Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Links Sep 3

Dutch, under pressure on tax, offer talks with emerging economies Reuters

United States and Switzerland Issue Joint Statement Regarding Tax Evasion Investigations U.S. Department of Justice
See also: Press unenthusiastic about US tax deal swissinfo and Bankers regret past conduct But does this translate into ceasing such activity for clients around the globe? 

Senate moves to end anonymous shell companies to crack down on money laundering, tax dodging and corruption Global Witness

Cyprus Bank’s Bailout Hands Ownership to Russian Plutocrats The New York Times

Samoa: Tax ‘secrecy’ faces new threat Samoa Observer
"Samoa’s offshore industry is facing a new threat to revenues with the signing of a major tax agreement between China and other tax authorities"

Labuan, a tropical safe Le Temps (In French)
"The Malaysian island of Labuan dreams of copying Liechtenstein."

‘Taking from the poor to give to the rich’ presseurop
"The Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey welcome billionaires who want to cheat the tax man. But campaigns against tax evasion have eroded these tax havens' revenues and even they have been forced to resort to budget cuts."

Liechtenstein Adopts Implementing Law For Austrian Tax Deal Tax-News

Liechtenstein: Banks issue voluntary tax compliance guideline “to keep untaxed assets away”  Financial Secrecy Media Monitor

Bermuda: Ministry Responds To France “Tax Haven” List Bernews
Any source

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