Monday, August 26, 2013

Must-read pro-life news-stories, Tue 27 Aug

Top story:

Pro-abortion journalist calls for polyamory following same-sex marriage law

A prominent pro-abortion campaigning journalist has called for legal recognition of polyamourous arrangements. Laurie Penny wrote in The Guardian: "During the recent debates around the legalisation of gay marriage, Tory critics warned that the next, unthinkable step would be multiple marriage. I can't be the only one who wondered if that'd be such a bad idea." [Guardian, 20 August] Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, commented: "True marriage both protects children and provides a lifelong commitment affirming the irreplaceable dignity of a complementary spouse. These are among the main reasons why societies have always been more favourable towards monogamy and less favourable towards polyamourous arrangements, which historically are very rare. The fluidity, complexity and individualism inherent in polyamory makes such arrangements highly unstable and therefore poorly suited to responsible parenthood. One fears a ready recourse to abortion in the event of an unplanned conception within a sexually uncommitted polyamourous arrangement. It is therefore unsurprising that an active campaigner for abortion such as Laurie Penny is also now arguing for polyamory. Legally-recognised polyamorous arrangements would be a logical progression from the same-sex marriage law, as both are based on a separation of sex from responsible parenthood. Children both born and unborn are best protected by the natural family based on the union of one man with one woman ordered towards childbearing." [John Smeaton, 27 August]

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