Friday, April 30, 2010

Miami Dolphins should fire GM Jeff Ireland

Jeff Ireland 
Although this isn't going to happen, yet, the Miami Dolphins should fire Jeff Ireland. After asking then-Oklahoma State and now Dallas Cowboys Wide Receiver Dez Bryant if his mother was a prostitute, then reportedly appologizing for the insult, Ireland used Sports Illustrated to rub salt in the wound.

S.I.'s Jim Trotter reports the following alleged interaction between Dez Bryant and Jeff Ireland and says it comes from unnamed sources but essentially clears Jeff Ireland because Jeff claims Dez said his own father was a pimp:

"My dad was a pimp."
"What did your mom do [for a living]?"
"She worked for my dad."
"Your mom was a prostitute?"
"No, she wasn't a prostitute."

Jim Trotter didn't get the message from Dez Bryant, who calls his blog post a "lie" according to the Palm Beach Post and ESPN's Ed Werner. Dez Bryant says its not true and Pro Football explains that ESPN failed to report Bryant's version of the story until after Miami's Jeff Ireland countered Dez Bryant in another publication.

But Jeff Ireland's out of line and should be fired, or at the very least suspended for several weeks without pay.

The NFL needs to send a message that insults that defame the character of NFL Players are not to be allowed. This message needs to be sent to NFL front-offices and Jeff Ireland should be the example Commissioner Roger Goodell uses.

Networking: It's Not Who You Know, But Who Knows You

Join us for a Webinar on May 5

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

In this webinar, Dr Benjamin Ola. Akande will offer sage advice on the most productive and effective way to network for success. The presentation is sure to be filled with great antidotes, compelling stories and valuable take-a-ways such as “Find meaning in every conversation.” Dr. Akande concludes this presentation with the advice to “remember that networking is not about who you know, but who knows you.”

Dr. Akande is the Dean of the George Herbert Walker School of Business & Technology at Webster University.

This event is brought to you by the Consortium Finance Network, a special interest group of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management.

Title: Networking: It's Now Who You Know, But Who Knows You

Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CDT

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP, 2003 Server or 2000

Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.4.11 (Tiger®) or newerAny source

Distracted driving and cell phones

"Distracted driving" is when you drive while taking your hands off the steering wheel, your eyes off the road, or your mind off of driving. Whether you are eating while driving or using your cell phone while driving, distracted driving increases your chances of getting into a serious accident. Today, organizations throughout the US are collaborating to raise the awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. Read more about what the Google Maps team is doing with the Oprah Winfrey Show.

With the exception of Google Maps Navigation, which is designed for hands-free use with a car dock, Google Mobile products are not intended to be used while you are driving. Hand your phone to a passenger or park your car in a safe place if you need to search for a restaurant or check your email while behind the wheel.

For more information about distracted driving and how you can help prevent it, please visit And if you're in the US and have an iPhone, Palm Pre, or Android-powered device, you can go to in your browser today to see our mobile doodle. Do not do this while you are driving, of course.

Any source

超人的秘密身份四之四──Superman: Secret Identity #4《美漫》

編劇:Kurt Busiek
繪者:Stuart Immonen
提字:Todd klein
色繪:Stuart Immonen
封面:Stuart Immonen
期刊:#1: Smallville
   #2: Metropolis
   #3: Fortress
   #4: Tomorrow
出版:DC Comics

喔耶,繼續來介紹《Superman: Secret Identity》#4,這一回將畫下句點。#4的Clark Knet年紀來到五十七~七○歲,原以為步入暮年的這一篇不會有太大的可看性,但本回有兩個很有趣的梗,呼呼呼~我儘量避開不談,免得破壞看書樂趣。


若#1有著冒險犯難的少年精神,#2加注深沉與羅曼蒂克的元素,#3寫出平實的人生面相,那麼#4,則有著難以言喻的溫柔氣氛。當年華老去,其實在現實生活中,平凡人心態都很難調整的過來,更別說Superhero了,他們所要面臨的是隨著年齡老化而力量走下坡的難堪心理,但Kurt Busiek卻把結尾處理的一切自自然然,當你真真實實的活過一次,在看著日落,你會想到,它是如此莊嚴、優美與必然的雄偉,而不僅僅悲傷青春歲月不再。




Clark仍舊協助軍方處理各種政治與救援地帶十分模糊的危機任務,對於Malloy暗示著軍方並不需要Superman協助,他不知道該如何看待話中意義,僅能一如以往,小心翼翼地保持距離。另一方面,因為#2實驗室的「Meteor Strikes/流星雨計劃」讓他找到調查方向,Clark得到自己為何會有超人力量的後續線索,這是份關於優生學的實驗計劃,軍方選定各州各點,以幅射能污染水源,意圖製造特異能力,Clark十三歲時接觸到此水源、十六歲才爆發出能力,而根據官方資料,Clark是第十三個力量最特殊、強大的案例。




《Superman: Secret Identity》刻劃出一個並不天真、卻有著最美好年代的單純璞真之感動,我們無法如Clark一樣有著Super力量,卻可以活得如他那般腳踏實地,Kurt Busiek試著告訴讀者,成長的痛終究會如過往雲煙,不該放棄的是自我信念。嗯,好故事!

最後,仍舊要來貼Alex Ross的畫作啦!XDDD

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集 數:單行本
譯 者:曲冰熙

我比較欣賞中村明日美子畫這類詼諧、幽默、青春無敵的喜劇故事啦,如此帶著粉紅色鏡片觀看世界,處處充滿瑰麗美感的人生幻象,對於舒壓的幫助性可是非常之大。<( ̄▽ ̄)>







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小說名:雨的祈禱(Prayers for Rain)
小說家:丹尼斯勒翰(Dennis Lehane)
譯 者:尤傳莉








  從達許.漢密特、雷蒙.錢德勒、羅斯.麥唐諾、勞倫斯.卜洛克、詹姆士.艾洛伊到丹尼斯.勒翰,這些作家筆下被劃歸為「冷硬(Hard- Boiled)」派的故事,幾乎都有這樣的特質:揭開不同階層不同人物的種種表象,移來光源,將不堪的人性亮晃晃地照映出來,讓讀者們清楚地認知:所謂怪物,其實正是人類自己某些特質的聚合。
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Utopia Adriatica . . .

Quella che sto per fare, è l'analisi meteo di un evento a lungo termine che però, stando ai movimenti dei grandi centri motore che condizionano il tempo in Europa, potrebbe avere buone probabilità di realizzarsi, almeno in parte.

Per prima cosa analiziamo le emissioni odierne del modello di calcolo GFS rispetto al geopotenziale a 500 hPa (circa 5400 m slm) e i rispetti livelli di pressione al suolo, per le ore 12 UTC (14 in Italia) di Lunedì, martedì e Mercoledì.
La prima mappa ci mostra come un intenso affondo perturbato freddo da nord (lingua verde) tenda a colpire in pieno Portogallo e Spagna, come risposta ad una decisa rimonta dell'Anticiclone dell'Azzorre ad alte latitudini, fin verso la Groenlandia (lingua rossa ben visibile con la H). La risposta diretta sull'Italia sarà l'inizio dell'afflusso di correnti meridionali calde, di origine nord Africana. Tali correnti in realtà già inizieranno ad affluire da domenica pomeriggio.

La seconda mappa ci mostra la situazione di cut-off, dove il minimo di geopotenziale (cerchio verde) si isola tra Francia, Spagna e Sardegna, con annesso minimo di pressione di 1000 hPa in approfondimento sul mar Ligure. Siamo alle 12 utc di martedì, e le correnti sciroccali sono in nuovo e ancor più potente caricamento. Notare anche l'anticiclone su Balcani che tende a bloccare l'avanzare della perturbazione verso est.

La terza mappa, riferita alle 12 utc di Mercoledì, ci fa chiaramente notare come il nucleo perturbato, in seno alle correnti mediamente occidentali, avanzi lentamente verso l'Italia. Infatti ora i minimi di geopotenziale (cerchio verde) li troviamo più spostati verso l'Italia, e il minimo di pressione al suolo, che tende a sovravanzare quello in quota, centrato più ad est e nella zona delle Alpi. E' questo il momento in cui le correnti sciroccali iniziano a lasciare il posto a quelle di libeccio in Adriatico e al ramo freddo da maestrale ad ovest.

Ora invece vediamo come tutto ciò si dovrebbe tradurre in termini di vento al suolo sull'Adriatico, e quindi anche di onde.
La prima mappa ci fa vedere come la risposta calda da S-E sia già attiva su tutto il fetch per le ore centrali di lunedì, quando le onde dovrebbero esser già distese ed in crescita, dopo il caricamento di domenica sera. La misura non sarà enorme...

La seconda mappa ci mostra invece come, con l'avvicinarsi del nucleo più intenso, martedì le cose cambino in meglio. Lo scirocco, sempre straordinariamente disteso su tutto il suo fetch a disposizione, continuerà a soffiare già sui 20 nodi al largo al mattino, mentre supererà i 25 nodi al pomeriggio e verso sera sulle zone centrali. Qui onde garantite, bene formate e con misura in crescita, e comunque superiori al metro già dal mattino.

L'ultima mappa ci mostra la situazione al pomeriggio di Mercoledì, quando il minimo, ormai stanco di aver girato attorno al golfo Ligure per 2 giorni, decide di attraversare il bel paese, senza prima aver concesso la spina da S-E più forte di tutto l'episodio, dopo già oltre 48 ore di S-E su tutto il fetch...Tale spinta raggiungerà punte di 30 nodi al largo, e la cosa che ancor più ci fa sognare è che, andando verso sera, il garbino che già si vede entrare in Romagna, dovrebbe estendersi fin su tutte le Marche. Mappa da non crederci, visto che in condizioni tali si avrebbero onde anche oltre i 2 metri a riva (dove la secca permette loro di alzarsi, e direi che sono poche queste zone- tra il Conero e la Romagna più riparata, ma comunque ottima misura anche altrove) con vento da terra....

Il tutto sarà accompagnato da forte maltempo soprattutto al nord Italia, ma anche sole a sprazzi lungo le coste dell'Adriatico, dove la temperatura dell'acqua già intorno ai 16° in aumento consentirà tranquillamente di surfare in 3-2 senza calzari.

Al prossimo aggiornamento!!! E speriamo buono e ricco di conferme!!!

NB: questa è un evoluzione proposta da uno dei migliori modelli di calcolo meteo, ma comunque a lungo termine, quindi le smentite sono molto probabili. Però vista l'emozione che provo nel vedere certe carte meteo che appaiono molto raramente, mi sono sentito di pubblicarle. Gli spostamenti delle grandi masse d'aria Atlantiche (H pressione delle Azzorre e grande affondo perturbato ad ovest del Continente) però mi danno molto fiducia sulla realizzabilità dell'evento, almeno in parte, con onde per 1 o 2 giorni, non necessariamente nella stessa scala temporale appena vista.Any source

BVI Investment Business: Changes to Regulatory Regime

After the industry consultation, the British Virgin Islands has enacted the Securities and Investment Business Act, 2010 (SIBA). This became the most significant change to the regulatory regime for investment business in the British Virgin Islands since the Mutual Funds Act, 1996, meaning an important step for the continued development of the financial services sector in the jurisdiction.

The objectives of SIBA's introduction are modernisation of the mutual funds and investment business regimes and developing appropriate legislative provisions in relation to securities business, while addressing international standards of regulation.

As stated in the press release issued by the Financial Services Commission, the regulation and administration of hedge funds and securities business in the BVI has been a major priority for the Government of the BVI and the FSC. The enactment of SIBA marked a significant step forward for investment business in the Territory. SIBA's enactment will not significantly change existing fund business and contains appropriate transitional provisions. However, it will transform BVI’s regulatory approach to investment business.

The Director of Investment Business at the BVI FSC, Brodrick Penn, said that the new Act means the maturity and growth of the jurisdiction beyond that of a fund only jurisdiction as it implements new laws and rules for areas such as public issues and securities intermediation activities. It reinforces the commitment of the BVI territory to develop regulatory regime for investment business consistent and compliant with international standards and balance the commercial interests of the BVI.
Article any source

Could Newsnight Wales be here to stay?

Last night’s debate was the first I saw and I turned over after 20 mins that’s how much it gripped me, so I can’t say who won or lost but but it doesn’t seemed to have changed things radically judging by some of the post match commentary.

However what did catch my eye was the fact there was a Newsnight Wales Special for the Election and not only for the content, it included Welsh voters reaction to the debates and analysis from Welsh politicians.

I wrote last May that despite cutbacks BBC Scotland seems to be more committed to politics and news coverage and that is why they produce Newsnight Scotland which has been on air since 1999 discussing the days political events in Scotland post devolution. The programme normally runs for 20 minutes from 11pm after the first half hour of Newsnight, something that could easily be replicated in Wales.

Newsnight is a well respected political programme and an ideal format to scrutinise our reluctant Welsh Ministers and politicians over their decisions and policies on a daily basis and help make them more accountable to voters, something Welsh politics is in desperate need of.

So now that Newsnight Wales has had its first outing albeit at General Election time there is a good case for it staying and becoming a regular part of the Welsh broadcasting landscape - what about it BBC Wales?Any source

Canvi de temps

Després dels darrers dies de bonança amb temperatures càlides durant el centre del dia que ha portat gent a la platja i alguns valents a gaudir del primer bany de la temporada, amb el canvi de mes sembla ser que les pluges tornaran a visitar-nos i aquestes vindran acompanyades d’una baixada notable de les temperatures.

A hores d’ara ja es comencen a apreciar aquests canvis amb núvols alts a la costa i ruixats tempestuosos en zones del Pirineu i del Prepirineu català. De cara a demà dissabte, aquests ruixats s’aniran estenent arreu de Catalunya, especialment durant les hores centrals del dia a la meitat nord i zona interior. Seran en forma de tempesta i localment d’intensitat forta i acompanyades de calamarsa. A Tossa, s’espera que les precipitacions puguin fer acte de presència al llarg de la matinada, serien pluges molt febles si és que arriba a caure alguna cosa, serà a partir de mig matí quan els núvols creixeren amb força i originaran ruixats que podran arribar a Tossa a partir de migdia, puntualment amb tempesta. De cara al vespre hauran desaparegut.

Per diumenge, novament el temps es complicarà, i sembla ser que les tempestes serien més extenses i més virulentes. Aquests podrien afectar Tossa amb més facilitat. Serà a partir del vespre quan els nuclis tempestuosos siguin més actius a la costa i les precipitacions siguin més extenses i més continuades. Aquesta tongada de pluges vindran acompanyades per una baixada notable de les temperatures, degut a l’entrada d’una massa freda en tot els nivells de troposfera, el que facilita la convecció diürna i fa pensar que les tempestes puguin ser fortes en algunes zones de l’interior amb la combinació de la bossa freda i una petita baixa que s’ubicarà entre València i Mallorca aportant vents humits i inestabilitat. Diumenge serà un dia plenament primaveral.

De cara a dilluns i dimarts, la inestabilitat continuaria amb ruixats tempestuosos. La cota de neu baixaria fins els 1200 metres, per tant, podem tornar a veure el Montseny enfarinat en ple mes de maig, fet que no és inusual.Any source

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tax Relief from Insurance YOU must know

Want to save more from Tax? Read on…
Although this article is somewhat considered late for individual tax-payers this year, this could be useful next year anyway. When you buy insurance, besides getting the comprehensive protection and a worthwhile investment that will keep you financially stable should the unexpected happen, one more feature are very important for every tax payers.
Under Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967, you will also enjoy tax relief benefits provided. These tax incentives are given by Malaysia government to encourage us get have a protection plan, thus, inducing a good living life among Malaysians.
So what’s tax deductible? How much?
  • Premiums on life insurance and/or deferred annuities.
  • Premiums on education or medical benefits.
How much tax relief?
- Up to Rm6,000 for life insurance premiums and EPF contributions.
- Up to Rm3,000 for medical and education policies premiums.

You may qualify for tax relief under Education policies if:
  • Beneficiary is the child.
  • The life assured is the parent and the child is the nominee.
  • Maturity amount must be payable when your child is between the ages of 14 to 25 years.
  • The life assured is the child.
  • Parent is the proposer.
  • Payer benefit is attached for the full term.
  • Maturity amount must be payable when your child is between the ages of 14 to 25 years.
You may qualify for tax relief under Medical policies if:
  • Expenses are related to medical treatment resulting from a disease, accident or disability.
  • The policy must be for coverage of 12 months or more.
  • Both standalone policies and riders qualify, but if it is a rider, only the rider premium qualifies for deduction.

Common Mis-understanding:
How do I know how much relief I can deduct every year?
Every year, your insurer will send you a statement for tax deductions purpose and you just need to fill in the figures shown in that statement. You may request from your insurance company or agent, if you didn’t get it.

My premium is Rm2,400. Why the statement only shows Rm1,800?
Tax deductible is based on the actual premiums paid for that particular year. In this case, you only paid Rm1,800 for that year of assessment.

My premium is Rm2,400. Why I can’t relief full amount?
This may due to administration fees, or certain riders which didn’t entitle for relief.

If I buy insurance for my parents, can I get the relief?
NO. Your parents can get deductions if they bought insurance for their own. However, you may claim for your parents’ medical expenses of up to Rm5,000.

Not enough?
From 2010 onwards, premium on annuity scheme or additional premium paid on existing annuity scheme is qualify for another Rm1,000 relief. Amount exceeding Rm1,000 can be claimed together with life insurance premium category.

As the above criteria may change from time to time by regulatory authority, please seek your own tax advice if necessary.Any source

Goldman hearings as mass distraction

Well, sorry to repeat myself, but this is how I basically put it earlier today on Twitter:

"“To detached observers, it’s obvious Goldman $GS hearings are a public spectacle designed to draw attn to fin reg. + pandering to US voters.”"

Thanks to BMB for quoting me, and more importantly, for adding his own two cents. I really couldn't summarize the game plan any better than he does.

Obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks the timing or circumstances of Goldman Sach's hearing in Congress are a little staged or convenient.

And it's not that the SEC doesn't have a case against Goldman; that's
for the legal system to decide. It's just that we're getting the broad strokes of information on this case in the midst of a circus sideshow, with politicians lashing out at the investment bankers in a blatant effort to appeal to their economically-strained voter base.

I could go on about the timing and merits of the case, and the shameless grandstanding of our elected officials during this latest public spectacle. Instead, we'll post some relevant videos here to lend a bit of added perspective on the Goldman fiasco, and some of the bigger problems our nation currently faces.

Mark Mobius discusses the Goldman hearing (at 8:20) on Bloomberg.

Marc Faber feels the case against Goldman Sachs is "purely for show, to appease the public" (Bloomberg video) and (CNBC video).

Goldman hearings are an argument to short Treasuries, and a distraction from problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, says Charles Ortel.

Peter Schiff talks with Tech Ticker about the "real crisis" the US is facing, how we got into this mess, and why our Senators have "some nerve" slamming Goldman for running with the policies and incentives they helped create (you'll hear Peter's take on the proposed financial industry regulations as well).

We're sure you're already loaded to the gills with media commentary on these hearings and the case against Goldman Sachs, so we'll just offer up these interviews in the interest of highlighting some of the more detached, and contrary, bigger-picture views on this subject. Hope you get something out of them.
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Caleb Campbell, 2008 NFL Draft hit, returns to Detroit Lions

Viewers of this bloggers videos from the NFL Draft will remember the All-American hit Caleb Campbell, from the 2008 NFL Draft.

Campbell's an Army 1st Lt. a 7th round pick of the Detroit Lions who the U.S. Army originally allowed to delay his entry in the Army to play in the NFL, much to the delight of NFL fans at Radio City Music Hall in 2008 as the video shows.

But in July 2008 The Army reversed field and said Caleb Campbell could not as a soldier play in the NFL.

But now, Caleb's getting his chance to play in the NFL according to The Detroit Free Press. Awesome. And because Caleb's a nice very respectful person this blogger had the pleasure of meeting at the NFL Draft in 2008. The whole room at Radio City gave Caleb a standing ovation, making one of the most moving moments I've ever witnessed at The NFL Draft.

Caleb's attending the Lions Minicamp, and signed a contract with the team this week according to Pro Football

Best of luck to him.

Vendredi 14 Mai 2010 orageux

Orages pour ce Vendredi 14 Mai 2010 ?

Matin :
Les hautes pressions occuperaient l'Espagne et le Portugal.
Ailleurs, en un mot : dépression !
En effet, les basses pressions domineraient mais sans qu'il y ait une accélération importante de l'écoulement de l'air.
Il faudrait donc s'attendre à de nombreuses averses voire quelques orages localement.

Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 5°C à Grenoble et 12°C à Nice en passant par 7°C à Nevers, 9°C à Paris, 10°C à La Rochelle.

Après midi :
Le rayonnement aidant, la surface de la Terre serait chauffée considérablement !
Dans ces conditions, le risque orageux monterait au fil des heures.
Des structures organisées pourraient même apparaitre localement !
Dans tous les cas, les précipitations seraient abondantes.

Les températures maximales seraient conformes aux normes de saison : elles partiraient de 17°C à Roubaix (près de la frontière Belge) pour aller à 18°C à Nantes, 19°C à Blois et 20°C à Strasbourg.
Au Sud, entre 16°C dans les Alpes et 21°C à Perpignan en passant par 19°C à Agen, 20°C à Nimes et à Bastia.
Any source

Mayo mayea...

Dice el refranero español: "Cuando Marzo marcea, Mayo mayea....". Y después de un Marzo tan fresco y húmedo como el pasado, Mayo comenzará con una tónica parecida en nuestra Comarca de Valdeorras.
Meteograma para un punto de nuestra Comarca
El descenso térmico será acusado, con Isotermas que rondan los 0ºC. Después de alcanzar en O Barco la temperatura máxima de Galicia, e incluso una de las más altas de España el pasado miercoles 28, con una máxima de 32,5ºC alcanzada a las 15,55 h. las temperaturas máximas descenderán progresivamente hasta casi 15ºC, dejando unas máximas en O Barco la semana que viene que rondarán los 15/16 ºC.
Las mínimas descenderán también de modo significativo, entre 6/8ºC, con unas mínimas previsibles para O Barco de entre 5/7 ºC la próxima semana.
Mapa Modelo Gfs 500 hPa
Todo esto se debe a las Fusión del Anticiclón de las Azores con el Groendlandés, y el ascenso de este primero, que propiciará la entrada de vientos casi árticos por el flanco derecho del Anticiclón en dirección hacia nuestra península.
Las precipitaciones no serán cuantiosas, aunque podrían ser en muchas ocasiones de carácter tormentoso. La cota de nieve descenderá hasta los 1000/1.200 mts. por lo que se espera que nuestra montañas se vuelvan a cubrir del elemento blanco.
Any source

Werner meets Harrison - Monetary Reform & LVT. No: 1

There was a certain frisson in the air when Richard Werner, leading international academic on monetary reform and Fred Harrison eminent land value taxation economist both presented at the IU Conference in London yesterday  These leading proponents of their subjects had a theme of 'secrecy' (Werner) and 'hidden knowledge' (Harrison) that surround their disciplines and both are tireless exposers of the long-established thrall in which ordinary people are held thereby - where the major players in banking and land ownership rake off their gains to the permanent impoverishment of society. The victims, being blinded by this status quo that has endured for centuries, meekly accepting that the recurring banking and property crises are seemingly held to be irrevocable laws of nature. 
Both speakers have had similar career paths. For 20 years (Werner) and over 30 years (Harrison), having struck gold in their pursuit of reality and truth in matters of credit and banking  and of land, respectively, have pursued the thread wherever it took them, despite the lack of recognition that might have been expected from their insights.  These pioneers met for the first time in person at the School of Economic Science in Mandeville Place, London where the theme of the conference is: 'Why is so much wealth in the hands of so few?'.  The Conference continues today and Fri 30th.
I will be opening up Werner's and Harrison's viewpoints in subsequent postings on this blog. Werner gave a fast and potted history of credit, beginning in ancient Babylon up to date. He also revealed the mechanism that Keynes overlooked in his prediction that wealth by the year 2028 would mean that no-one would need to work more that 15 hours a week. Harrison gave a heartfelt view of the fact that despite having accurately predicted the dates of the last two boom-bust cycle peaks he has been ignored by politicians whom he specifically warned.  He also pointed out a vital flaw in Keynes' thinking: 'There is no land problem any more'.  

This occasion was a highly important meeting. There is hope that these powerful streams for economic reform can find an integrated platform. Within the space of two hours these speakers  occupied the same rostrum, but where they speaking from different premises? Link to this blog in days ahead. 

James Roberston has long brought these two themes together. See his latest newsletter which has a last-minute UK election suggestion. See also The Free Lunch - Fairness with Freedom. 
         Any source

Uncomfortable truths about the Conservatives campaign

While the Labour Party desperately tries to limit the damage and move talk on to anything apart from yesterday’s disaster without much success, the Telegraph’s Benedict Brogan has a revealing insight into the state of the Conservatives Campaign

He writes "Months ago, the likes of Steve Hilton and George Osborne were predicting – and praying – that it would all come down to the campaign, and the likelihood that Mr Brown would somehow crack under pressure. They wanted to focus voters' minds on the hard truths about Mr Brown – his temper, his indecisiveness, his policy failings.

Until Mrs Duffy popped up, they were having to confront some hard truths of their own, not least that Mr Cameron's decision to agree to the televised debates that gave Mr Clegg equal billing, against the advice of many around him, was probably the single biggest strategic mistake of his leadership."

In fact, the Tories, champions of openness in politics, are concealing plenty of inconvenient truths of their own, from the hidden elements of their deficit reduction programme to Mr Cameron's own capacity for temper and rudeness. The truth about Gordon Brown is their weapon; the truth about themselves – most of it good, but difficult to sell – is best avoided.

I guess there is some truth in the claims that the Conservatives are making up their Election strategy as they go along – for all our sakes let’s hope they don’t do the same when they are in Government.Any source

Nou video de la nevada del 8 de Març a Tossa de Mar.

Us deixo un nou video de la nevada del 8 de Març.
Atenció! Entorn al minut 5:30 es pot veure un Flamenc en plena nevada al mig de sa platja Gran.

La nevada del 8 de març 2010
Cargado por tvtossa. - Mira las noticias más recientes en video.Any source

Che impatto ha l'età di un sito sul suo posizionamento?

Ciao a tutti e bentornati all'appuntamento con i video di Matt Cutts, l'iniziativa che vede protagoniste le domande degli utenti e le risposte di Matt Cutts relative al mondo dell'indicizzazione, delle sitemap e dei link.

Come annunciato qualche settimana fa, i video seguono la scia delle mini guide "Lo sapevate che..." e offrono nuove possibilità di approfondimento e apprendimento sia per gli utenti che vogliono saperne di più sulla ricerca su Google in generale, sia per i webmaster che vogliono essere informati e aggiornati su tutto ciò che riguarda l'ottimizzazione, il Page Rank, le directories, e altri temi utili per il proprio lavoro quotidiano. Il video di oggi prende in considerazione l'età di un sito e l'impatto che tale fattore rappresenta per il suo posizionamento.
I video usciranno in versione "embedded" sul blog e su YouTube attraverso il canale Google Webmaster Central Channel.

Se i sottotitoli in Italiano non si avviano automaticamente con il video, fate Clic in basso a destra sul triangolino per attivarli e scegliete "Italian" per visualizzarli.

Come sempre aspettiamo il vostro feedback e i vostri suggerimenti tra i commenti del blog e sul Forum di assistenza per i webmaster, quindi scrivete e restate sintonizzati :)

Any source

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Friends of Atwater Village (FAV) in partnership with Arcadia Publishing will be producing an Atwater Village photographic history book for the Images of America series.

In order to fully preserve Atwater’s history FAV is asking for help in obtaining old photographs, documents, newspaper articles, receipts or advertising from local businesses and any other historic information regarding Atwater Village between the years of 1900-2000. The book is a way to share and preserve our local history and a great way to mark the Centennial of our neighborhood.

At the Atwater Village Centennial Street Festival, slated for Sunday June 13, 2010, FAV will be taking oral histories from those that would like to share their memories of Atwater Village’s past. We will also be scanning photographs and memorabilia that Atwater Villagers would like to share for possible inclusion in the book. The book is slated to go on sale by late 2010 or early 2011.

Please come by the FAV booth during the Street Festival or contact us at 323.913.2999 or at

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The New Image Search for Android and iPhone

When you do an image search, we find that it is typical that you will look through many pages of search results. So in the redesign of Google Image Search for mobile, available today for iPhone 3.0+ and Android 2.1 devices, we focused on making it easy to quickly see as many image thumbnails as possible:
  • The thumbnails are square to maximize the number of images we can get on the screen at one time so you can scan them quickly
  • You can swipe to see the next or previous page of results, or tap the large, stationary 'Next' and 'Previous' page buttons
  • We optimized for speed so that the images appear quickly when you browse
When it comes to viewing the images, we now make them as large as possible by introducing a special image viewing page:
  • The black background emphasizes the image and the buttons fade after a few seconds so you can just see images with little distraction
  • Easily browse through the images by swiping from picture to picture

To try this new version of Image Search, just go to on your phone and tap on “Images.” The new experience is available in 38 languages worldwide. Whether you like to look through pictures of prom dresses, impressionist paintings or 猫 ジャンプ we hope you love this update to Image Search for mobile.

Update on 6/2 @ 5:40 pm: This version of Image Search is now available for all Android and Palm webOS devices.

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Jeudi 13 Mai 2010 oceanique

Circulation océanique d'Ouest pour ce Jeudi 13 Mai 2010 ?

Matin :
L'anticyclone se positionnerait sur les îles britanniques (Nord de l'Angleterre du moins) ainsi que sur l'Espagne et le Portugal.
Entre les deux, les basses pressions.
Il faudrait donc s'attendre à un flux d'Ouest assez peu dynamique dans le sens où l'écoulement de l'air serait faible.
Du coup, les averses pourraient être nombreuses dans une masse d'air à peu près de saison pour une matinée.

Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 6°C à Gap et 12°C à Nice en passant par 8°C à Bourges, 10°C à Paris, 11°C à La Rochelle.

Après midi :
Avec l'ensoleillement, les nuages cumuliformes (se développant verticalement) seraient de plus en plus gros.
Les orages éclateraient un peu partout particulièrement sur l'Aquitaine et le Midi Pyrénées (par effet relief) !
Le soleil ferait quelques belles percées entre les gouttes : une situation où les arcs en ciel apparaitraient facilement !

Les températures maximales seraient conformes aux normes de saison : elles partiraient de 17°C à Lille pour aller à 18°C à Nantes, 19°C à Orléans et 20°C à Strasbourg.
Au Sud, entre 16°C à Bourg Saint Maurice et 21°C à Perpignan en passant par 19°C à Arcachon, 20°C à Nimes et à Cannes.
Any source

Pick this Nit: Null Path URIs and the Pedantic Web

There is no surer way to flush out software bugs and configuration errors than to do a sales demo. The process not only exposes the problem, but also sears into the psyche of the demonstrator an irrational desire to see the problem eradicated from the face of the earth, no matter the cost or consequences.
Here's a configuration problem I once found while demonstrating software to a potential customer:
Many library information services can be configured with the base URL for the institution's OpenURL server. The information service then constructs links by appending "?" and a query string onto the base URL. So for example, if the base URL is
and the query string is
isbn=9780393072235&title=The+Big+Short ,
the constructed URL is
For the demo, we had configured the base URL to be very short:, so the constructed URL would have been Everything worked fine when we tested beforehand. For the customer demo, however, we used the customer's computer, which was running some Windows version of Internet Explorer that we hadn't tested, and none of the links worked. Internet Explorer had this wonderful error page that made it seem as if our software had broken the entire web. Luckily, breaking the entire web was not uncommon at the time, and I was able to navigate to a different demo site and make it appear is if I had fixed the entire web, so we managed to make the sale anyway.
It turns out that http URLs with null paths aren't allowed to have query strings. You wouldn't know it if you looked at the W3C documentation for URIs, which is WRONG, but you will see it if you look at the IETF specs, which have jurisdiction (see RFC 1738 and RFC 2616).
Internet Explorer was just implementing the spec, ignoring the possibility that someone might ignore or misinterpret it. The fact that Netscape worked where IE failed could be considered a bug or a feature, but most users probably considered Netscape's acceptance of illegal URLs to be a feature.
I still feel a remnant of  pain every time I see a pathless URL with a query string. Most recently, I saw a whole bunch of them on the thing-described-by site and sent a nit-picky e-mail to the site's developer, and was extremely pleased when he fixed them. (Expeditious error fixing will be richly rewarded in the hereafter.) I've come to recognize, however, that a vast majority of these errors will never be fixed or even noticed, and maybe that's even a good thing.
Nit picking appears to have been a highlight of the Linked Data on the Web Meeting in Raleigh, NC yesterday, which I've followed via Twitter. If you enjoy tales of nerdy data disasters or wonky metadata mischief, you simply must peruse the slides from Andreas Harth's talk (1.8M, pdf) on "Weaving the Pedantic Web". If you're serious about understanding real-world challenges for the Semantic Web, once you've stopped laughing or crying at the slides you should also read the corresponding paper (pdf, 415K ). Harth's co-authors are Aidan Hogan, Alexandre Passant, Stefan Decker, and Axel Polleres from DERI.
The DERI team has studied the incidence of various errors made by publishers of Linked Data "in the wild". Not so surprisingly, they find a lot of problems. For example, they find that 14.3% of triples in the wild use an undeclared property and 8.1% of the triples use an undeclared class. Imagine if a quarter of all sentences published on the web used words that weren't in the dictionary, and you'd have a sense of what that means. 4.7% of typed literals were "ill-typed". If 5% of the numbers in the phone book had the wrong number of digits, you'd probably look for another phone book.
They've even found ways that seemingly innocuous statements can have serious repercussions. It turns out that it's possible to "hijack" a metadata schema, and induce a trillion bad triples with a single Web Ontology Language (OWL) assertion.
Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes NitsTo do battle with the enemy of badly published Linked Data, the DERI team urges community involvement in a support group that has been formed to help publishers fix their data. The "Pedantic Web" has 137 members already. This is a very positive and necessary effort. But they should realize that the correct data cause is a hopeless one. The vast majority of potential data publishers really don't care about correctness, especially when some of the mistakes can be so subtle. What they care about is accomplishing specific goals. The users of my linking software only cared that the links worked. HTML authors mostly care only that the web page looks right. Users of Facebook or Google RDFa will only care that the Like buttons or Rich Snippets work, and the fact that the schemas for these things either don't exist in machine readable form or are wildly inconsistent with the documentation is a Big Whoop.
Until of course, somebody does a sales demo, and the entire web crashes.
(nit and head louse photos from Wikimedia Commons)
Enhanced by Zemanta

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Evoluzione 29 - 30 - 1 Aprile - maggio 2010

Buonasera a tutti!

L'avanzare della stagione primaverile nel Mediterraneo è spesso sintomo di giornate calde e stabili, con tempo bello quasi ovunque e vento assente, se si esclude quello ciclico di brezza che inizia a manifestarsi non appena l'escursione termica del suolo riesce ad oscillare sul valor medio che è quello del mare.

Perciò Aprile terminerà in bellezza, ma da inizio Maggio le cose potrebbero cambiare... infatti finora mancano ancora all'appello le perturbazioni primaverili che si approfondiscono bene nel mar Ligure, richiamando venti meridionali un pò ovunque; perturbazioni che la statistica le vede attraversare il nostro paese tra Aprile e Maggio, prima che la forza delle correnti occidentali vada calando concedendo poi soltanto l'affondo di perturbazioni Nord-occidentali non più in grado di approfondire minimi di pressione del genere sull'Italia.


Giovedì 29 e venerdì 30 aprile: bel tempo e abbastanza caldo su tutta la Penisola. Qualche addensamento al sud giovedì e sulle Alpi venerdì, ma con basso rischio di rovesci.

Sabato 1 maggio: bello al centro e al sud, a parte un po' di velature in arrivo. Nubi al nord con qualche rovescio limitato alle Alpi. Ancora abbastanza caldo, specie al centro-sud.


Mar Ligure

Giovedì 29: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Venerdì 30: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Sabato 1: Mari inizialmente calmi, con venti di S-E in aumento in mattinata, e possibili prime ondine (max 0,5 m) surfabili nel pomeriggio sul settore centrale e zone esposte del levante.

Isole Maggiori

Giovedì 29: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Venerdì 30: Mari inizialmente calmi o poco mossi, ma con venti da S-E in rinforzo sulla Sardegna meridionale già dal mattino, e prime ondine surfabili nel pomeriggio (0,5 m).

Sabato 1: Al mattino onde di 0,8-1 m da S-E su Sardegna meridionale, 0,5 m sulla zona orientale verso nord. Nel pomeriggio onde da Sud anche sulla Sicilia s-w, mentre sulla Sardegna le onde iniziano a superare il metro.

Mar Tirreno

Giovedì 29: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Venerdì 30: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Sabato 1: Mari inizialmente calmi, ma con venti di scirocco in rinforzo, e prime onde surfabili su bassa Toscana-alto Lazio nel pomeriggio, di max 0,5 m.

Mar Ionio

Giovedì 29: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Venerdì 30: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Sabato 1: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Mar Adriatico

Giovedì 29: Mari calmi o poco mossi. Possibilili piccole onde da nord (max 0,5 m) al mattino sul settore meridionale (Puglia, Molise), in rapido calo.

Venerdì 30: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Sabato 1: Mari calmi o poco mossi.

Al prossimo aggiornamento!

Any source

Mercredi 12 Mai 2010 fraicheur

Une fraicheur remarquable pour ce Mercredi 12 Mai 2010 ?

Matin :
La dorsale anticyclonique referait son apparition sur l'Ouest de la France ainsi que sur les îles britanniques.
Sur l'hexagone, nous aurions un flux de Nord dépressionnaire.
Cependant, le gradient de pression ne serait pas important.
Concrètement, de nombreuses averses séviraient dès le lever du jour avec parfois du grésil et même de la neige à très basse altitude (moins de 1000 mètres ?).

Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 4°C à Grenoble et 10°C à Nice en passant par 5°C à Nancy, 7°C à Paris, 8°C à La Rochelle.

Après midi :
Pas d'amélioration en vue sur l'ensemble des paramètres.
En effet, le temps serait très lourd avec le rayonnement solaire.
Du coup, les nuages à développement vertical prendraient de l'ampleur : les orages seraient alors nombreux donnant souvent du grésil voire de la grêle !
Seul le pourtour méditerranéen pourrait rester au sec : et encore ! ce n'est pas certain !

Les températures maximales seraient fraiches pour la saison : elles partiraient de 11°C à Dunkerque pour aller à 14°C à Strasbourg, 15°C à Bourges et 16°C à Nantes.
Au Sud, entre 10°C à Bourg Saint Maurice et 19°C à Perpignan en passant par 15°C à Montélimar, 17°C à Agen et 18°C à Nimes.
Any source

Are the Tories the natural party of Coalition?

Unless something earth shattering happens in the next week or so, the UK is on heading for a Parliament where no one party has overall control and while that prospect is exciting some and is good for democracy there are some who would prefer a clear cut result, not least the Conservative Party.

But if you look back coalition in the UK was a far more frequent occurrence and the Tories were willing to offer big concessions, over at the Next Left Blog it states ‘Strikingly, the Conservatives were frequently willing to offer the Premiership to a smaller partner, an offer turned down by Hartington in 1886 (with his Liberal colleague Goschen taking the Treasury a few months later) but accepted by the Liberal Lloyd George in 1918 and of course Labour's leader Ramsay MacDonald in 1931, as part of an attempt to project the idea that these coalitions were not simply Tory fronts.

Most in today's Conservative party seem unaware of the depth of their pro-coalition history.

Why? Because history begins in 1979. For the ideologised post-Thatcher party, coalition is indeed anathema, as it never was for Disraeli. The post-Thatcher Tory party remains cut off from the party's historical, political and intellectual traditions by the enduring impact of Keith Joseph's famous declaration of 1975 that the history of actually existing British post-war Conservatism has been a betrayal - and "not Conservative at all".

Power-sharing, negotiation, compromise - the very stuff of politics - and any attempt at pluralist political reform are viewed primarily as attempts to shut the Tories out. Yet a deeper progressive Conservativism might have learnt from their history, rather than apparently being cut off from it. It would not see all political negotiation as an offence against strong government, and so would see in the increased pluralism of a post-devolution, multi-party politics enormous opportunities for a supple, pragmatic Tory statecraft. It would probably be preparing to compete and deal on electoral reform, rather than implying it would cling to the wreckage of first-past-the-post even if it blew itself up by providing a bizarre result with little democratic credibility at all. Indeed, it might particularly favour the Alternative Vote at least, for it would finally lock in Cameronism, just as the early '70s Tories were the party of devolution and more interested than Labour in electoral reform.'

I wonder what will be on offer to potential suitors if the Conservatives emerge as the largest Party but without an overall majority this time around.Any source

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Place Pages for mobile

Last fall, we launched Place Pages which organize relevant and useful information about places on Google Maps. Since then we've been developing a version, available now, which gives you access to the same useful information optimized for your mobile phone. For example, in the video below, the Place Page for Mama's restaurant in San Francisco shows location information, customer ratings, opening hours and what people are saying about the restaurant in summary format.

To get more details on opening hours or on customer specific comments related to the food, service or ambiance, simply click on those respective sections to show more information instantly. The Place Page also provides links to useful websites where the user can read full reviews about the place. Lastly, if address and cross street information is not enough, click on the map button and you will be taken to a full screen dynamic map which is pannable and zoomable. In this way you can quickly see the restaurant's location in the context of the entire neighborhood.

To try this yourself, go to on your phone's browser and search for "mama's sf". On the search results page, click on the listing for Mama's restaurant to go to the Place Page. This mobile optimized Place Page is currently supported on Android-powered devices and iPhones/iPod touches in the US.

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- via dai rumor, pensa velocemente
- non ascoltare puntualmente i consigli del FAD (ci becca come sentiment in generale, ma entrate ed uscite tendono ad essere errate)
- non ascoltare quello che fanno i colleghi (S.)Any source

Memo episodio FAD - parte 2

ero già in posizione da diversi giorni (dal 6/4)

19/4 guadagno 1% (0,5% leva 2) aperta su 23.200

20/4 la posizione short sull’FTSEMIB traballa a fronte di un +1,61% di borsa
tutti gli indicatori sono aperti sul rosso, ma il Vortex che si è incrociato il 20 e non il 19 non dà il segnale di ingresso!!!!!

Nonostante uno scossone al rialzo che per la 2a volta ha fatto tremare la nostra posizione short (per quanto il vortex si sia aperto ma non sia andato sotto i minimi – ben 22.600 anche se gli RWI e diversi indicatori sono già sul rosso)

cmq per fortuna che il giorno dopo il 21 la borsa continua a scendere

il 27 abbiamo chiuso la posizione quando il 21 si sono aperti gli indicatori: x 2 settimane abbiamo tenuto aperto una posizione che non ha dato frutti ma solo perdite potenziali

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