Wednesday, December 31, 2008


METEOBARCO cumple Un Añito. No podemos dar más que las Gracias a nuestros casi 13.000 visitante únicos, y las 50.000 impresiones de páginas que nos deja nuestro primer añito de vida. Este proyecto que surgió de la ilusión y Aficción por la Meteorología del que les escribe estas lineas, sin ningún tipo de interés más que el de crear un registro meteorológico de la zona, con una recompensa tan satisfactoria como es él hacer llegar a vosotros esta pasión por "El Tiempo", y por mi tierra " O Barco".

Muchas GRACIAS a TODOS, y solo espero que Sean muchos años Más.

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Harta turistica Vaslui

Harta turistica a judetului Vaslui

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Tossa torna a la tranquil·litat.

De mica en mica, la població comença a tornar a la normalitat. En les següents fotografies, es pot comprovar com evolucionen les tasques de neteja i el canvi del dia 27 a avui.

Passeig del Mossén Cinto Verdaguer i la riera el dia 27.
Avui dia 31.

Desembocadura de la riera realitzada urgentment per desembocar l'aigua del poble el diumenge 28.
Avui amb la platja mig aplanada i ja la riera amb el seu recorregut habitual desembocant a Es Racó.

Passeig de Mar cobert d'aigua i sorra dissabte 27.
Avui dimecres a la tarda.

Zona del Passeig del Mar coberta de sorra
diumenge 28 al matí.
Avui dimecres amb el carrer ja net.

Passeig de Mar a la zona d'Es Racó-Peixeteries
diumenge al matí.
Avui dimecres a la tarda.

Pàrquing de la platja cobert per les onades
divendres 26 a la tarda.
Diumenge al migdia.

Avui dimecres a la tarda.

Passeig del Mar dissabte al matí.
Avui dimecres a la tarda.

Muntanyes de sorra fortifiquen el perímetre de la platja.

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Oltenita live webcam Meteo Harta rutiera Oltenita

Municipiul Oltenita se află situat pe malul stâng al Dunării, in dreptul km 430, în aval de confluența Dunării cu râul Argeș. Oltenita este situata la 62 km de Bucuresti, pe DN 4, 75 km de Giurgiu, pe DN 41 si 69 km de Calarasi pe DN 31.

Oltenita live web cam
Vremea pe 5 zile - Meteo Oltenita

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Vote for new Google mobile product features

Have you ever left a comment on the Google mobile blog about a new feature or platform that you really wanted supported? Have you ever wanted to cast a vote for another reader's comment to make your opinion heard? Well now you can.

While we do read your comments on the mobile blog and help forum, we're happy to announce our new Product Ideas page that will give you a more collaborative way to get your product ideas heard not only by us, but by others as well. The new page, built on Google Moderator, allows you to submit ideas that others can view and rate so you can see what other Google mobile users think about it, too. This way some ideas will be voted up and others will be voted down.

From this we'll be able to see more clearly what's important to you and we'll take it into consideration as we move forward with developing our products. The Product Ideas team will pop in from time to time to see what you have to say, and we'll be offering periodic updates on what we see and what ideas make it into your favorite products in our Product Ideas blog.

To get started, visit the Product Ideas for Google mobile page and sign in, then let your voice heard!

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31 Dicembre 2008/ 1 Gennaio 2009

Ore 13 del 01/01/09

Ore 08.00 del 01/01/09
Ore 07 del 01/01/09

Ore 5 del 01/01/09

Ore 02.00 del 01/01/09

Ore 15.00
Eccoci all'ultimo giorno dell'anno, di questo 2008 che a mio modesto parere è stato uno dei migliori da 10 anni a questa parte.Ottimo l'innevamento invernale,nessun giorno di blocco del traffico per inquinamento da polveri sottili in questi ultimi 3 mesi, e un'abbondante quantità di pioggia caduta nei 365 giorni appena trascorsi.Ha nevicato il giorno di Pasqua,il giorno di ferragosto nella mia zona ha fatto capolino un funnel tornadico, vedi report nel blog, 3 nevicate prima delle feste, e la neve che fà la sua apparizione nel giorno di Natale,ora manca il primo dell'anno e l'epifania,ci stiamo lavorando,e guardando il cielo, proprio mentre scrivo, ci sono ottime speranze che il trend positivo continui.Vi saluto augurandovi un sereno veglione e che il 2009 vi possa portare tutto quello che desiderate. AUGURI.
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Com es mesuren les onades?

Durant el temporal, molta gent feia càlculs de quan mesuraven les onades. Alguns deien que feien 14 i 15 metres. Jo, pobre de mi, els hi intentava explicar que no, que farien uns 8-9 metres com a molts a estirar. Una cosa semblant, em va passar l’any passat, explicant el temporal que va haver-hi a primers de març del 1986, quan deien que les onades eren de 12 metres i jo deia que feien uns 6-7 metres.

Per sort, tenim molt bona tecnologia avui dia. I en les següents gràfiques, podem apreciar l’evolució de l’altura de les onades. En els dos gràfics, corresponents a les boies de Roses i de Blanes (desembocadura de La Tordera), observem com les onades van passar dels 8 metres (indicació en centímetres a la part esquerre “Hmàx”) però en cap moment passant dels 9 metres. A baix, podem apreciar els dies, i s’aprecia clarament, com va ser la nit del divendres dia 26 a dissabte dia 27, quan el temporal va arribar al seu punt més àlgid. Amb una alçada màxima propera els 9 metres a la boia de Roses i lleugerament superior als 8 a la de Blanes.

Però com es mesuren realment les onades?

Ha Catalunya, tenim la Xarxa d’Instruments Oceanogràfics i Meteorològics (XIOM) que és propietat de la Generalitat de Catalunya i està composta per un conjunt d’equipament de mesura de les variables costaneres més significatives mitjançant diferents tipus de boies, estacions meteorològiques i mareògrafs.

Actualment, hi ha diferents boies situades a diversos punts de la costa catalana (golf de Roses, delta de la Tordera, d Delta del Llobregat i cap de Tortosa) que proporcionen informació sobre l’onatge. La xarxa es complementa amb la de Ports d’Espanya, que disposa de boies a la bocana dels Ports de Barcelona, Tarragona i Palamós i davant de Tarragona i del cap de Begur (figura 1).

Durant el 2006, es van fondejar quatre boies meteorològiques que proporcionen informació sobre les condicions meteorològiques al mar i sobre els corrents marins, tant a la superfície com a 15 m de profunditat.
En la figura següent, podem apreciar com estan composades les boies i la seva utilitat.

Però durant els darrers anys, la necessitat d'una observació millor del medi ambient i el desenvolupament en el camp de la previsió i dels models numèrics han ampliat els sectors interessats en l'obtenció de mesures de les variables costaneres. El 1999 el Servei de Meteorologia de Catalunya (SMC), Ports de la Generalitat (PG) i els anteriors DPTOP i LIM/UPC van acordar donar un nou impuls a aquesta xarxa. Atès el creixement de les aplicacions en temps real, es va prioritzar la centralització automatitzada de les dades i la seva difusió per Internet.

El conjunt actual de la xarxa de boies ha proporcionat les sèries temporals d'onatge més llargues fins al dia d'avui del litoral espanyol. En la figura 1 es pot observar l'estat actual de la xarxa de mesures que, gràcies a la col·laboració de les esmentades institucions, arriba a proporcionar dades per a la caracterització exacta del clima marítim de la costa catalana.

Finalment, arran que el Departament d'Interior va aprovar el Pla especial d’emergències per contaminació accidental de les aigües marines a Catalunya (CAMCAT), es va signar un acord que estableix l’ampliació de la XIOM, tant en punts de mesura com en les variables meteorològiques i oceanogràfiques per mesurar, finançada pel DPTOP. Dins d'aquesta ampliació l’any 2005 el DPTOP va adquirir quatre noves boies més que es fondejaran al llarg del primer semestre de l’any 2006. Aquests nous equips de mesura proporcionen informació sobre les condicions meteorològiques al mar i sobre els corrents marins tant a la superfície com a 15 m de profunditat.

Informació. XIOM (Xarxa d’Instruments Oceanogràfics i Meteorològics).

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Former New York Jets Head Coach

I appreciate the opportunity that Woody and Mike gave me for the past three years as the head coach of the New York Jets. The organization has terrific people and I wish the Jets nothing but success. The time and effort invested by the coaches and players was tremendous and I value that beyond words. We worked hard to achieve two winning seasons out of the past three. I regret that we could not reach our goals for this year. I will always appreciate the passion and support of the fans as our focus was trying to build them a championship-caliber foundation and team.

What do you think he's trying to say here??

Paring live webcam Petrosani

Parang live web cam - vedere panoramica, municipiul Petrosani in fundal
clic pe imagine pentru video live

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Resita live webcam Harta rutiera Resita

Harta rutiera detaliata Resita

Resita, municipiul resedinta al judetului Caras-Severin, este amplasat în sud-vestul Romaniei, în partea de nord-vest a judetului, pe cursul mijlociu al raului Barzava, la o distanta de 486 km fata de capitala Romaniei - Bucuresti, distantele fata de alte orase importante fiind: Alba Iulia - 207 km, Bacau - 544 km, Brasov - 383 km, Cluj Napoca - 307 km, Constanta - 711 km, Oradea - 268 km, Suceava - 566 km,

"Resita Live 1 - Live 2 webcam"

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Talmaciu live webcams Meteo Harta rutiera Talmaciu

Vizualizare hartă mărită

Talmaciu este localizat în sudul judeţului Sibiu, fiind cuprins între depresiunea Sibiului, Carpaţii Meridionali şi Podişul Hârtibaciului. Localitatea este aşezată pe una din terasele râului Cibin, la 18 km de municipiul Sibiu. Talmaciu Live Webcams

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Previsión Meteorológica para Nochevieja y Año Nuevo

Miércoles Día 31
.Madrugada.......Mañana.........Tarde......... Noche
temporale moderato temporale moderato temporale moderato temporale moderato
Cielo nuboso o muy nuboso durante toda la jornada. Existe el riesgo de algunas precipitaciones débiles por la mañana, pero sin atender a los modelos meteorológicos pienso que no va a precipitar. El viento será variable, aunque predominará de dirección Este. La temperatura máxima bajará moderadamente y la mínima subirá de la misma forma.

Temperaturas previstas y probabilidad de lluvia:
Orihuela “Ciudad/23 msnm”...
Máx: 16ºC / Mín: 10ºC / Ll: 40%

Jueves Día 1
Año Nuevo
.Madrugada.......Mañana.........Tarde......... Noche
temporale moderato temporale moderato temporale moderato temporale moderato
Cielo nuboso practicamente durante toda la jornada. Durante la madrugada se formarán bancos de niebla debido al alto indice de humedad en el ambiente. El viento soplará con intensidad débil a moderada del Noreste. Las temperaturas no sufrirán cambios significativos.

Temperaturas previstas y probabilidad de lluvia:
Orihuela “Ciudad/23 msnm”...
Máx: 16ºC / Mín: 9ºC / Ll: 65%

Meteo Orihuela (Pedro José Gómez Cascales) les desea un FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2009.
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New Appointments announced by BVI FSC

On December 19, three new appointments were announced by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission to the positions of Deputy Director, Enforcement, Deputy Director, Legal, and Senior Policy, Research & Statistics Officer.
Mr. Gary Wilson was appointed as Deputy Director, Enforcement, and will hold responsibility for investigating breaches of BVI regulatory laws and overseeing the implementation of enforcement action by licensees. Before this appointment, Mr. Wilson was the head of the Financial Investigation and Intelligence Unit in Bermuda, and served in this position for 20 years. By words of the Managing Director of FSC Robert Mathavious, now “he will play a central role in delivering the Commission's objective of promoting high standards of conduct among licensees and demonstrating the benefits of compliant behaviour.”

Ms. Ramoutar, appointed to the post of Deputy Director, is responsible for providing legal advice to the FSC on the BVI's regulatory and registry laws, and for territory's representation in civil and enforcement proceedings. Prior to joining the FSC, she has served as the Director, Legal Advisory & Enforcement Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Securities Commission, and as a Compliance Consultant with the Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto.

Ms. McCall was appointed to the post of Senior Policy, Research & Statistics Officer, and will be responsible for providing policy-oriented research and analysis on issues relating to financial institutions, and the framework of the local financial services sector. She will also provide the development and enhancement of the statistics portfolio of the BVI FSC. The most recent position of Ms. McCall before this post was the Clerk of the House of Assembly of BVI.
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Targu Mures live webcam Harta rutiera Tg Mures

Targu Mures, resedinta și cel mai mare municipiu al județului Mures, este situat în centrul Transilvaniei istorice, pe ambele maluri ale raului Mures, si este traversat de drumul european E 60 (Bucuresti - Oradea - Budapesta - Viena).

Harta rutiera detaliata Targu Mures

Tg. Mures Live 1 - Live 2 webcam

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by TJ Rosenthal-Football Reporters Online

Woody Johnson and GM Mike Tannenbaum have both expressed their desire for a coach that would better fit the direction of the franchise from this day forward. Most Jet fans agree with this assessment. So, after 48 years of dreary football, Jan 12 1969 aside, I've compiled a list of people that truly fit the franchise as it exists today: A team with a 39 year old interception happy quarterback in limbo, a top 5 draft pick who had one more tackle than the kicker this season, and a team that at 8-3, couldn't beat a 2 win team down the stretch in order to control their own destiny.

1-Fireman Ed: Ed has seen more bad football and poor coaching decisions first hand than any human being alive or dead in the history of mankind. His experience alone will provide him with the knowledge of what NOT to do. That's a plus. A major plus. Not to mention, he can jump on players' shoulders during TV timouts to start the Jet chant through the stadium to get the crowd going. His charming lovable clown like demeanor is far and away the best fit going forward.

2-Joe Namath. Why has Broadway Joe, the only Jet that any Jet fan can speak proudly about , never been approached about this position? HE'S THE ONLY JET WHO HAS EVER WON! HE EVEN GUARANTEED IT! Ok ok, he had that sideline incident with Suzi what's her name a few years back. Tried to make out with her during an interview as the Jets were getting blasted by the Pats. You see though, THATS what the Jets need. A little flair. Even in a loss, Joe is gonna make it interesting, get a few phone numbers , wear a mink coat. No better yet , Woody can peel off the Namath jersey that the owner himself licks like a stamp every Sunday on the field level wall and let Joe wear it. This way if Vinny Testaverde, who I'm assuming the Jets will re sign in the offseason to get younger at the position, throws an interception, Broadway Joe can put himself in and try and rally the team late. If Ed turns down the job Woody, offer it to Namath.

3-George Bush. He'll be out of work in a few weeks and could bring a no nonsense attitude to the sidelines. Dick Cheney could run the offense, The Jets would throw bombs on every play. Donald Rumsfeld could run the defense. The Jets would blitz on every down. Even during tv timeouts. They wouldn't even wait for opposing teams to bring their offense onto the field at times and would pre emptively blitz the sidelines. They'd have blitzing players hit trainers, sideline reporters, flip over the benches and heaters. Now this would be a return to the old Oakland Raiders style of football in the early Seventies, but it worked for the Silver and Black. Not a bad move if the Jets brass feel that the collapse was due to the fact that the team got "soft" down the stretch.

4-Greg Gumbel. Just to get the boring sleepy guy out of the booth and no longer doing Jet games, let's put Gumbel where he belongs, with the sleepy Jets on the sidelines. They can take midday kindergarten naps together. No, they can take Sunday 3 hour naps together. Gumbel will wait until kickoff then order the team to find their cubby partner, a place on the turf, and rest. After getting a hold of old games on DVD and listening to Dick Enberg, Keith Jackson and Howard Cosell provide play by play, I can't believe this marriage has gone on as long as it has. Actually , I can. So hiring Gumbel as head coach, may the only way to cut ties. This option may be a more honest match energy wise, to what we saw towards the end in 2008 on the field anyway.

5-Frank TV: The guy is a comedian. Imitates everyone. He's hilarious. While the Jets are blowing another game, or another season, Woody can force the stadium scoreboard camera operator to cut to our new head coach doing some of those imitations he does during EVERY commercial break. Franks hiring will certainly keep the drunk, moronic fan base which includes me, distracted enough in order to lessen the Bon Jovi concert -like decibel level of those "Lets go Dolphins chants," that echoed through the Meadowlands on Sunday.

These are the 5 truly best suited, truly the best FIT for the state of the Jets. a franchise that can't escape the vicious cycle of disarray and disappointment.

Our 100th post -- What about MY phone?

We don't always say this, but thank you for reading the Google mobile blog.

When we launched last year, we realized that we needed to better communicate what the Google mobile team was up to. Since then, we've been working hard to provide you with timely and useful information. We've also sought to keep our posts personal and engaging by introducing you to the Googlers behind our products, incorporating video, and enabling comments.

While we're thrilled that our readership has continued to grow, we want to make the mobile blog even more useful and interesting to you in 2009. We invite you to tell us how we can improve. What else do you want to see on the mobile blog? Are our posts too long or too short? What phones do you most want to read about? Please fill out this quick survey to let us know what you think.

In celebration of our 100th post, we're going to attempt to address one of the blog's most frequent comments: "What about MY phone?" This comment always seems to be tinged with such angst and passion. Trust us, as users we know your pain. But we also know the difficulty of developing software for disparate phones.

We've put together a video that gives you a behind-the-scenes glimpse of our "Sky Lab" that contains over 800 phones for developing, demonstrating, and testing purposes. Although we have so many phones, we currently can't make all of our products work on all of these phones -- we face the same challenges that every developer faces in the mobile industry: we have to choose. So this video also reveals two very different approaches for choosing devices in this industry... If you have any better ideas, let us know!

Of course, if you've been following our blog you may have noticed some patterns. We do like phones with good browsers and flat-rate data plans. Stay tuned to the Google mobile blog for more on this in the new year.

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Sin cambios en la Reserva Hídrica para finalizar el año

Para despedir el año 2008, el Embalse de la Pedrera no ha sufrido cambios en su Reserva Hídrica. Actualmente el agua embalsada es de 74hm3 con un porcentaje de 30,08%. Esperemos que el año que viene sea mejor hídricamente y pluviometricamente hablando.
Les dejo con la gráfica correspondiente a la Reserva Hídrica que ha ido llevando el Embalse de la Pedrera y de la que les he ido informando a todos ustedes durante este todavía presente año 2008:

Véase la gráfica del Embalse de la Pedrera correspondiente al año 2008.Any source