Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today's Teamster News 09.03.13

Five reasons for optimism about unions this Labor Day (opinion) The Hill   ...most Americans hold favorable views of unions. According to a June 2013 poll by the Pew Research Center, 51 percent of Americans hold favorable views of labor unions, a 10 percent increase from the number in the same poll conducted two years earlier...
9 Ways We're Better Off Now Than We Were On The First Labor Day (And 5 Ways We're Not)  Huffington Post   ...The federal minimum wage, which currently stands at 7.25 an hour, is not enough to keep American families out of poverty, according to the Center For Economic And Policy Research...
Union Busting Ended My Love Affair with a Beer  Huffington Post   ...Yuengling had illegally busted their union...
Labor Day message: We can fix this (opinion)  NWI   ...We must embrace the new worker activism we see popping up at places like fast-food chains and retail establishments whose workers merely hope to raise their families on a livable wage...
"What's Outrageous? Poverty Wages!" The Role of Religious Leaders in Worker Justice  Huffington Post   ...The faith leaders now rallying to support fast food workers' demands for a living wage are reviving one of America's oldest and most powerful arguments for social justice, one deeply rooted in religious ideals...
GDP drag from State and Local Governments  Calculated Risk   ...However state and local government spending has made a negative contribution for 13 of the last 14 quarters...
Wall Street Eager to See Larry Summers Nominated Fed Chair  Real News   ...if you had to trace the collapse of the 2007-2009 financial crisis on one person--and, of course, you can't really trace it to one person--but if you did, I think you could make a fair argument that Larry Summers is more to blame for the financial crisis that we experienced than any other person...
Making ‘Too Big To Fail’ Banks Help Poor Borrowers (opinion)  The National Memo   ...Predatory lenders are folding fast in New York State, thanks to a savvy banking regulator who takes his duty to protect the public as seriously as his duties to the financial industry — and knows how to use the law to get quick action...
DIA Director: Selling Art Tantamount To Closing Museum  CBS Detroit   ...Detroit’s Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr has stated that the some of the art could be sold as part of the city’s bankruptcy deal Beal says the art being considered as “assets” are those that were bought by Detroit between 1922 and 1931– that’s about 3,300 pieces...
Ohio GOP grassroots lead to billionaire  Plunderbund   ...Americans for Prosperity. … That’s the right-wing outfit whose work is fashioned  by billionaire David Koch...

Any source

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