Wednesday, January 2, 2013

True Buddha School is not True Buddhism
True Buddha School is not true Buddhism. I have read his articles before and it is obvious his teachings have deviated far from true Buddhadharma.My suggestion is not to follow blindly and study mainstream Buddhism yourself and you will then realise how different it is. Buddha Order (Zhen Fo Zhong) – Sheng-yen LuWhat else is Sheng-yen Lu? He is a Christian (has been a Sunday Bible School teacher), a Taoist Master, a Buddhist Master (shaven and left home), and also the Living Buddha Lian-shen (a Tantric guru). Is Sheng-yen Lu a monk?
“He is now a monk, after formally taking the vows and shaving his head.”
Is Sheng-yen Lu the lineage holder of the True Buddha School? “Yes, because he has founded the True Buddha School to propagate the True Buddha Dharma.”
Apart from the above, Sheng-yen Lu is also a psychic! He is someone who is everything. But, who, really, is Sheng-yen Lu?
Now that Living Buddha Lian Sheng has attained Realisation through his own vigour and practice, in order to teach more sentient beings, he espouses the True Buddha Dharma, hoping that everybody will eradicate their karma, see their Self Nature, so that he or she can control his or her own life and death, and become a Buddha in no time.

Because Living Buddha Lian Sheng has attained Realisation, he knows very well that by practising the True Buddha Dharma everybody can become a Buddha. Therefore he let it be known to the whole world, the undisclosed doctrines of Buddhism, hoping that everybody will take refuge in True Buddha School, and carry out the practice to attain Buddhahood.

On March 11th, 2000, Master Lu hosted a grand ceremony with a lecture. Thousands of members who took refuge in Master Lu attended this ceremony. There, he gave a controversial lecture on how to use a spell to kill someone. Master Lu believed that if there was no other way that could assist a hopeless or stubborn person, then the only way is to kill him or her. He said “The only way to treat a stubborn or a hopeless person is to kill. If you love someone and have mercy and want to send one to heaven, you must first take his life and then expiate the sins of the dead. This is the 2nd greatest charm of the religion”. He continued saying;- “If there is no other way that could assist one, then the only way is to kill. Giving mercy or influence or wisdom and still not way out,
then the only way is to kill”. This lecture shocked many Buddhists in Taiwan and the world.

Not long after his lecture, Master Lu was accused of committing sexual harassment with a female disciple, known anonymously as “SHC”. She claimed that Master Lu made negligent counseling by making the said disciple engage in a “twin body blessing”—sexual intercourse. The disciple was terminally ill at the time of this incident. According to the disciple, Master Lu said that she would die of sickness if she did not participate in this blessing.

However, the disciple had no evidence, beyond her own word, that any “twin body blessing” took place, and Temple officials had no knowledge of any such blessing and no reason to believe that such a blessing ever happened.

Grand Master said, “When I first set forth to propagate the Dharma, I’ve encountered many slandering. But even if threatened with forceful oppositions, I had remained unwavering in My conviction of the Truth….True Buddha disciples of today, having experienced wonderful miracles from the Grand Master, should also possess the same deep-rooted and immovable conviction towards the Dharma.” For further information, see -

In Sydney, They operate from Sydney Yen Shang Lei Zang Temple, 645 Princes Highway, TempeLu Sheng-Yen should not be confused with the Respected Buddhist Zen Teacher, Ven. Sheng-Yen.
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