Sunday, September 1, 2013


ED Noor: As a long term political blogger/junkie and having lived with a lifelong awareness of something being fundamentally out of kilter in the world, I find this to be a very important post to pass on. People ask how can I stand what I look at or what I read? They ask why I care? Why bother? Why not have a happy blog with advertising so I could earn some much needed revenue? Does this stuff REALLY matter that much to me? When I say “YES” heads are shaken ~ until recently that there is some evidence of people waking up do I feel a glimmer of accomplishment. 

The frustration I felt over the issue of chemtrailing being ignored, despite the evidence before us is gratified (sigh) because suddenly people are beginning to talk about it everywhere. 

I feel VERY gratified in praying that just my wee contribution to the overwhelming voice of people of the world to the truth of the current horrors in Syria. Perhaps it is due to our screeching that the word spread more swiftly, people took notice, and governments had to sit up and take notice. We will never know. 

I just know I began blogging in earnest during Operation Cast Lead when I realized that the West saw nothing but whitewashed images of bloodless bombed areas, not a drop of blood to be seen ~ unless it was of a wounded IDF soldier shot in line of “friendly fire”. It is amazing how quickly one can adapt to the assault of visual atrocities one sees in the search for truth; the trick is to not become calloused and to see every atrocity afresh through the clear eyes of compassion.  

Dear Readers, sometimes note I will go for a day or three without posting some times. Usually that means a mental break was needed. I am out somewhere forcing myself to NOT get upset about the ever-present chemtrails, simply because THIS MOMENT NOW is all I really have and I cannot let the buzztards completely get me down. Yes, I think of the chosenite depopulation programme every time I see them; I wonder what is pouring down on us with each rain. It took time but I realized if I flipped every time I saw the damn things in the sky I would never speak of anything else and my heart could explode with angst.

Yesterday my scattered family held an impromptu gathering over on the mainland (I live on an island ~ a 2 hour ferry ride away). There was not a mention of politics and had I said anything, it would have been shut down entirely; I was totally, for once, just fine with that. It meant attention was given to the things that mattered most~ the absolutely beautiful little white haired little angels in bare feet running around on the grass and warming our hearts, the catching up of memories and the preparing of a good West Coast feast. I did not even say a word about Fukushima poisoning and this local salmon! Oh I was proud of myself. 

Such a rare beautiful coming together was not to be tainted with discussion Jewish-oriented filth and death! When one brother spoke of how the Alberta Tarsands was a model of efficiency and not the blight the world considers it, I just went to another room and shucked corn with the ladies. (Now THAT was a HUGE victory over temptation! LOL)

The journey to and from the mainland was fraught with tension because travel during long weekends is always a challenge. We made the ferry to just in time. But the ferry home, they sold us a ticket expecting to refund because the boat was already squished full. But somehow.. we were the last car they reallllly squeezed on. This meant our car was not under any roof or protection and when we opened the sunroof all we saw was the sparkling clear night sky.  The breeze was slight, even for open ocean. So my brother and I just sat back in his very cosy car and listened to some very fine music as the trip passed. It gets no better than that. Fine music, the clear ocean sky, a comfortable chair, an emotionally satisfying day ~ life can and should be this good ~ but oh the struggle we have ahead of us yet.

In short, I took a much needed respite from the truth that I deal with every day. THIS is just one part of what Digger speaks of below in his wisdom. We all need to take a break however we can because we can NOT let the enemy turn us to hatred (he wins) if for no reason than to remember just what we are fighting for. Anger and temper can corrupt our souls as well so it is best to know how to keep a lid on as much as possible saving outrage for specific occasions.

For example, we have lost the fight to save the Pacific Ocean and the ongoing chemtrailed airs here; the damage is still unfolding from past actions and all we can do is deal with the fallout but I CAN and WILL continue to fight for our children’s sake. It is the least they deserve from us; my generation failed them so badly. No, I am not an altruist; I just believe that we are our children’s children and fight for all. 

Meanwhile, here is Digger’s list.

August 31, 2013

I think all of us at times go through lulls, feeling despondent and even depressed with all of this darkness. Why would we not? How could we not? After all we are looking a 99% of dark depressive news and material most of the time. At times we think to ourselves, Is there ever going to be some good news? Even when we do see some light, a dash of hope, it soon gets quashed by the darkness.

So please don’t feel alone, strange or isolated when you feel everyone around you (the sheople) are just having fun and you seem to be in this dark vacuum and not wanting to mix alongside these blue pills. You are not really alone; there are hundreds of thousands of us feeling this isolation ~ maybe even millions of us. 

It is tough being and thinking so differently ~ having completely different priorities in life other than just having selfish fun. It’s almost surreal caring about what is happening to this world, when almost everyone around you doesn’t.

The purpose of highlighting these areas, even though they are negative, is to seep ourselves in the realities of what we have to face on a day to day level being awake. It is important to objectively face this reality. 

Like a doctor needs to evaluate the condition of a diseased patient, like a surveyor needs to assess the deterioration of a neglected property and like a car mechanic needs to inspect a corroding dilapidated vehicle. 

This has to be done before any improvement, renovation and repairs can be made. This is realism, it is an honest appraisal and it is actually positive in the long run.

But also this will allow many of us to have an understanding why we naturally would feel very downbeaten to say the least from time to time.


Just look at the material we have to view on our computer screens, and even in the main stream media. The maiming of sweet children, the innocents, the gory blood-stained clothing, the wailing of those who have lost loved ones, the fear, the tears. These never-ending wars, with the intensity of suffering of others ~ others out there. Our brothers and sisters. Such injustice to humankind.

Its bad enough just observing this as a blue pill, but tenfold as bad for those of us in the know. When we know this is all a deliberate destruction by International Jewry, by the dark force. We know these people are innocent and we feel so impotent to help them, amongst this web of deceit and mind control. These poor poor people ~ so much pain, so much unnecessary endless suffering. And deep in our hearts, we know this is on the menu for us at some point down the line.

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)
And if the hard kill destruction wasn’t heavy enough a subject to deal with, we have an equally destructive attack in our own lives ~ soft kill of the goyim. Behind the facade of fun in the sun, the ice creams, the cinema, the music festivals; we are being slowly systematically murdered. There isn’t really another way of saying this. Perhaps eugenics, depopulation, but its gentle murder all the same. 

How many of us now know people, or have known people who have died of cancer, or other deadly diseases? Loved ones perished in this soft kill. It’s become the new norm. In fact it’s almost a bonus now to be half healthy. We are being poisoned in every conceivable way. And this is just packaged as modern living. And again we feel so impotent to stop it.

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)

Then we try to warn our fellow humankind; and what do they do? ~ CHOOSE to go into denial mode. Deny the blatant agenda, deny the organised corruption, deny that the people who are supposed to be looking after us have an intent to harm us. Wilful ignorance and child-like naive trust in Big Brother. Big brother says everything is ok, so everything must be ok. 

We have to go about our lives mixing with these idiots. Listening to their insane selfish conversations. Listening to them laughing and giggling away in bars, restaurants and cafes over trivia, whilst the world around them is being destroyed.

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)
And what is especially hurtful is to see our loved ones accepting this agenda. Accepting their subservience, accepting the kosher narrative from their gogglebox (TV) in the corner of their living rooms. Trusting their newspapers and repeating this garbage as if it’s their own thoughts. Likewise with their academia (indoctrination) that they have been fed. And to think they have to pay for this mind control. 

Our spouses/partners, our siblings, our children, our parents, our closest family members; watching all of them suffering, yet pretending to themselves they are not suffering and somehow things will just work out in the end. All of them ignoring or mocking our silly little conspiracy theories.

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)

We have to put up with the JMSM mocking those of us who are awake. They’re crafty bastards because they don’t do it in an obvious way so that the blue pills will notice. It’s always covert. Through comedies and so-called documentaries. They are laughing at us. 

They are effectively saying “We know you know that we know you know ~ and we don’t care ~ ha ha ha.” 

They taunt us with indirect labels as terrorists, that we’re insane, that we’re ignorant, or even that we’re gullible conspiracy theorists. And that we insult the victims of these atrocities (which are really hoaxes). Such friggin hubris.

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)
Sometimes threats go beyond legality.

And for those of us who dare to stand up to the beast; we get threatened. We get penalized through fines, penalties, curfews, threats of incarceration, threats of being homeless, threats of losing our slave positions. Intimidation of freedoms and privacy. Watched, spied on, monitored, regulated, controlled. Big brother will just not put up with any awkward slaves. How dare we contest their narrative of events? How dare we challenge the system? How dare we demand freedom? How dare we protest their plans to destroy us?

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)
Some people go for the big statement but that is only one small way to promote awareness. 

For those of us who are trying to do our bit; it sometimes feels we are the only ones who care ~ I mean really care. Yea sure we know people around us who are awake and sympathize with us and share all the links. But when it comes to doing something, on a regular basis, we feel so alone. This can be soul destroying; draining. As if we haven’t got enough to deal with, without having to constantly motivate others to try to prevent their own destruction.

But behind all their emotive rhetoric and well-meaning sound-bites, there doesn’t seem to be any drive in them. Like they don’t give damn about their future. They’d rather just have fun and enjoy their selfish sense gratifications.

They cannot reallycare; otherwise they would override their apathy and fear and just do. They would automatically just get on with fighting in this war. Nobody is asking them to do anything outstanding or dramatic, just lots of little on a regular basis. Regular leafleting, design and produce posters, create their own fliers, burn DVDs, attend demos to propagate real Truth, etc. There are a thousand things one can do. But in most cases it’s just moan, moan, moan and whizzing across scary links and lots of rhetoric on what they intend to do and what we should do.

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)
Then when we attend meet ups and demos we have to contend with the half-Truthers. The trusting long-term troofers who refuse to go beyond what their guru David Icke says. They express how irritated they get with the sheople around them for not waking up, but are equally dismissive when it comes to any information beyond the controlled opposition they loyally cling to. It’s insane. Yet more mind control.

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)
To think I once considered Barbie too adult for children! How naive. The above Monster High dolls (both anorexic and satanic) will be on many a child's Christmas list this year. It is up to the parents to deny them such not so subtle depraved propaganda. Spend with your ethics and your dollars as best you can. These small personal steps may only be that, small personal actions, but at least you know you are living up to your ethics. BTW my daughters thrived without Barbie just beautifully!

As with both hard kill and soft kill, we have to observe the carnage in this world. However this particular area specifically focuses on the immorality and depravation we can now see in our society. 
The sexualization of our youth and even children.
The filth which is now sneaking into the mainstream media.
The normalization of sexual trends away from nature.
The zombie themes,
the degrading of the human body,
the trivialization of traditional values and culture.
The MTV talk and culture seeping into our very lives.
All this social engineering through predictive programming.
Destruction of goodness, values, ethics, morals and
a promotion of satanic/demonic driven cultures.
And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)
To me this is one of my most disheartening and frustrating areas of all. That the people in society who are supposed to be directly looking after us, who are being paid to protect us, are the actual ones who are enslaving and oppressing us on behalf of these criminals. Sheep controlling the sheep.

These in-betweeners: the police, the army, the council officials, the debt collectors, the traffic wardens, the plastic police (Community Support Officers), the social services. All mind-controlled sellouts. Double traitors in costumes. Every one of them have sold their souls to the dark side. They are our own stock, born and bred with us and living amongst us; yet have chosen mammon above ethics and common sense. Shame on you, you traitors.

And we’re not supposed to get down about this (?)
So for those of us who have chosen the red pill, these are (ED Noor: just a few of) the realities we are having to face on a daily basis. So please don’t beat yourself up if you are getting down about all of this.

It’s all very well saying “Be positive” and having a stiff upper lip. But at some point we have to acknowledge that it is perfectly normal and natural to feel depressed by this harsh brutal reality. These ugly Truths and insanity are cumulatively going to bring us down from time to time.

However, we really have to try hard and not succumb to the darkness. Otherwise it’s killed us even before our deaths. We must not let this beast destroy our souls, our very spirit. This is ultimately what this war is about. An energy war attacking our very essence ~ our souls.

Finding balance. Adjusting your spiritual resonance.

Try every trick in the book to defend yourself from potential depression and pessimism. Take weeks off at a time if necessary, treat yourself to a weekend break, have the occasional massage, eat well, try to have some fun, do some exercises ~ especially a walk in nature, regular meditation and prayer. 

Confide in others who are awake. But most of all try and connect up to a spiritual position. Tap into your inner strength within.

It is crucial that we try and not wash our sorrows and depression in additions of any form ……alcohol, weed, porn, gambling, junk food, etc. All of these will induce depression and make any depression worse. It will pertain to the darkness ~ remember this is all about energy in an energy war. Time to clean up and pure up.

ED Noor: That darkness. I have seen it ~ an ever expanding black hole of nothingness, a black thicker than ink that devours all it approaches ~ sucked into the limitless void.

One of the best ways of tackling despondency and potential defeatism is by taking action. Physically doing something in some small way to try to combat this beast; especially with others on a regular basis is an enormous antidote to any depression and feeling of lack of hope. It is very motivational and always gives you the knowledge that whatever happens ~ you know in your heart you did your bit.

ED Noor: One example. If possible, withdraw any money you have from a traditional bank and move to a local credit bank. It is a small thing but you also get satisfaction knowing that your money goes to local businesses and charities, not the City of London. I cannot say how lightening of the load that felt! 

1. Viewing the hard kill
2.Viewing the soft kill
3.Sheople around us
4. Blue pill loved ones
5.Demonization from the media
6.Legal threats
7. Truther apathy
8. Half-Truthers and shills
9. Depravity and destruction


Any source

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