concentration before school starts.  These are the large numbers of MBA students interested, for example, in both finance and marketing, finance and economics, finance and corporate strategy, finance and international business.

Stay tuned, as students discover what they really want to be and do and as the finance industry evolves and rumbles along.

Tracy Williams

See also:

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Quinn continues to push for pension reform

By Jamey Dunn

After lawmakers failed to approve a pension reform plan during their regular session, Gov. Pat Quinn said today that he plans to meet with legislative leaders next week to hammer out a plan that can pass in both chambers.

 "The epic reform of all the most important things we have to do, and really the reform of our lifetimes as far as I'm concerned, is pension reform, and we still have work to do on that," Quinn said. "I think it's important that everyone know that we're racing the clock, that we must get this done as soon as possible. The [bond] rating agencies are poised to decide upon our work, and we must get to work."

Quinn and legislative leaders have voiced concern that bond rating agencies will downgrade the state's credit rating if a change to the pension systems is not accomplished soon. "What's clear from the legislative action yesterday, there's not a majority in either [chamber] yet for a comprehensive solution," Quinn said. "I think we have the elements. We are very close, but we're not there yet. And so, my mission is to focus on that issue so we can get the job done for the people of Illinois. It will make our state a much stronger state." 

Quinn said he thinks that Democrats and Republicans both agree with the "core principle" that local school districts, universities and community colleges have a stake in the cost of retirement benefits for their employees. "It's how to implement that principle that we're still having the negotiations on. Democrats proposed that the schools assume the cost of the pension systems gradually over multiple years.The state would be responsible for the more than $80 billion unfunded liability, but schools would pick up any future liability that might occur. Republicans said the move would result in property tax increases across the state. House Minority Leader Tom Cross had proposed that districts instead cover the retirement costs incurred from raises given to employees in the last years of work. "They can't be able to negotiate the contracts and then hand the bill off to someone else," the governor said.

Quinn would not say whether he plans to sign a gaming expansion bill that may be headed to his desk. The measure has passed in both legislative chambers, but Quinn has voiced concerns about the bill. "I believe in a strong ethical framework of oversight and integrity. No campaign from gambling interests. Those are things I have said over and over again. I'll keep saying them." Sen. Terry Link, a Waukegan Democrat, said he plans to introduce another bill that would bar people working at the top of the gaming industry from donating to state political campaigns.

Quinn said he now needs to review the state budget that passed yesterday. He said he is moving forward on facility closures, even though lawmakers put money in the budget to keep facilities open. "I've already made my position clear on that," he said.

He also would not indicate whether he plans to sign a bill that would reinstate a revamped an early release program that would allow prisoners to earn time off their sentences for good behavior. Quinn previously shut down the state's early release program. The Department of Corrections had waived a waiting period for applying the credit, and some inmates got out after serving just weeks of their sentences. The Associated Press revealed the policy, and it resulted in a scandal for Quinn that followed him into the 2010 gubernatorial race. He has not reinstated the policy since, and critics say it has led to dangerous overcrowding in the state's medium security prisons. "I want to read the bill. A lot of things happen in a flurry here in the last couple of weeks. Before you make judgments on those bills, you have to really look at them with your staff, go over it with a fine-tooth comb," Quinn said.Any source