Sunday, August 25, 2013

The 6th issue of "NGONCC Bulletin"

Call for Article For  The 6th issue of "NGONCC Bulletin"


"NGONCC Bulletin" is an annual bulletin that has been published since 2008 to bridge the gap on information dissemination on various dimensions of climate change in Nepal.  The bulletin portrays different aspects of climate change, with the help of various articles and cases, that include analysis of climate change policies and programs, approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation, assessment of community vulnerability and adaptation planning, , climate change and disaster risk reduction, networking, etc.


Until now, Nepal has a prepared climate change policy, National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA), Framework of Local Adaptation Plan for Action (LAPA), draft policy on Reducing Emissions through Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), and some initiatives for Community Adaptation Plans of Actions (CAPAs). Such policy actions have initiated some efforts on mainstreaming climate change in the national planning process that demand for more local actions in a planned way. Still, climate change sensitization and interventions are yet to reach a majority of climate vulnerable communities of the country. Awareness on climate change has reached to the government line agencies, INGOs, and major NGOs working in various districts of Nepal. Communities of some areas/districts are also aware on preparations of Local Adaptation Plans for Action (LAPAs) and Community Adaptation Plans of Action (CAPAs). However, implementation of such plans requires a multi-stakeholder approach to achieving greater programs synergy and leveraging resources.


In this regard, we call for the articles for the 6th issue of NGONCC bulletin in the following areas of climate change including, but not limiting to, policy analysis (international, national and local), adaptation, mitigation, and capacity building, technology transfer, loss and damage, local innovations on adaptation and mitigation to climate change, climate change and disaster risk reduction, etc.


General guidelines for the articles are as follows:

The articles must be written in English with less than 2000 words in Microsoft Word file. 

-Font should be 'Times New Roman' and font size '11' with single line spacing.

-Title of the article should not exceed 20 words followed by authors name and their affiliation and contact address. It should be in title case.

-Abstract should not exceed 150 words with a reflection of the context of the key issue, analysis, conclusion and key recommendations.

-Headings and subheadings should be in title case.

-Also include article relevant photographs (not more than 5) with brief description and photo courtesy.

-Referencing need to be APA citation style. For detail please follow (


Please send your articles not later than September 30, 2013 to  

Yours truly

Keshab Thapa
Programme Coordinator, Community Resilience to Climate Change
Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD)
Tel: (+977)-61-535357/526834 (ext 214)
Mobile: +977-9852680792
Fax: (+977)-61-539956

Related to climate change, LI-BIRD is a 
Central secretariat of NGO Network on Climate Change (NGONCC)
Member of Climate Change Network Nepal (CCNN)
Member of Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA)
Member of Capacity Strengthening of LDCs for Adaptation to Climate Change (CLACC)
Facilitator of Media Network on Climate Change (MediaNCC)
Any source

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