Thursday, March 31, 2011

Customers Stay Away from Haight Because of Horrible Things in the Media

On a recent Wednesday evening there were unusual sightings on Haight Street: empty parking spaces, at least a dozen. 

The sidewalks of the stretch of shops and nightlife between Ashbury and Cole Streets were also (sorry Jerry Garcia) ungratefully dead. 

The number of visitors to the neighborhood has declined in recent months, according to a new survey. Some merchants report that business is down. 

Many say the slump is an effect of the city’s sit/lie ordinance, the new law that was meant to improve the neighborhood’s fortunes. 

The antivagrancy measure, which passed with 53 percent of the vote in November, has yet to be enforced in a significant way. The police began issuing citations only last month. 

But the Haight has already felt the impact. Many believe that months of relentless, negative news coverage that painted the neighborhood as a war zone where gangs of young street thugs preyed on innocent pedestrians was a public relations debacle. 

“The publicity definitely hurt us,” said Jimmy Siegel, owner of Distractions, a Victorian steampunk clothing and head shop, which has operated on Haight Street for 35 years. “My business went down $100,000 last year.” 

Mr. Siegel said longtime customers from Bay Area suburbs “have been reading horrible things in the media” and staying away out of fear. 

The new ordinance, a device for thwarting vagrancy and street crime that bans sitting or lying on sidewalks, applies citywide. But the grass-roots effort for it began in the Haight, which made the neighborhood the primary focus of news coverage. 

“We became the poster child,” said Elisabeth Rix, a partner in several local businesses, including the Red Vic Movie House. “I had phone calls from friends who asked if it was safe to come to the Haight.” 

Ms. Rix agreed that there had been issues with intimidating teenage vagrants, but said, “I don’t think it’s as bad as it’s been portrayed at all.” 

Ted Loewenberg, president of the Haight Ashbury Improvement Association and a main proponent of sit/lie, disagreed with the notion that news media coverage surrounding the ordinance had caused damage. Any declines in business, he said, “were for other reasons,” including the recession. 

Mr. Loewenberg said he had no regrets for pushing sit/lie, believing instead that it will eventually make the street safer and more welcoming. 

“No one thought it was a light switch and with a flick things would instantly change,” he said. “It’s going to take time.” 

But the depiction of the Haight as dangerous has taken hold, especially online. 

On the social network Yelp, the majority of reviews (13 of 17) of Haight-Ashbury posted since March 2010 mention young street “punks.” In the preceding 12 months, only 1 of 14 reviews mentioned the issue. 

On the Web site Virtual Tourist, a posting in January said a woman had been “sexually assaulted” on Haight Street “by a young junkie, with several friends. He put his hand right up my skirt.” When the group confronted the man, she wrote, “in two seconds, there were like fifteen screaming junkies with dogs surrounding us.”
They are accounts unlikely to attract tourists. In fact, 25 percent of visitors surveyed in a yearlong 2010 study released last week by the San Francisco Travel Association cited homelessness/panhandling as the top complaint. 

The study also showed that while tourism was up 3 percent citywide from 2009, the percentage of visitors that went to the Haight in 2010 dropped 19 percent from the first quarter to the fourth — the same time period as the sit/lie news coverage. 

Calvin Welch, a board member of Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council, a neighborhood group, said it had been an ill-fated decision by sit/lie proponents to associate the measure so intimately with the Haight. “It was commercial suicide,” Mr. Welch said, adding, “It was eerily out of whack with reality.” 

Mr. Welch, who has been in the neighborhood for four decades, said the Haight was actually better off now, having emerged from desperate times of drug dealing and violence in the 1980s and early 1990s. 

Many other longtime residents agree that over all the neighborhood is on an upswing. 

Nearly 70 businesses have joined a new group to get that message out. The Haight Ashbury Merchants Association, formed in January, has vowed to stay clear of politics and instead promote the streets’ attractions. 

David McLean, a restaurateur and the group’s board president, said the effort would counter the bad news coverage surrounding sit/lie. “If I check all these news stories with my day-to-day reality,” he said, “they don’t add up.”

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Compréhension d'un document audio: "Le chocolat". Quiz

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Compréhension orale d'un document audio: "Le chocolat"


Compréhension orale d'un document audio: "Le chocolat"

Testez vos connaissances !!

Vous devez répondre à toutes les questions (cercle à gauche de la bonne réponse) et ensuite cliquer sur le bouton (Résultats) en bas de cette page...

Bonne chance !


Pourquoi le chocolat est-il un aliment éminemment énergétique?

 a Parce qu'il contient du cacao et du sucre

 b Parce qu'il contient du sucre

 c Parce qu'il contient du sucre et des matières graisses

 d Parce qu'il contient du beurre et du cacao

Le beurre de cacao représente entre... du prosuit.

 a 30 et 35%

 b 35 et 40%

 c 25 et 30%

 d 40 et 45%

Risque-t-on de grossir à cause du beurre de cacao?

 a Oui, parce que c'est une matière grasse et il se fixe sur les tissus

 b Oui, parce qu'il est facilement assimilé par l'organisme

 c Non, parce qu'il n'est pas une matière grasse

 d Non, parce qu'il se fixe très peu sur le tissu adipeux

Combien de kilocalories apportent 100 g de chocolat?

 a De 450 à 500

 b De 550 à 560

 c De 570 à 580

 d De 580 à 590

Dans quelles conditions le sucre nous fait-il grossir?

 a Si nous en consommons régulièrement, même si nous bougeons

 b Si nous en consommons beaucoup sans être actifs

 c Si nous en consommons une tablette de chocolat par jour

 d Si nous en consommons rarement en grandes quantités

Pourquoi le chocolat est-il un tonique?

 a Parce qu'il contient du calcium

 b Parce qu'il contient des vitamines

 c Parce qu'il contient de la théobromine

 d Parce qu'il contient de la dopamine

Quelle propriété intéressante de cette substance est évoquée dans ce document?

 a Elle permet la dilatation des bronches

 b Elle facilite la détoxification

 c Elle apporte de la bonne humeur

 d Elle participe à un meilleur métabolisme

Quelle autre caractéristique de cette substance est rappelée également?

 a Elle consolide le système imunitaire

 b Elle stimule le système nerveux central et améliore les performances musculaires

 c Elle a un effet particulier sur le système osseux par la synthèse du calcium

 d Elle n'est pas nuisible à la santé

Quel est l'effet bénéfique de la caféine?

 a Elle aide à l'éveil

 b C'est un tonique pour les glandes endocrines

 c C'est un tonique cardiaque

 d Elle contribue à la synthèse des autres substances

10 De quel "truc" se servent certains fabricants de tabac?

 a Ils rajoutent du beurre de cacao dans les cigarettes

 b Ils rajoutent des arômes de caféine dans les cigarettes

 c Ils rajoutent une substance pareille à la caféine dans les cigarettes

 d Ils rajoutent de la poudre de cacao dans les cigarettes


Recherche personnalisée
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New Board of Directors 2011 – 2013

Andy Hasroun – President

Amir “Andy” Hasroun is the creator and owner 55 Degree Wine, a fashionable wine store and lounge located in the heart of Atwater Village. With over 90% of its wines imported from Italy, 55 Degree Wine is unique in that it houses the only true wine cellar in Los Angeles where on any given night of the week, customers can taste over 2000 exotic wines from all over the world, helping in part make Glendale Blvd a destination shopping district. In addition to Andy’s passion for wine and business he is also an active civic leader.

Andy can be reached at, for more information about Andy’s business go to

Alex Ventura – Vice President

Alex Ventura owns and operates Ventura & Son Masonry, a residential masonry and concrete instillation company. He is also an Atwater Village resident. Alex sees great opportunity here for his business and look forward to working with the Chamber and its members to promote our businesses and better our community. As a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the North Atwater Village Neighborhood Council Representative he strives to better our community anyway he can.

Alex can be reached at, for more information about Alex’s business go to

Patricia Aleman – Treasurer

Patricia Aleman is Atwater’s local State Farm insurance agent. Her agency offers a wide selection of insurance products and financial services. In addition to her professional work Patricia is also an active community volunteer. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Optimist Youth Home for at risk children in Highland Park and for the Glendale Kiwanis, which host many fundraisers for local community nonprofit groups. More locally Patricia also serves as Treasure for Atwater Village Chamber of Commerce and can often be counted on to sponsor many local events, such as the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Patricia can be reached at, for more information about Patricia’s business go to

Luis Lopez – Secretary

Luis Lopez owns and operates a small family auto repair shop on Fletcher Drive, Luis Lopez Automotive. Luis’s shop is a place where motorists can get reliable and competitive priced auto service & repairs. At heart, he is a friendly neighborhood mechanic dedicated in keeping Atwater Village on the road. In addition to fixing cars Luis also enjoys fixing community problems. Luis has been an active member of the Chamber of Commerce since 2002 and has deep roots Atwater’s business community. He has also an active member of Friends of Atwater Village, a local 501 (3) non-profit group.

Luis can be reached at, for more information about Luis’s business go to

Thea Pueschel – Director of Mixers & Special Events

Thea Pueschel, C.Ht. is the owner of Hypnotiq Solutions, a private hypnotherapy practice. She believes in working within the community and cross promoting with other businesses as much as possible, in order to create a more dynamic local economy. When Thea decided to open her private hypnotherapy practice Hypnotiq Solutions Atwater Village seemed the only logical choice. It is her goal to assist in creating a dialog between businesses, and aid in the creation of a support network among local businesses, setting the foundation to build a dynamic foundation for commerce.

Thea can be reached at, for more information about Thea’s business go to

Renew your membership, business directory inclusion deadline

Renew your membership! As the voice of the Atwater Village business community, we rely on your support and membership to create a positive and successful business environment in Atwater Village. To download a membership renewal form go to:

You must renew your membership by April 15 to be included in our 2011 Business Directory. 

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The Threat to Book Publishing From Long-Dead Authors, and a Solution

The US constitution empowers Congress
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.
ToysBut the framers could never have anticipated the threat to our civilization posed by the unholy alliance of long-dead authors and electronic books.

In the print world, long-dead authors compete fairly with the living and the recently departed. James Patterson, whose every word is dearly paid for, is offering his hardback "Toys" for $27.99 (list). Steig Larsson's heirs are saved from poverty and Swedish taxes by $27.95 per copy from "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest". They compete for the book buyer's dollar with works such as "The Count of Monte Cristo" by long-dead author Alexandre Dumas, offered by Penguin for $15. That's a fair competition; I mean even at half the price, how many readers really want to read about vegetable shortening math?

But when it comes to ebooks, even James Patterson has trouble making a buck. He has to compete not only with Dumas, but authors like Mark Twain, James Joyce, Agatha Christie, H. G. Wells, Leo Tolstoy, Herman Melville, and even William Shakespeare. Though dead, these authors are brazenly flogging their books, nouns verbs and adjectives all included, on sites like Project Gutenberg, where they have the chutzpah to be selling the ebooks for $0.00. That's right, they're giving these ebooks away! For zilch! Nada! That's an umpteen gazillion factor less than Larsson's Hornet's Nest, which sells for a paltry $11.99 on the Kindle.

How is a living, breathing author to compete with free? Living authors need money to eat; long-dead authors don't. They don't need to pay support for their illegitimate offspring. Shakespeare doesn't need to pay lawyers to defend against infringement suits from Francis Bacon. Dostoyevsky doesn't need a shrink. Joyce doesn't need to buy whiskey, Twain doesn't need cigars; James Fennimore Cooper doesn't need to pay for a writing coach. The Bell brothers are just as dead as the Brontë sisters, whose sickly father is no longer needing medical care.

This unfair competition needs to be stopped! Luckily, the US Supreme Court is on the case. In Golan v. Holder, the Court is considering whether Congress may remove works from the public domain. A crybaby Conductor of music, Lawrence Golan, is complaining that his free-speech rights were taken away by a law that removed the works of Igor Stravinsky, a composer currently bereft of life, from the public domain in the US. Stravinsky has been trying to compete unfairly (though unsuccessfully, I might add) in the free-music marketplace with the likes of Rebecca Black.

The SecretClearly modern authors need protection from unfair competition out of the hereafter. A favorable ruling for America's creative industries will pave the way for Congress to take action against the long-dead authors. Copyright protection should be restored to ALL creative works that have been produced. It's only by doing this that we can be assured that authors like Rhonda Byrne will have meaningful incentives to write a sequel to The Secret.

You may be wondering how we'll dispose of the royalties generated by works of long-dead authors. These royalties can be used to eliminate the other main reason that authors won't bother writing anything decent for ebooks. That's right, the taxes that living authors have to pay on their royalties! By cutting or even eliminating taxes on live-author royalty income, we'll stimulate the creativity of our moribund authoring classes. Publishers will no longer be desperate for unsolicited book manuscripts.

The more I think about this course of action, the more it makes sense to me. Think of the huge amounts of money that will be saved over the current complicated and idiotic rules that govern copyright status. With the extension of copyright to all works, the answer will be easy and cheap to determine- everything will be covered by copyright! Orphan works problem- solved!

The free-culture crowd will inevitably denounce the extension of copyright to all works as a threat to the freedom of speech. That's ridiculous. Dead people don't have the right to free speech, and even if they did, I'd hate to hear them try. Speech may be free, but in the words of our greatest President, "I paid for this microphone".

  1. Patterson has been trying his best to compete with the dead-author slushpile. He's been forced to offer the first 21 Chapters of "Toys" for free on the Kindle.
  2. If long-dead authors were free to express themselves, they'd just write more tedious run-on sentences like
    the provision is unequal to the task; the means either cannot or will not accomplish the end, and the whole affair is a felo de se; for as the greater weight will always carry up the less, and as all the wheels of a machine are put in motion by one, it only remains to know which power in the constitution has the most weight, for that will govern; and though the others, or a part of them, may clog, or, as the phrase is, check the rapidity of its motion, yet so long as they cannot stop it, their endeavors will be ineffectual; the first moving power will at last have its way, and what it wants in speed is supplied by time.
    It's just common sense to keep them in their coffins.
  3. Of course, to achieve the maximum benefit from copyright uniformity, website readers will have to start paying royalties for the articles they read online. This minor inconvenience is a tiny price to pay for the cultural renaissance that will ensue in the universal copyright regime.
Enhanced by Zemanta

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New viewing options for Finance Trends readers

Blogger has introduced some new viewing options for blog readers and I wanted to share these with you. 

In addition to our regular site layout, you can now view Finance Trends Matter in five new formats called, "dynamic views" for readers

While I thought this would be a gimmicky style option, it turns out that the new views are pretty sleek and I imagine they'd be great for mobile web readers and iPad users. Here's one format I particularly liked, called "flipcard". 

As you can see, this view contains all our recent posts and I like they way the images from certain posts stack up with neighboring post titles. Pretty sharp, actually.

Take it for a spin. You'll find a drop-down bar that lets you easily navigate the five viewing formats to find the one that's right for you.  Any source

Previsioni Meteorologiche Nazionali Venerdì 1 Aprile 2011

Il mese di Aprile si aprirà sotto l'egida dell'alta pressione che da sudovest si impadronirà dell'Europa occidentale portando tempo stabile e soleggiato con un'annesso aumento termico per lo scorrimento sul bordo meridionale dell'anticiclone di masse d'aria calda di origine Magrebina (sul Marocco abbiamo isoterme a 850 hPa di circa +20°/+21°).

Per la giornata di venerdì avremo quindi bel tempo su tutta Italia con residui addensamenti al mattino sulle isole, ma in rapido dissolvimento, e qualche nuvola in più sui rilievi al pomeriggio che potrà dar luogo a qualche sporadico piovasco sull'arco Alpino e sull'Appennino Tosco/Emiliano.

Temperature stazionarie le minime e in aumento le massime, anche marcato a causa dell'ampio soleggiamento, e con punte ben oltre i +20° sulle pianure e le valli del centronord.

Venti assenti o al più una bava di vento da W sul nord; deboli settentrionali altrove.

Mari calmi o poco mossi.

-Previsioni a cura di Stefano Riccio su base WRF Lamma ECMWF run delle 12z di Giovedì 31 Marzo.
Any source

Understanding Sensitive Skin

Do you get frequent skin reactions to new products, or even those you've been using for years? You stop using the product and start thinking, "I guess I have sensitive skin!" Contrary to what might be expected, the phrase "sensitive skin" is not a medical term, but is used colloquially to describe a number of skin conditions.

We get asked a you have products for sensitive skin? Will your products be good for my sensitive skin? As simple a question this might seem to be, it's literally impossible to predict. There are so many different medical conditions that live under the umbrella of "sensitive skin." Some skin sensitivities are caused by contact allergies. Some by eczema, acne, rosacea or psoriasis. Others have a condition called dermatographism, when the skin reacts in hive-like bumps to simple touching. Internal conditions like anemia or hypothyroidism can also cause skin sensitivity. Certain medications can also create the side effects of skin sensitivities, dryness, peeling, etc. Food allergies are also a big culprit that cause eczema and acne. Hormonal imbalances, fatty acid imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, candida overgrowth, immune system impairment--all of these contribute to skin problems. Because there are so many individual factors that come in to play, there is not one product that will work for everyone. Not even water. (Someone with dermatographism could rub water on their skin, rub it just a little too hard and they'll break out.)

Our first inclination when we start to experience skin issues is to think about what we can put ON our skin. Having dry flaky skin that's peeling? Our first thought is to apply lotion. And then when that doesn't work, we try another lotion and another lotion until maybe you find something that will somewhat manage the symptom. But, until you figure out what's causing the eczema on the inside, you're only covering up the symptom and not treating the problem.

Last year I had a strange problem. My lips started peeling and wouldn't stop. Soon it developed in to a bright red ring all around my lips. It was extremely embarrassing, as here I make lip balm for a living! I learned that the condition is called cheilitis. After trying numerous things I finally visited a Naturopath. Turned out that it was caused by hormonal imbalances! I got them back in line by starting up on my flax seeds again (don't know how or why I would have been failing to take them!) and taking some supplements that she recommended. Two weeks later my lips were back to normal, along with my hormones.

Now, it just so happened that we came out with our pomegranate kiss lip balm at about the same time that my problem started. For months I thought that I was allergic to this lip balm. But now that I've gotten my internal balance back in check, I can use it, and every one of our lip balms, with no issues whatsoever. It wasn't the culprit, but, again, we always have a tendency to look to the external when it comes to skin conditions. When a skin condition pops up, we tend to think "what did I put ON my skin that caused this?  When in fact, in so many cases, the products that we've been applying to our skin have nothing to do with the problem or the solution. Our skin is an organ that's kind of the great indicator of something that's going awry inside our bodies. (Of course there are plenty of exceptions and many true contact allergies, but the point still remains that we need to look at the body as a whole, and not just at the one organ that has visual symptoms.)

Many times drugs are to blame. Accutane is one of the biggest ones. The use of accutane and similar drugs will treat acne, but later in life, it can cause skin sensitivity, especially to sunlight, where skin becomes easily burned. In fact, any drug can cause eczema, hives, or other skin eruptions. "Almost any medicine can induce skin reactions, and certain drug classes, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antibiotics and antiepileptics, have drug eruption rates approaching 15%" (Source.) So, if you have developed mysterious skin issues, you may want to visit with your doctor about the medications that you are taking.

Another consideration to dry, itchy, sensitive or irritated skin, is the water in your home.  Chlorinated water can cause a host of skin problems.  Hard water can also leave irritating deposits on your skin.  Simple shower head filters can make a big difference (or a whole-house filtration/softening system as well.)

Of course, everyone's skin is different, and there are true contact allergies to substances, whether they're synthetic chemical or an organic herb.  But always keep in mind that our skin is a reflection of what's going on inside the body, and my suggestion is to look at internal, as well as external causes when you're dealing with sensitive skin. 

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Hola a todos. Os dejo los datos de este mes de marzo, marcado sobre todo por la cantidad de lluvia que hemos recogido. Nada despreciable para un mes de marzo.

Temperatura: Mes Máx.22.5ºC Mín.2.7ºC
Humedad: Mes Máx.95% Mín.34%
Viento: Mes Máx.52 km/h
Presión: Mes Máx.1031hPa Mín.997hPa
Precip.: Mes 148.0mmAny source


Hola a todos. Hoy poca cosa a destacar, solo que las temperaturas han sufrido un aumento, sobre todo las diurnas, y que continuarán haciéndolo al menos hasta el domingo. Destacar que este mes de marzo que ahora acabamos de terminar, ha sido muy lluvioso, aunque de forma irregular durante el mes.

En los próximos días, las temperaturas continuarán su ascenso pero en algunas zonas de la costa, se podrían formar nieblas y nubes bajas que harán que estas no suban tanto. Estas nieblas y nubes bajas se formarían por el contraste que habrá entre la masa de aire cálido y la temperatura del mar más fría. Esto hace que la humedad del aire se enfríe y por lo tanto se condense formando estas nubes y nieblas.

Estos han sido los registros de hoy:


Temperatura: 21.6ºC 10.4ºC
Humedad: 88% 49%
Viento: 29 km/h
Presión: 1026hPa 1022hPa


Temperaturas máximas (ºC) Observatorio Máx.
Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona) 26,6
Medinyà (Girona) 26,2
Rubí - Duran i Bas (Barcelona) 26,2
Sant Fruitós de Bages (Barcelona) 25,9
Piera (Barcelona) 25,2
Matadepera - Centre (Barcelona) 25,0
Esparreguera (Barcelona) 25,0
Artés [El Bages] (Barcelona) 25,0
Fals (Bages) (Barcelona) 24,9
La Batllòria - Vallès Ori (Barcelona) 24,7

Temperaturas mínimas (ºC) Observatorio Mín.
Refugi d'Amitges (2380m) (Lleida) -2,9
Refugi J.M. Blanc (2350m) (Lleida) 1,6
Querol Can Llenas (Tarragona) 4,4
La Pobla de Lillet (Barcelona) 4,5
Bagà (Barcelona) 4,5
Sant Julià de Vilatorta (Barcelona) 5,0
Tregura de Baix (Girona) 5,0
Bagergue (Lleida) 5,0
Castellnou d'Ossó (Lleida) 5,1
Sentfores (La Guixa) (Barcelona) 5,2

Racha de viento (km/h) Observatorio Máx.
L'Albiol (Tarragona) 60
Capafonts (Tarragona) 52
La Sénia (Tarragona) 48
Coll de Nargó (Lleida) 44
La Mussara (Tarragona) 40
Sta Magdalena de Serinyà (Lleida) 39
Queixans - La Cerdanya (Girona) 39
Mont-ral (Tarragona) 39
Prades - Tossal Baltasana (Tarragona) 37
Sant Vicenç dels Horts (Barcelona) 35

Precipitaciones (mm) Observatorio Act.
Refugi d'Amitges (2380m) (Lleida) 6,6
Bagergue (Lleida) 6,0
Castelló.Emp. El Temple (Girona) 2,0
Castello Empuries Pol Ind (Girona) 1,8
Farrera - Casa Llucio (Lleida) 1,4
Queixans - La Cerdanya (Girona) 1,2
L'Escala Closa d'en Llop (Girona) 1,2
Figueres - La Cate (Girona) 1,1
Verges Ponent (Girona) 1,0
Port de Llançà (Girona) 1,0


Temperaturas máximas (ºC) Observatorio Máx.
Tomares (Sevilla) 30,7
Almensilla (Sevilla) 29,1
Sevilla - San Bernardo (Sevilla) 28,9
Sevilla - Sevilla Este (Sevilla) 28,9
Valencina dela Concepción (Sevilla) 28,8
Sevilla - Hda. S. Antonio (Sevilla) 28,7
Benacazón (Sevilla) 28,4
Santiponce, Itálica (Sevilla) 28,3
Sumacàrcer (Valencia) 28,2
Xàtiva - Plaza de Toros (Valencia) 28,2

Temperaturas mínimas (ºC) Observatorio Mín.
Refugi d'Amitges (2380m) (Lleida) -2,9
Cantalojas (Guadalajara) -0,4
Navarredonda de Gredos (Avila) -0,3
Peralejos de las Truchas (Guadalajara) 1,2
Santa María del Condado (León) 1,5
Refugi J.M. Blanc (2350m) (Lleida) 1,6
Aguilar de Tera (Zamora) 2,2
Guadalix de la Sierra (Madrid) 2,3
Mazarete C.E.A.Solanillos (Guadalajara) 2,4
Cercedilla (Madrid) 3,1

Racha de viento (km/h) Observatorio Máx.
L'Albiol (Tarragona) 60
Catí (Castelló) 55
El Bellestar (Castelló) 55
Capafonts (Tarragona) 52
La Sénia (Tarragona) 48
San Fernando (Cádiz) 48
Almargen (AEMET 6112-C) (Málaga) 47
Los Baldíos (Tenerife) 47
Coll de Nargó (Lleida) 44
Chiclana de la Frontera (Cádiz) 44

Precipitaciones (mm) Observatorio Act.
Refugi d'Amitges (2380m) (Lleida) 6,6
Bagergue (Lleida) 6,0
Castelló.Emp. El Temple (Girona) 2,0
Castello Empuries Pol Ind (Girona) 1,8
Farrera - Casa Llucio (Lleida) 1,4
Queixans - La Cerdanya (Girona) 1,2
L'Escala Closa d'en Llop (Girona) 1,2
Figueres - La Cate (Girona) 1,1
Verges Ponent (Girona) 1,0
Port de Llançà (Girona) 1,0

Aquí os dejo el corto fotoseguimiento de hoy, donde podréis ver las nubes de esta mañana, altocúmulos ondulatus, altocúmulos, altoestratos, cirros y algún cúmulo lejano. Espero que os guste.

Any source

Previsión fin de semana del 1 al 3 de Abril de 2.011

Buena nuai desde Benasque!

Semana típicamente primaveral la que llevamos. Temperaturas altillas, noches frescas y precipitaciones dispersas. Así han transcurrido los días desde la última actualización del blog. Las temperaturas han ido subiendo tal como dijimos, pasando en Benasque de los 13,3ºC del martes a los 18,4ºC de máxima de hoy jueves. Del mismo modo Hospital marcaba a principio de semana 5,9ºC de máxima por los 10,9ºC de hoy, o Cerler que pasaba de los 10,0ºC a los 16,5 de hoy. Las mínima sólo con helada en el Hospital la noche del lunes al martes, con -0,5ºC. Nada frías para las fechas en Benasque y Cerler que esta pasada noche dieron 5,8 y 6,1ºC respectivamente. 

Destacables las precipitaciones registradas hoy en Llanos del Hospital, con una entradilla de norte que ha dejado 12,2 mm. El resto de los días sólo 2 litrillos en Benasque y el miércoles, y menos aún en el Hospital esos días.

Se cierra el mes de marzo con unos acumulados de 77 litros en Benasque, 101,6 litros en Cerler y 117,4 litros en el Hospital. Benasque tiene una media en el mes de marzo de casi 100 litros, por lo que el mes ha sido deficitario en precipitaciones.

Este fin de semana va a venir marcado por la continuidad de las temperaturas altas hasta la tarde del domingo, y la noche del lunes, cuando un giro de vientos al norte tras una posible tarde con algunas tormentas no deje un refrescamiento que, a duras penas, nos devolverá a valores más normalizados para las fechas.

El viernes será un día soleado. El viento girará rápidamente a S y SE lo que hará que las temperaturas se disparen entre 2 y 4ºC más que hoy. Posiblemente superemos los 20ºC en Benasque. Es probable que estos días, pese a la previsión general de sol, se forme a partir de medio día algún cúmulo que dudo que deje nada. De hacerlo, sería agua a todas las cotas, pero ya digo que el viernes no pasará.

El sábado se mantendrá la misma tónica. Vientos de S y SE, calor, temperaturas que aún podrían subir un gradillo más, con calorcillo a mediodía. De nuevo puntuales nubes por la tarde sin precipitación.

El domingo ya tendremos cambios, se acercará una vaguada por la zona occidental de la Península que, de cara ala tarde, dará un mayor vigor a los desarrollos tormentosos siendo probables precipitaciones convectivas. La nieve muy alta, posiblemente a más de 2.500 msnm. La mañana del domingo, pese a tener nubes, continuaría mayormente soleada.

La tendencia en los días siguientes marca un lunes con vientos de norte moderados que refrescarían el ambiente, más que nada normalizándolo. A partir del lunes hay bastante dispersión en los modelos sobre lo que puede pasar, si bien no se aprecian fríos ni nevadas a cotas decentes, si no que se opta o por situaciones de tormentas con cotas muy altas o por estabilidad con calor.

Así que nada, toca esperar y disfrutar lo que venga.

Resumiendo, para los que mañana no van a esquiar...

Viernes y sábado: Sol, calor para las fechas y algunas nubes pintorescas.
Domingo: Más nublado, tormentas probables por la tarde. Calor.
Lunes: Refrescamiento y viento de norte.




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Cartas Previstas para el Sábado-2-Abril-2011...

Cartas Previstas para el Sábado-2-Abril-2011, a las 18 utc (15 horas de Argentina).

--- Carta de Arriba: Carta de Superficie, con isobaras cada 4 milibares.
--- Abajo:  Carta de Lluvias Previstas, en las últimas 6 horas (valores en milímetros).

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Cartas Previstas para el Domingo-3-Abril-2011...

Cartas Previstas para el Domingo-3-Abril de 2011, a las 18 utc (15 hs de Argentina).

Arriba: Carta de Superficie, con isobaras cada 4 milibares.
Abajo: Carta de Lluvias previstas en las últimas 6 horas (valores en milímetros).

--- En la tarde del Domingo 3/4, se visualiza un Frente Frío situado sobre prov. de Bs.Aires y sobre centro de Argentina, moviéndose hacia el Nor-Este.  Traerá consigo, aire frío sobre Patagonia y sobre el Sud-Este bonaerense.

--- Fuente: Modelo de Previsión GFS (NOAA/USA).

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Previsioni per il Triveneto per venerdì 1 aprile 2011

alta pressione dominante in questi giorni con temperature in aumento e con valori massimi superiori alla media del periodo.

cielo sereno o poco nuvoloso per velature in transito, al primo mattino possibili formzioni di foschie o banchi di nebbia sulla pianura più probabile lungo la costa.

minime in leggero aumento, massime in lieve crescita con valori superiori alla media. Inversione termica nella notte in pianura e nelle valli.

deboli di direzione variabile in pianura, a regime di brezza lungo la costa e moderati da ovest in montagna.

calmo o poco mosso.Any source

Meteo&Surf News - weekend 1 - 2 - 3 Aprile 2011

Buonasera a tutti!!
Prosegue ad oltranza l'avanzata di una primavera sempre più decisa per il nostro paese, che nel week-end in arrivo potrà far uscire dalla bocca di molti le parole di "estate anticipata". Infatti, l'alta pressione non darà segni di cedimento almeno fino a domenica, e le temperature, soprattutto nei grandi centri urbani (dove l'asfalto intrappola il calore) saliranno costantemente fino a sfondare il muro dei 25 ° C.
Ci aspettano pertanto giornate belle calde e soleggiate, ideali per trascorrere il tempo libero all'aperto.
Se da un lato il clima mite farà crescere anche le temperature dei nostri mari (ancora piuttosto freddi), dall'altro la totale assenza di ventilazione degna impedirà la formazione di onde surfabili sulla maggior parte della Penisola. Solo sulla Puglia adriatica, la Calabria meridionale e la Sicilia sud-orientale ci sarà possibilità di surfare qualche ondina domani (Venerdì 1), mentre per il resto mare calmo o poco mosso ovunque. La qualità delle onde sarà buona, domani, sulle ultime due regioni menzionate (con 1-1.2 m rifratti senza venti fastidiosi sottocosta per l'intera giornata), mentre per la Puglia si tratterà di 0.5-0.8 m da nord con venti moderati da mare, destinate a durare fino a Sabato mattina.
Dopodiché mare piatto ovunque. E le onde torneranno? Quando? Un debole fronte da N-W tenterà di scalfire l'anticiclone Lunedì, quando si alzeranno venti di libeccio nel pomeriggio sui mari di ponente, destinati a portare piccole onde in scaduta martedì mattina. Assieme al vento arriveranno i primi temporali primaverili (sempre nella giornata di Lunedì) a dare il preavviso di un successivo abbassamento delle temperature. Così martedì entrerà una debole swell da N-E sull'Adriatico settentrionale, destinata purtroppo a svanire in giornata. E poi? Le mappe danno altà probabilità di una nuova rimonta anticiclonica a matrice africana, ma è ancora presto per darne conferma, e speriamo che i nuovi run modellistici portino notizie migliori....

Cosa fare per alleviare l'astinenza da onde?
Quando il mare è piatto, le giornate sempre più lunghe (complice anche l'ora legale), soleggiate e miti, non c'è di meglio che cercarsi una discesa poco trafficata, un parco, un portico (Bologna) o quant'altro ci venga in mente e portarsi un longboard skate.

Appena arrivato a casa, non ho potuto fare a meno di passare tutto il pomeriggio a provarlo, cercando di trovare il miglior compromesso per emulare al meglio il surf.
Su ho acquistato questo gioellino (il modello tentacle) dal rapporto qualità-prezzo niente male, al quale ho montato poi i truck a kingpin invertito AMOK Dh 180 (sempre presi dallo stesso sito), ideali per la "pompata".
Certo, a mio parere nulla può compensare le sensazioni provate in mare, ma come medicinale contro la "piatta" (nota malattia comune al surfista medio Mediterraneo) il longskate è tra i più efficaci, senza effetti collaterali, e con la proprietà benefica che aiuta a migliorare l'equilibrio... ;-)
Dateci un occhio!!

Al prossimo aggiornamento!!
Buon week-end!!

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Stay connected to the market, wherever you are

Mobile phones are great for keeping in touch with the latest information, but when there’s a lot of data to look at, a small screen can be a drawback. For financial queries, where you might want to see stock quotes, the latest news, a market overview or portfolio details, we’ve just launched a new approach in Google search.

To try it out, go to on your iPhone or Android-powered device (2.1 or later) and search for your favourite stock ticker symbol.

The first thing you’ll see is an interactive graph shown on a card - you can switch views to different date ranges by tapping on the buttons below the graph.

If you swipe the card from right to left, you’ll get the latest financial news for the company.

Swipe again for a market overview, and if you’re logged in to your Google account and have created a Google Finance portfolio, a further swipe will show a summary of your stock portfolio. Give it a try on your mobile device now to see how it works.

This feature is available in English with support for more languages coming soon. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

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Marzo si chiude con 21°C di massima

Con ben 8°C superiore alla media mensile si chiude Marzo 2011 ed un deficit in termini di piovosità di 18mm sempre rispetto alla media trentennale delle precipitazioni piovose( 65mm contro 83mm di media).
Un solo episodio temporalesco da segnalare unitamente a qualche ora di leggero nevischio a inizio mese, aspettiamo Aprile che dovrebbe iniziare con temperature massime a dir poco estive !Any source

◉Macで日頃お世話になっている無料ソフト(4)ドラッグ & ドロップで複数画像を一括リサイズするならこれ「Th-MakerX」。

Macで日頃お世話になっている無料ソフト(4)ドラッグ & ドロップで複数画像を一括リサイズするならこれ「Th-MakerX」。







変換できるファイル形式は、BMP、GIF、 JP2、 JPEG、PDF、Photoshop、PICT、PNG、TIFF などCocoa がサポートするフォーマットすべてらしい。全部試す機会はなさそう。出力フォーマットはJPEG または PNG。リサイズ指定方法は幅、高さ、フィット、切取り、面積、比率。JPEGの保存品質、画像補完方法を幾つか選べる。

システム条件は、Mac OS X 10.3以降 (Snow Leopard対応、Tiger以降を推奨)。
32/64-bit ユニバーサルバイナリ。言語は日本語と英語。フリーウェア。


HomeAny source

Vendredi 15 Avril 2011 fraicheur

Persistance d'une fraicheur pour ce Vendredi 15 Avril 2011 ?

Matin :
L'anticyclone pourrait revenir sur les trois quarts de la France tout en impulsant un fort vent de Nord-Ouest.
Il aurait le mérite de dégager le ciel.
Le bémol viendrait du Nord-Est toujours sous les nuages avec de rares averses.

Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 4°C à Saint Martin d'Hères et 13°C à Ajaccio passant par 6°C à Aurillac, 7°C à Toulouse et à Paris, 8°C à Poitiers, 9°C à La Rochelle, 11°C à Brest et 12°C à Nice.

Après midi :
Peu de changements à attendre ; les hautes pressions poursuivraient leur progression jusqu'à concerner toute la France !
Ainsi, le temps serait ensoleillé partout sauf sur l'Alsace et la Lorraine.
Cependant, sur le pourtour méditerranéen, la présence du soleil serait conditionnée à la persistance du Mistral et de la Tramontane !

Les températures maximales seraient globalement assez fraîches par rapport aux normales de saison (à confirmer) : elles partiraient de 11°C à Boulogne sur Mer pour aller à 12°C à Dunkerque et à Ouessant (Finistère), 13°C à Nantes, 14°C à Orléans et à Strasbourg.
Au Sud, entre 10°C à Limoges et 20°C à Perpignan en passant par 12°C à Lyon, 13°C à Annecy, 14°C à Tarbes, 15°C à Bastia et à Bordeaux et 17°C à Marseille.
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Editorial note

The link to a new interview video with Richard Werner has been temporarily removed. Apologies for any inconvenience.

For other insights into banking, buy the book:
posted by Charles Bazlinton
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The group has seen a number of new members this week, so for those new members Discuss HR is the weekly article penned by fellow members about anything and everything to do with the world of HR.  This week Jill Hart-Sanderson gives us a light-hearted view of her determination to achieve her goals! (Ed Scrivener)


What seems impossible to you at the moment? How could you increase the probability of it becoming a reality?

It’s easy to get bogged down in day-to-day processes and procedures and lose sight of what we’re ultimately trying to achieve. By concentrating on our overall outcomes it may be possible to achieve results that currently seem beyond reach.

Last week I went to hear Richard Reed, former HR director and co-founder of Innocent, speak at a seminar in London.  He was an awesome presenter and had some fabulous stories to tell.  He talked about the importance of the company mission to be ‘The Earth’s Favourite Little Healthy Food and Drinks Company’. By focusing on this, Innocent has been able to grow into the multi-million pound organisation it is today.

So how could this approach help you? HR can remind managers to think about their organisation’s overall outcomes when dealing with issues within their own teams. When you focus on a specific outcome or goal amazing things can happen.

Many years ago I was on a two week sailing course in the windy resort of Bitez in Turkey. We were split into groups depending on experience and what level we were expected to achieve.  Each morning we’d receive around two hours of theory tuition followed by an afternoon of practical instruction.

I was determined to do well, so listened carefully and focused on what I was being taught. At the end of the first week I understood the theory of wind patterns, currents, angles of the board and sail, but found sailing from A to B impossible. I could stand on the board, lift the sail and go, but no matter how hard I thought about the positioning of my body, sail and board I couldn’t move in the direction I wanted to!

In a fit of frustration after being retrieved several times by the rescue boat, I gave up. I sat on my board and concluded that I could never be a windsurfer and I would just spend the rest of my time on the beach on my own watching everyone else having fun.

Pip, one of the instructors, listened to my plight. I explained that I knew and understood the theory, but when I stood on the board and tried to put it into practice it just didn’t work. “Right” said Pip “take all of that theory and everything you have learnt this week and forget it! Climb back on the board. Look in the direction you want to go. Find a specific point and focus on it. Keep focusing on that goal and do not take your eyes off it whatever happens.

Yeah right” I thought, but what did I have to lose? I looked towards the beach (which was by now a long way off). I picked out a flag and focused on it. To my amazement I started to move towards it. I was going faster and faster and in the right direction. It was an off shore wind, but I was still heading for the beach. I didn’t take any notice of how I was holding the boom or what position my feet were in, it was all about the flag.

When I arrived on the beach at the exact point I’d been aiming for I was thrilled. I stayed on the water for another two hours just to make sure I had ‘got it’. I stayed focused on my goals, but went with the flow, relaxed and had a fantastic time. Thanks to Pip’s words of wisdom, by the end of the second week I passed my Royal Yachting Association level two, which is something I thought wouldn’t be possible.

Without being taught the theory first I wouldn’t have been able to do it, but focusing on the end result made the crucial difference, turning my learning into success.

What are your organisation’s goals? Are they clear and how can you help others reach them?

Sometimes you need to let go of theories and processes and focus on where you want to be, not how you will get there. As Stephen R Covey says in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, ‘begin with the end in mind’!

About the author
Jill loves working with the team at Rambutan helping people to think, lead and communicate brilliantly in order to achieve business, team or personal goals. Before joining the Rambutan bunch, Jill was part of the HR Consultancy Team at University College London. Her previous management experience in both the public and private sector means she has seen how great HR support can make a real difference to individual managers and organisations as a whole


Discuss HR is the blog for Human Resources UK, the leading LinkedIn group for those involved with HR in the UK.  Next week’s Discuss HR will be published on Thursday 7th April and will be written by HR recruitment specialist Ed Scrivener
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