I had an inkling that Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" was going to be big a few weeks ago when I tried to make a hotel reservation in Washington, DC and found that no hotel rooms in the city were available this weekend (I had decided to combine a trip to the rally with some other business).
On Saturday morning, I realized that the rally would indeed be something unprecedented; at 9 AM, the inbound Metro Red line train was jam packed with rallygoers at the third stop (Twinbrook), even though nothing was scheduled till 12 AM. By the sixth stop, the train was having difficulty getting its doors closed, leading to delays.
The odd thing about the rally was that there were hardly any instructions as to what we were to do at the "million moderate march", other than to have some fun while engaging is a respectful discourse with other people and being willing to listen. Rallygoers were to make of the event whatever they wished. For some, it was a massive Halloween Party; for others it was a chance to express dismay at the rhetoric of Glenn Beck and Fox News. Whatever it was, there was a widespread feeling of wanting to participate in something historic.
On the train, collective coping behaviors emerged from the unexpected mass intimacy. When we got to stations where one or two riders needed to get off, other riders squeezed aside to make sure they could emerge from the train. Later, above ground, the crowd would make a special effort to part for rallygoers in wheelchairs and parents with children in strollers. Police cars and ambulances drove through streets packed with people because somehow the crowd recognized a necessity.
In the part of the crowd where I ended up, none of us could really hear or see the speeches or entertainment, but nobody seemed to care. We can watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on TV any evening, and we knew without watching what he might say. It was the rest of the crowd we were there to be with. Close to where I stood, a young man was trying to climb a tree to get a better view; there was already another fellow up in the tree. The crowd took notice, and began to cheer him on. Before long, there was a chant of "YES YOU CAN" that took hold of the crowd, and the fellow in the tree tried his best to help the climber up.
This morning, reading the press accounts, I was dismayed to see that much of the "mainstream media" seemed to miscomprehend the Rally for Sanity by focusing on the show rather than the audience. Whether the rally was 215,000 people or 420,000 people, the media's mistake is akin to reporting that YouTube is a site for stupid pet trick videos. The best way to understand the Sanity Rally's significance, in fact, is to make the analogy that YouTube is to Fox (or CBS, for that matter) as the Rally for Sanity is to almost any previous political rally. Finally, crowdsourcing has come to the crowd.
Nonetheless, when Jon Stewart began to speak at the end of the rally, the crowd suddenly became quiet and strained to hear. "These are hard times, not end times" we heard. There was something about the miracle of the Lincoln Tunnel, where cars strain to get through, merging from 20 lines or so down to two, and it somehow works even though the people in one car might be totally different from the people in the next car, the traffic moves forward concession by sensible concession, and sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel isn't the promised land, it's New Jersey.
But we didn't need Jon Stewart to tell us that, we had discovered that by being pressed together in a massive crowd, and by learning how to get around anyway.
Article any source
Sunday, October 31, 2010
What is a Universal Periodic Review
November 4th.
That's the day that the UN conducts hearings as part of its Universal Periodic Review of the state framework for human rights in Honduras.
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a once every four years dialogue between the 47 members sitting on the Human Rights Council and the national government of the country under review, plus any registered non-governmental organizations that ask to participate. The result, no sooner than 2 days after the hearing, is a report which contains a summary of the discussion plus a series of recommendations for the national government. It is up to the national government to carry those recommendations out. It is up to the UN to hold the governments accountable for non-compliance.
In the case of Honduras, the submissions can be found at the UN Office of the High Commissioner website here. The submissions include the government's report to the Human Rights Council, in every UN official language, a compilation of UN agency comments on conditions that arose since the last review, a summary of comments by third parties, and a series of questions submitted in advance by governments who are part of the Human Rights Council.
Honduras's own report was submitted on August 23, 2010. The report Honduras submitted is about the government structures, rules, and regulations that support the various areas of human rights that Honduras must report on in its periodic review. A quick review of the recent submissions by other Central American countries suggests that this is the correct content. The entire report consists of 134 paragraphs.
Paragraph 4 of Honduras's submission states
A Tiempo article from Saturday noted that according to sources in the Executive branch, the report was completed without the collaboration of the Ministry of Security or the Supreme Court.
After a brief introduction, paragraphs 7-13, on the current political situation in Honduras, contain just about the only references to the coup of June 28, 2009 and the subsequent human rights violations that continue through the present. Paragraph 8 notes that Porfirio Lobo Sosa has complied with the terms of the Guaymuras Accords. Paragraph 9 identifies the official truth commission and its mission statement. Paragraph 12 lumps all human rights violations, from any time period, together and notes that investigations are either ongoing, or the cases have been determined to be common crimes.
Paragraphs 14-37 discuss political and civil rights, including the right to life, integrity of person, eradication of torture, prisons, access to justice, and freedom of expression.
Paragraphs 38-74 are concerned with economic and social rights, such as health, education, culture, ethnic groups, work, housing, and food.
Paragraphs 75-125 are concerned with the rights of vulnerable groups, such as some ethnic minorities, women, children, migrants, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered people, the old, disabled, and the right of everyone to a healthy environment.
The remaining paragraphs contain the report's conclusions.
The UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (UNOHCR) conducted its own review on each of the above topics over the last year. For example, there is a report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, another Special Rapporteur's report on extrajudicial killings, another on the independence of judges, and so forth. Each of these reports presents the UN's own take on the topic in question, and was available to the government of Honduras in crafting its own report. In addition, collectively the reports are summarized in a UN document included in the paperwork of the UPR for Honduras.
The UN paperwork notes that sixteen stakeholders submitted comments on the report, and provides a 14 page summary of those comments. You'll need to read Spanish, English, and French to take in the whole document, since not everything has been translated. The ten page Amnesty International submission from April, 2010 is located here on the UN website. Article 19, a group interested in freedom of the press, published their comment on their own website, located here. The other comments are probably filed in the same document archive as the Amnesty report, but I did not take the time to locate them.
Finally, there are a series of questions that the countries that make up the Human Rights Council have compiled. The countries who submitted questions include the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland. Their questions primarily focus on human rights violations arising out of the events of June 28, 2009, the de facto regime, and that of Porfirio Lobo Sosa.
A group of three representatives from the Human Rights Council, representatives of Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation, will compile a summary of the discussion and a series of recommendations for Honduras after the meeting. Honduras will then have a chance to respond to this document, and then it will be adopted in a subsequent meeting.
Honduras will be represented in the hearing by several cabinet ministers and presidential advisers, including Maria Antonietta Guillén, Áfrico Madrid, and Ana Pineda. Also representing Honduras will be the head of the legislative committee concerned with human rights, Orle Solis, and the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights, Sandra Ponce. The hearing will last 3 hours on the morning of November 4.
The UN may broadcast a webcast of the hearing. Currently only webcasts for November 1 are listed. Technical note, the webcast requires Real Player be installed.Any source
That's the day that the UN conducts hearings as part of its Universal Periodic Review of the state framework for human rights in Honduras.
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a once every four years dialogue between the 47 members sitting on the Human Rights Council and the national government of the country under review, plus any registered non-governmental organizations that ask to participate. The result, no sooner than 2 days after the hearing, is a report which contains a summary of the discussion plus a series of recommendations for the national government. It is up to the national government to carry those recommendations out. It is up to the UN to hold the governments accountable for non-compliance.
In the case of Honduras, the submissions can be found at the UN Office of the High Commissioner website here. The submissions include the government's report to the Human Rights Council, in every UN official language, a compilation of UN agency comments on conditions that arose since the last review, a summary of comments by third parties, and a series of questions submitted in advance by governments who are part of the Human Rights Council.
Honduras's own report was submitted on August 23, 2010. The report Honduras submitted is about the government structures, rules, and regulations that support the various areas of human rights that Honduras must report on in its periodic review. A quick review of the recent submissions by other Central American countries suggests that this is the correct content. The entire report consists of 134 paragraphs.
Paragraph 4 of Honduras's submission states
"The approach adopted in the universal periodic review involved the various Government agencies and branches of the State, all of which provided input to this report in their own areas of competence."Except, of course, when they did not provide input.
A Tiempo article from Saturday noted that according to sources in the Executive branch, the report was completed without the collaboration of the Ministry of Security or the Supreme Court.
After a brief introduction, paragraphs 7-13, on the current political situation in Honduras, contain just about the only references to the coup of June 28, 2009 and the subsequent human rights violations that continue through the present. Paragraph 8 notes that Porfirio Lobo Sosa has complied with the terms of the Guaymuras Accords. Paragraph 9 identifies the official truth commission and its mission statement. Paragraph 12 lumps all human rights violations, from any time period, together and notes that investigations are either ongoing, or the cases have been determined to be common crimes.
Paragraphs 14-37 discuss political and civil rights, including the right to life, integrity of person, eradication of torture, prisons, access to justice, and freedom of expression.
Paragraphs 38-74 are concerned with economic and social rights, such as health, education, culture, ethnic groups, work, housing, and food.
Paragraphs 75-125 are concerned with the rights of vulnerable groups, such as some ethnic minorities, women, children, migrants, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered people, the old, disabled, and the right of everyone to a healthy environment.
The remaining paragraphs contain the report's conclusions.
The UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (UNOHCR) conducted its own review on each of the above topics over the last year. For example, there is a report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, another Special Rapporteur's report on extrajudicial killings, another on the independence of judges, and so forth. Each of these reports presents the UN's own take on the topic in question, and was available to the government of Honduras in crafting its own report. In addition, collectively the reports are summarized in a UN document included in the paperwork of the UPR for Honduras.
The UN paperwork notes that sixteen stakeholders submitted comments on the report, and provides a 14 page summary of those comments. You'll need to read Spanish, English, and French to take in the whole document, since not everything has been translated. The ten page Amnesty International submission from April, 2010 is located here on the UN website. Article 19, a group interested in freedom of the press, published their comment on their own website, located here. The other comments are probably filed in the same document archive as the Amnesty report, but I did not take the time to locate them.
Finally, there are a series of questions that the countries that make up the Human Rights Council have compiled. The countries who submitted questions include the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland. Their questions primarily focus on human rights violations arising out of the events of June 28, 2009, the de facto regime, and that of Porfirio Lobo Sosa.
A group of three representatives from the Human Rights Council, representatives of Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation, will compile a summary of the discussion and a series of recommendations for Honduras after the meeting. Honduras will then have a chance to respond to this document, and then it will be adopted in a subsequent meeting.
Honduras will be represented in the hearing by several cabinet ministers and presidential advisers, including Maria Antonietta Guillén, Áfrico Madrid, and Ana Pineda. Also representing Honduras will be the head of the legislative committee concerned with human rights, Orle Solis, and the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights, Sandra Ponce. The hearing will last 3 hours on the morning of November 4.
The UN may broadcast a webcast of the hearing. Currently only webcasts for November 1 are listed. Technical note, the webcast requires Real Player be installed.Any source
Hola a todos. Hoy el día ha amanecido con el cielo muy cargado de nubes pero a media mañana los claros han ganado terreno rápidamente quedando una mañana muy soleada y agradable. Lo mas destacado ha sido el estado del mar, que, al ir a hacer un paseo por Sitges me lo he encontrado bastante alterado para mi disfrute.
Las temperaturas hoy en Sant Boi han sido:
Min. 15.7ºc
Max. 20.5ºc
Aquí os dejo las imagenes de hoy tanto en fotos como en vídeos. Hay un par que no tienen sonido no se la razón pero son igual de espectaculares. Espero que os gusten.
Any source
Las temperaturas hoy en Sant Boi han sido:
Min. 15.7ºc
Max. 20.5ºc
Aquí os dejo las imagenes de hoy tanto en fotos como en vídeos. Hay un par que no tienen sonido no se la razón pero son igual de espectaculares. Espero que os gusten.
Any source
Lundi 15 Novembre 2010 pluie
Beaucoup de pluie pour ce Lundi 15 Novembre 2010 ?
Matin :
Pour les sorties du jour, il faudrait oublier ! à moins que vous soyez un escargot !
En effet, nous aurions un vaste système dépressionnaire sur les îles britanniques ; l'anticyclone resterait aux Açores sans nous donner le moindre coup de main.
Du coup, la France subirait un flux d'Ouest pour le moins dynamique : les perturbations défileraient assez rapidement donnant de fortes précipitations sur toute la moitié Nord et une partie de l'Aquitaine, Midi Pyrénées.
Le pourtour méditerranéen serait sous influence du vent d'Ouest.
Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 1°C à Aurillac et 13°C à Nice en passant par 3°C à Amiens, 4°C à Paris, 7°C à Niort et 9°C à La Rochelle.
Après midi :
Pas de changements à attendre ; toujours autant d'eau qui commencerait à s'accumuler localement ; le risque d'inondations serait faible pour ne pas dire infime.
Seul les parties autour de la Grande Bleue resteraient à l'écart des intempéries mais au prix d'un fort courant d'air.
Les températures maximales seraient globalement plus ou moins conformes aux normes de saison (à affiner) : elles partiraient de 8°C à Strasbourg pour aller à 9°C à Langres, 11°C à Brest et 12°C à Nantes.
Au Sud, entre 8°C à Bourg Saint Maurice et 17°C à Bonifacio en passant par 10°C à Lyon, 12°C à Tarbes, 15°C à Arles et 16°C à Perpignan.Any source
Matin :
Pour les sorties du jour, il faudrait oublier ! à moins que vous soyez un escargot !
En effet, nous aurions un vaste système dépressionnaire sur les îles britanniques ; l'anticyclone resterait aux Açores sans nous donner le moindre coup de main.
Du coup, la France subirait un flux d'Ouest pour le moins dynamique : les perturbations défileraient assez rapidement donnant de fortes précipitations sur toute la moitié Nord et une partie de l'Aquitaine, Midi Pyrénées.
Le pourtour méditerranéen serait sous influence du vent d'Ouest.
Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 1°C à Aurillac et 13°C à Nice en passant par 3°C à Amiens, 4°C à Paris, 7°C à Niort et 9°C à La Rochelle.
Après midi :
Pas de changements à attendre ; toujours autant d'eau qui commencerait à s'accumuler localement ; le risque d'inondations serait faible pour ne pas dire infime.
Seul les parties autour de la Grande Bleue resteraient à l'écart des intempéries mais au prix d'un fort courant d'air.
Les températures maximales seraient globalement plus ou moins conformes aux normes de saison (à affiner) : elles partiraient de 8°C à Strasbourg pour aller à 9°C à Langres, 11°C à Brest et 12°C à Nantes.
Au Sud, entre 8°C à Bourg Saint Maurice et 17°C à Bonifacio en passant par 10°C à Lyon, 12°C à Tarbes, 15°C à Arles et 16°C à Perpignan.Any source
Hola a todos. Estos son los datos meteorológicos de este mes de octubre. Como podréis comprobar la lluvia ha sido medianamente cuantiosa casi toda concentrada en el puente del pilar. Hemos estado 17 días sin llover hasta el día de hoy que ha caído 1 mm. Ha sido un mes con altibajos térmicos, Empezó siendo cálido para la segunda semana ser mas bien frío con mínimas que fueron bajando noche a noche durante una semana. Después las temperaturas han sido suaves aunque las mínimas se han mantenido bajas hasta los últimos días donde han ido subiendo paulatinamente.
Estos son los datos en cifras.
LLUVIA RECOGIDA: 98.8 MM.Any source
Estos son los datos en cifras.
LLUVIA RECOGIDA: 98.8 MM.Any source
Maltempo in tutta Italia!
Continua la fase di maltempo sull'Italia per via di una peturbazione arrivata ieri sera e che durerà fino a martedì al nord , mercoledì al centro e giovedì al sud.
Per stanotte allerta meteo per piogge intense in tutto il nord , specialmente sulle prealpi per venti forti meridionali , con quota neve in rialzo fino ai 1800-2000mt.
Piogge meno intense dall'Emilia Romagna per tutto il centro fino alla Campania , Sardegna e Sicilia.
Estremo sud ancora piogge deboli..
Per domani lunedì 1 Novembre ancora maltempo diffuso su tutto il nord , Emilia Romagna e Toscana con piogge moderate o forti e limite della neve attorno ai 2000-2200mt.
Sul centro piogge moderate con qualche temporale , coinvolte anche Sardegna e Sicilia.
Sul sud ancora piogge deboli e locali temporali.
Questa fase di maltempo porterà accumuli elevati a ridosso dei monti e lungo il versante tirrenico dove si potranno manifestare temporali anche forti con l'ingresso della parte centrale della perturbazione con aria più fredda con il contrasto con il mare ancora caldo.
Domani sera previsione per martedì e giorni successivi.
Any source
Per stanotte allerta meteo per piogge intense in tutto il nord , specialmente sulle prealpi per venti forti meridionali , con quota neve in rialzo fino ai 1800-2000mt.
Piogge meno intense dall'Emilia Romagna per tutto il centro fino alla Campania , Sardegna e Sicilia.
Estremo sud ancora piogge deboli..
Per domani lunedì 1 Novembre ancora maltempo diffuso su tutto il nord , Emilia Romagna e Toscana con piogge moderate o forti e limite della neve attorno ai 2000-2200mt.
Sul centro piogge moderate con qualche temporale , coinvolte anche Sardegna e Sicilia.
Sul sud ancora piogge deboli e locali temporali.
Questa fase di maltempo porterà accumuli elevati a ridosso dei monti e lungo il versante tirrenico dove si potranno manifestare temporali anche forti con l'ingresso della parte centrale della perturbazione con aria più fredda con il contrasto con il mare ancora caldo.
Domani sera previsione per martedì e giorni successivi.
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New website Radical Wales
Thanks to a comment left on an earlier post I have discovered a new website called Radical Wales
Its tag line is ‘An independent platform for considered radical political analysis, commentary and discussion in Wales’ and its worth checking out.Any source
Its tag line is ‘An independent platform for considered radical political analysis, commentary and discussion in Wales’ and its worth checking out.Any source
4 GREEN Ideas for Malaysia
Last weekend, I went up to Genting for relaxing and escape from the warm weather in KL. Wondering how could Malaysians live in such condition in the next decades, if the temperature going up consistently?
Amazingly, when I turn-on the television, a GREEN programme was on-screen. Instead of sleeping, I watched the whole documentary about some great ideas or innovations being researched by scientists in US. The programme highlighting 4 green ideas:
1. Green Insulator
The insulator is made up with a special liquid gel, which could prevent heat transfer up to 350 degree Celsius. It can be applied in the glass (transparent) of any building, to bring the sun light in, without heating the interior. We can expect 20% energy saving from air-conditioner and lightnings.
We heard of the this idea long time ago, where people planting on the roof.
- it could absorb heat from entering the building.
- it could release fresher air back to environment just like jungle did.
- it is definitely better aura than concrete jungle.
In view of the decreasing food supply nowadays, planting vegetables or fruits above the roofs can be a good business.
- it could absorb heat from entering the building.
- it could release fresher air back to environment just like jungle did.
- it is definitely better aura than concrete jungle.
In view of the decreasing food supply nowadays, planting vegetables or fruits above the roofs can be a good business.
I like this kind of technology which could bring the free flowing sun light from outside to inside of the building.
Fiber optic is flexible enough to bend and extend as long as you like. It is natural, no sound, and research show that student study under such light could let them concentrate more on studies.
Fantastic !!!
Fiber optic is flexible enough to bend and extend as long as you like. It is natural, no sound, and research show that student study under such light could let them concentrate more on studies.
Fantastic !!!
As we know, solar panel could turn sun light to generate electricity. But, it is heavy, thick and space consuming. With nanotechnology, scientists converted it into much much smaller solar panel which can be handle easily , and it can cat onto any surface of a building, making the whole building like a power plant. The only shortfall is this kind of green technology is the most expensive.
Malaysia could invite experts from other countries to design and construct using such green technology.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Il Fantasma di Halloween
Ho sempre sostenuto che nelle formazioni nuvolose uno possa vedere tutte le forme che la sua fantasia riesce a creare, beh oggi la mia fantasia propone un bel fantasma con le braccia sollevate che vaga per i cieli in tema con la festa di Halloween.
Ed una coloratissima alba color zucca arancione.
Any source
Ed una coloratissima alba color zucca arancione.
Any source
Dimanche 14 Novembre 2010 pluvieux
De la pluie partout pour ce Dimanche 14 Novembre 2010 ?
Matin :
le champ dépressionnaire serait au programme pour cette journée ; cette situation se traduirait par le passage d'une perturbation sur toute la moitié Nord de la France.
En effet, la position du système dépressionnaire sur les îles britanniques, d'un anticyclone sur les Açores et le Groenland favoriseraient cette situation.
Nous aurions alors de la pluie.
Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 0°C à Gap et 14°C à Nice en passant par 4°C à Cambrai, 6°C à Paris, 8°C à Agen et 10°C à La Rochelle.
Après midi :
Cette fin de week-end semblerait véritablement maussade ; les pluies de la matinée progresseraient vers l'Est et le Sud, parfois en s'intensifiant.
Peu de chances de voir le soleil donc y compris sur le pourtour méditerranéen.
Les températures maximales seraient globalement douces pour la saison (à affiner) : elles partiraient de 9°C à Strasbourg pour aller à 12°C à Dijon, 15°C à Poitiers et 17°C à Nantes.
Au Sud, entre 10°C à Bourg Saint Maurice et 19°C à Ajaccio en passant par 14°C à Lourdes, 16°C à Bordeaux, 17°C à Arles et 18°C à Perpignan.Any source
Matin :
le champ dépressionnaire serait au programme pour cette journée ; cette situation se traduirait par le passage d'une perturbation sur toute la moitié Nord de la France.
En effet, la position du système dépressionnaire sur les îles britanniques, d'un anticyclone sur les Açores et le Groenland favoriseraient cette situation.
Nous aurions alors de la pluie.
Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 0°C à Gap et 14°C à Nice en passant par 4°C à Cambrai, 6°C à Paris, 8°C à Agen et 10°C à La Rochelle.
Après midi :
Cette fin de week-end semblerait véritablement maussade ; les pluies de la matinée progresseraient vers l'Est et le Sud, parfois en s'intensifiant.
Peu de chances de voir le soleil donc y compris sur le pourtour méditerranéen.
Les températures maximales seraient globalement douces pour la saison (à affiner) : elles partiraient de 9°C à Strasbourg pour aller à 12°C à Dijon, 15°C à Poitiers et 17°C à Nantes.
Au Sud, entre 10°C à Bourg Saint Maurice et 19°C à Ajaccio en passant par 14°C à Lourdes, 16°C à Bordeaux, 17°C à Arles et 18°C à Perpignan.Any source
Hola a todos. Hoy el día ha sido variable con mas momentos de nubes que han hecho que el sol estuviera mas bien ausente pero por la tarde se ha visto mas. Estas han sido las temperaturas de Sant Boi:
Min. 13.8ºc
Max. 19.6ºc
Y estos son los registros de Catalunya hoy. Como podréis ver en algunos lugares ha llovido durante la pasada noche y día de hoy.
Temperaturas mínimas (ºC) Observatorio Mín.
Refugi d'Amitges (2380m) (Lleida) -2,4
Refugi J.M. Blanc (2350m) (Lleida) -1,0
Bagergue (Lleida) 2,9
Barruera (Lleida) 3,9
Farrera - Casa Llucio (Lleida) 4,6
Prades - Tossal Baltasana (Tarragona) 4,7
Queralbs - La Manet (Girona) 4,8
Queixans - La Cerdanya (Girona) 5,1
Sta Magdalena de Serinyà (Lleida) 5,2
Bagà (Barcelona) 5,4
Temperaturas máximas (ºC) Observatorio Máx.
Medinyà (Girona) 22,2
Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona) 21,2
Gavà (Barcelona) 21,2
Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona) 20,8
Sant Pere de Ribes (Barcelona) 20,7
Barcelona - Port Fòrum (Barcelona) 20,7
Premià de Mar - Centre (Barcelona) 20,6
Calonge (Girona) 20,5
Sant Celoni (Barcelona) 20,5
Llagostera - Can Gotarra (Girona) 20,5
Racha de viento (km/h) Observatorio Máx.
L'Albiol (Tarragona) 72
Hosp.de l'Infant - Centre (Tarragona) 61
Sta Magdalena de Serinyà (Lleida) 53
Banyoles (Girona) 53
Premià de Mar - Port (Barcelona) 51
Coll de Nargó (Lleida) 50
Prades - Tossal Baltasana (Tarragona) 48
Sant Feliu de Pallerols (Girona) 47
Font-Rubí (Barcelona) 47
La Mussara (Tarragona) 45
Precipitaciones (mm) Observatorio Act.
Barruera (Lleida) 7,1
Farrera - Casa Llucio (Lleida) 4,4
Bagergue (Lleida) 4,2
Òrrius (Barcelona) 3,6
Berga (Barcelona) 2,5
Coll de Nargó (Lleida) 2,2
Refugi d'Amitges (2380m) (Lleida) 2,2
Cardona - Pinallet (Barcelona) 1,6
Refugi J.M. Blanc (2350m) (Lleida) 1,4
Queralbs - La Manet (Girona) 1,2
Aquí os dejo las imagenes del estado del cielo de hoy y las imagenes del satélite de las ultimas 24 horas.
Any source
Min. 13.8ºc
Max. 19.6ºc
Y estos son los registros de Catalunya hoy. Como podréis ver en algunos lugares ha llovido durante la pasada noche y día de hoy.
Temperaturas mínimas (ºC) Observatorio Mín.
Refugi d'Amitges (2380m) (Lleida) -2,4
Refugi J.M. Blanc (2350m) (Lleida) -1,0
Bagergue (Lleida) 2,9
Barruera (Lleida) 3,9
Farrera - Casa Llucio (Lleida) 4,6
Prades - Tossal Baltasana (Tarragona) 4,7
Queralbs - La Manet (Girona) 4,8
Queixans - La Cerdanya (Girona) 5,1
Sta Magdalena de Serinyà (Lleida) 5,2
Bagà (Barcelona) 5,4
Temperaturas máximas (ºC) Observatorio Máx.
Medinyà (Girona) 22,2
Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona) 21,2
Gavà (Barcelona) 21,2
Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona) 20,8
Sant Pere de Ribes (Barcelona) 20,7
Barcelona - Port Fòrum (Barcelona) 20,7
Premià de Mar - Centre (Barcelona) 20,6
Calonge (Girona) 20,5
Sant Celoni (Barcelona) 20,5
Llagostera - Can Gotarra (Girona) 20,5
Racha de viento (km/h) Observatorio Máx.
L'Albiol (Tarragona) 72
Hosp.de l'Infant - Centre (Tarragona) 61
Sta Magdalena de Serinyà (Lleida) 53
Banyoles (Girona) 53
Premià de Mar - Port (Barcelona) 51
Coll de Nargó (Lleida) 50
Prades - Tossal Baltasana (Tarragona) 48
Sant Feliu de Pallerols (Girona) 47
Font-Rubí (Barcelona) 47
La Mussara (Tarragona) 45
Precipitaciones (mm) Observatorio Act.
Barruera (Lleida) 7,1
Farrera - Casa Llucio (Lleida) 4,4
Bagergue (Lleida) 4,2
Òrrius (Barcelona) 3,6
Berga (Barcelona) 2,5
Coll de Nargó (Lleida) 2,2
Refugi d'Amitges (2380m) (Lleida) 2,2
Cardona - Pinallet (Barcelona) 1,6
Refugi J.M. Blanc (2350m) (Lleida) 1,4
Queralbs - La Manet (Girona) 1,2
Aquí os dejo las imagenes del estado del cielo de hoy y las imagenes del satélite de las ultimas 24 horas.
Any source
Hola a todos. Mañana es el ultimo domingo del mes de octubre y por tanto toca cambiar la hora. A las 3:00 hay que atrasar una hora, o sea poner el reloj a las 2:00. Este cambio se realiza para ahorrar energía eléctrica y aprovechar mas las horas de luz del día. El próximo cambio sera el ultimo domingo de Marzo del 2011.Any source
"L'Arbre des larmes" (Elena Buric). Histoire à lire, à réécrire ou à raconter
Il était une fois un royaume lointain, ravagé par la sécheresse, la pauvreté, la maladie et la tristesse. Tout paraissait mort, sous le grand soleil meurtrier ou sous le vent dévastateur. Aucune goutte de pluie. Les rivières et les lacs, autrefois si abondants, étaient complètement secs. La végétation avait presque disparu: toute récolte était peine perdue, rien ne poussait plus; çà et là, des troncs recroquevillés, secs et inutiles, ne rappelaient nullement les beaux arbres qu'ils avaient été jadis, restant comme de tristes reliques d'une époque qui commençait déjà à s'estomper dans le souvenir. Comme les quatre saisons aussi, transformées dans un monstre à l'aspect atroce.
Impuissant, le roi souffrait de voir son peuple dépérir. Il aurait donné sa vie pour lui rendre la prospérité d'autrefois et l'espoir. Il avait fait venir des érudits, des magiciens, il avait présidé à des rituels anciens censés adoucir la colère des dieux et apporter la pluie sacrée. En vain.
Dans un coin de ce royaume malheureux vivait une jeune famille. Ce n'était plus la pauvreté leur pire malheur, mais la l'agonie de leur petite fille moribonde.
Un jour, un étranger harrassé et tout en guenilles frappa à leur porte et leur demanda humblement quelques gouttes d'eau pour mouiller un peu ses lèvres. Les parents le regardèrent affolés. De l'eau! Ils s'en privaient eux mêmes, sans regret, afin de garder le reste de liquide précieux pour leur enfant. Malgré leur nature généreuse et charitable, ils hésitèrent, tout en regardant leur fillette aux yeux presque éteints. Pourtant, la pitié triompha et ils invitèrent l'étranger à se reposer. Ils lui offrirent un petit gobelet d'eau et une croûte de pain. Profondément ému, l'inconnu sortit de sa besace un petit sachet et le leur offrit en disant:
- Votre grandeur d'âme est pour moi le plus grand trésor. Tenez, vous le méritez! Ce n'est pas grand-chose, mais ça pourrait l'être un jour.
Avant de partir, il caressa le front de l'enfant et, le gobelet à la main, il mouilla les lèvres et les yeux de la petite. Il les remercia et partit, illuminé par un doux sourire.
Les parents ouvrirent le sachet et y virent quelques graines. Ne sachant pas qu'en faire, ils creusèrent tant bien que mal la terre aride de leur jardin et, le coeur lourd, ils versèrent de chaudes larmes. Ils restèrent stupéfaits: c'était un miracle de pouvoir encore pleurer. La douleur avait séché jusqu'à leurs larmes.
Quand ils se réveillèrent le lendemain, ils constatèrent que leur fille n'était plus dans son lit et une crainte affreuse s'empara d'eux. Ils se précipitèrent dehors et aperçurent la merveille: leur fillette, saine et sauve, battait des mains et chantait, transportée par une joie indescriptible. Devant elle, au même endroit où ils avaient enterré les graines, poussait un arbre qui paraissait vivant. Il avait tantôt l'aspect d'un homme, tantôt l'aspect d'une femme et son feuillage était magnifique.
En quelques instants, leur jardin se remplit d'arbrisseaux. On entendit le chant joyeux des oiseaux. Les gens des alentours vinrent voir le miracle, ne pouvant pas en croire leurs yeux. Jusqu'à midi, les arbres vivants faisaient la joie de tout le royaume.
La fillette embrassa ses parents, comme si elle avait connu le secret de cette véritable magie.
Et il commença à pleuvoir.
Les gens sont encore là, à danser, heureux, dans la pluie, et à prendre racine, tels des arbres enchantés, dans le sol de la magnanimité.
(Ce fragment fait partie d'un volume en chantier; tous droits réservés)
La variante multimédia de cette histoire :
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Evoluzione Domenica 31 - lunedì 1 - martedì 2 Ottobre - Novembre 2010
Buonasera a tutti!!
Eccoci alla Vigilia di una swell da S-E più prevedibile del solito.
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Ad oggi viene ancora confermata la durata notevole della mareggiata (per il versante Adriatico si prevedono fino a mercoledì, anche se quest'ultimo giorno saranno da E-NE), a causa di due figure principali: l'alta pressione di blocco sui Balcani, che eviterà la classica avanzata del minimo verso est, e la conseguente traiettoria del ciclone, differente dai classici canoni di perturbazioni di questo tipo (andrà a spegnersi tra la Sardegna e il basso Tirreno). Ne seguirà: per la costa ovest un ingresso del maestrale diverso dal solito, molto più orientato a nord e niente vento da ponente post-frontale sul Ligure; per la costa est, dopo lo scirocco teso da questa sera a martedì, il vento piegherà da E-NE. Tuttavia, inoltre, visto l'abbassarsi di latitudine del minimo, c'è la possibilità che lunedì il vento giri da Est sull'alto Ravennate e Veneto, idem martedì. Se questo verrà confermato, la qualità della swell su quest zone potrebbe non esser buona (come lo scirocco classico che conosciamo); per le altre zone più a sud onde da S-E puro previste fino ad almeno martedì mattina.
DOMENICA e LUNEDÌ tempo perturbato al nord e sulla Toscana, con precipitazioni anche intense a ridosso dei rilievi e sulla Liguria, fenomeni in estensione ad Umbria e Lazio, con venti forti meridionali. Molto mite e asciutto al sud.
MARTEDÌ migliora al nord-ovest, con schiarite; ancora tempo instabile al nord-est ed Emilia Romagna, con piogge sparse, migliora verso sera. Tempo instabile ovunque al centro, con piogge sparse e locali temporali; qualche schiarita occasionale, soprattutto sul versante Adriatico. Al sud tempo instabile con possibili rovesci o brevi temporali, alternati ad alcune schiarite. Fenomeni più probabili su Campania, Calabria e Sicilia settentrionale. Mite.
Mar Ligure
Domenica 31: Onde da S-E ovunque, misura maggiore sul settore centrale e di ponente. Crescita continua fino a sera, e nel pomeriggio venti in attivazione ovunque. 1.5 m a ponente, fino a 2 m verso sera; 1-1.3 a levante, fino a 1.5 + nel pomeriggio.
Lunedì 1: Onde in scaduta un pò ovunque, con venti deboli off-shore, al più moderati side nel pomeriggio a levante. Direzione swell: S-SW (onda lunga), misura in calo da 1.5-1.8 m del mattino fino a 1-1.3 m nel pomeriggio.
Martedì 2: Al mattino possibili ultime piccole onde (0.5-0.8 m) in scaduta, già poco mosso sul basso settore di levante. Tendenza a poco mosso ovunque dalle ore centrali.
Isole Maggiori
Domenica 31:
Onde in estensione la mattina a tutta la Sicilia meridionale, con passaggio a swell attiva nel pomeriggio (misura da 1 m a 1.3-1.5 m nel pomeriggio, con venti da moderati a forti). Sulla Sardegna occidentale onde da S-W, in misura maggiore a n-w (1.5 m) e 0.8 verso sud, in crescita. Aumento nel pomeriggio, anche del vento sottocosta (all'inizio debole). Sulla Sardegna s-e ed est onde consistenti da S-E, in misura maggiore ad est, in crescita. Misura da 1.3-1.5 m al mattino, fino a 1.8-2 m verso sera, quando calerà un pò il vento sottocosta. Meno misura sulla Sardegna meridionale.Lunedì 1: Sulla Sardegna occidentale, al mattino ancora swell attiva da S-W, ma passaggio a scaduta col passare delle ore, a partire dal settore nord. Nel pomeriggio molla il vento ovunque; onde da 2.5-3 m al mattino a 2 m verso sera. Onde in scaduta da S-SE sulla costa orientale, con vento off moderato al mattino, debole al pomeriggio. Misura sui 2 m al mattino, 1.3-1.5 m nel pomeriggio. Sulla Sicilia meridionale ancora swell attiva al mattino, inizio scaduta nel pomeriggio a partire da ovest. Misura fino a 2-2.5 m, tendente a reggere fin verso sera.
Martedì 2: Sul west Sardinia al mattino onde in scaduta da S-W sui 1-1.2 m; col passare delle ore nuovo aumento della swell, stavolta causata da moto ondoso rifratto da Nord per grossa swell in formazione al largo. Venti al più moderati sottocosta, misura fino a 1.5-1.8 m verso sera, soprattutto a s-w. Onde in scaduta da S-SE in costa est, da 1 m fino a 0.5-0.8 m nel pomeriggio. Venti deboli o assenti. Sulla Sicilia sud-occidentale, mare in scaduta solida da S-E, soprattutto verso est, dove ci saranno onde fino a 3 m. Purtroppo entra il vento da ponente, con onde incrociate ad ovest, e vento fastidioso un pò ovunque nel pomeriggio. Onde incrociate fin dal mattino sull'estremità occidentale, con tendenza a predominanza del mare da ponente (1-1.3 m).
Mar Tirreno
Domenica 31:
Swell da S-SE attiva già dal mattino, in crescita durante tutto il giorno, ed estensione a sud fino alla Campania. Misura da 1.5 circa al centro-nord del mattino, fino a 2-2.5 m verso sera, di meno scendendo verso sud, fino a 0.8-1 m sulla Campania meridionale. Venti forti da sud, tendenti a ruotare a s-e nel pomeriggio.
Lunedì 1: Swell ancora attiva al mattino, ma graduale passaggio a scaduta e lieve calo dei venti col passare delle ore, mentre rinforzano sul settore meridionale. Onde da 2-2.5 m al mattino, in calo a 1.5 m circa verso sera, con vento forte solo su bassa Campania e Calabria.
Martedì 2: Onde in scaduta ovunque, con venti deboli o assenti. Misura sui 1-1.2 al mattino, in calo fino a 0.5-0.8 verso sera.
Mar Ionio
Domenica 31:
Vento e onde in aumento da S-E già dal mattino, con mare attivo nel pomeriggio. Misura da 0.5 del mattino fino a 1.3-1.5 m verso sera, con venti attivi sottocosta un pò ovunque, e mare non ancora ben disteso.
Lunedì 1: Swell da S-E attiva un pò ovunque, con venti sempre più forti col passare delle ore, e misura in continua crescita. Misura sui 1.5-1.8 m al mattino, fino a 2-2.5 m verso sera.
Martedì 2: All'inizio ancora swell attiva ovunque, ma col passare delle ore inizia a mollare la presa il vento, a partire da ovest, mentre persisterà fino a sera sull'alta Calabria e Puglia. Misura ovunque superiore a 2-2.5 m, fino a 3-3.5 m in rari casi, soprattutto quando inizia a calare il vento permettendo alle onde di alzarsi meglio.
Mar Adriatico
Domenica 31: Swell attiva per tutta la giornata sull'alta Romagna e Veneto, con vento anche forte sottocosta. Misura da 0.8-1 m all'inizio fino a 1.5 + nel pomeriggio, anche se saranno pochi i break che permetteranno il focalizzarsi di onde pulite e di questa misura. Vento al più moderato sottocosta all'inizio scendendo verso sud, grazie alla minore esposizione della costa. Anche qui mare in crescita per tutto il giorno, e possibile ingresso del vento attivo nel pomeriggio (basse probabilità). Misura da 0.5 m delle zone più riparate della bassa Romagna fino a 1-1.2 attorno al Conero, in crescita fino a 1-1.2 delle prime e 1.5-1.8 attorno al Conero verso sera. Sul basso Adriatico onde in aumento anche qua, con venti meno fastidiosi (anche da terra in alcune zone), misura da 0.8-1 m fino a 1-1.3 verso sera.
Lunedì 1: Al mattino ancora mare e vento attivo sul Veneto e Ravennate, con possibilità di swell più orientata da Est causa ingresso componente fastidiosa orientale (basse probabilità). Col passare delle ore però comincia a calare il vento, e nel pomeriggio promette molto bene. Misura fin quasi a 2 m ove i break lo permettono, in distensione nel pomeriggio e graduale calo (molto lento). Cala definitivamente il vento anche sui settori più a sud col passare delle ore (il basso Adriatico lo riceverà sempre quasi da terra), con misura eccezionale sulle zone ove sarà possibile (2-2.5 m sul Conero ma anche 2 m solidi sui break della bassa Romagna), 1.5 m pieni sulle altre zone. Misura retta fino a sera, solo lieve calo.
Martedì 2: Ad ora si può stimare che prosegua la scaduta sull'Adriatico settentrionale, purtroppo disturbata da vento da E-NE tra debole e moderato (probabilità bassa). Misura da 1 m pieno del mattino, fino a 0.5-0.8 m verso sera. Mare in scaduta anche altrove, con 0.5-0.8 sulla bassa Romagna, in calo; 1-12 m sui restanti settori, anche 1.3-1.5 m sull'Adriatico meridionale e sulle zone esposte a sud di Ancona. Il tutto in calo col passare delle ore, con venti deboli o assenti, e mare surfabile fino a sera.
Situazione alquanto incerta, come è solito far lo scirocco e soprattutto su scale spaziali piccole come il nostro mare.
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