Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today's Teamster News 08.29.13

Latest ABF Update -- Aug. 28, 2013   ...ABF Teamsters approved five of the seven remaining supplements, while two did not pass...
Wave of Low-Wage Worker Strikes Hits LA Ports  In These Times   ...Port truck drivers went on a 24-hour strike early Monday evening to protest alleged union-busting by Green Fleet, one of the port’s biggest trucking companies. The Green Fleet drivers say that the company harassed and intimidated workers who were trying to organize with the Teamsters...
Here’s where middle-class jobs are vanishing the fastest  Washington Post   ...Since 2010, lower-wage jobs like food preparation and personal care have grown fast. So have high-end jobs in management, finance and health care. But a number of middle-class occupations, particularly teaching and construction, have continued to decline...
Working Poor Have Dimming Faith In Economic Mobility, Policymakers, Survey Finds  Huffington Post   ...America's working poor value the work they do and have high hopes for their children's futures -- even though most believe it's now easier to fall out of the middle class than to rise into it, according to a new survey produced by Oxfam America...
New Census Numbers Show Recession’s Effect on Families  New York Times   ...The analysis also found that the recession profoundly affected American families from 2005 to 2011, resulting in a 15 percent decline in homeownership among households with children and a 33 percent increase in households where at least one parent was unemployed...
Executive Excess 2013: Bailed Out, Booted, and Busted  Institute for Policy Studies   ...Chief executives performing poorly — and blatantly so — have consistently populated the ranks of our nation’s top-paid CEOs over the last two decades...
WI Capitol Police Crackdown on Dissent: What You Wouldn’t Know From Reading Wisconsin’s Newspapers  Wisconsin Citizens Media Cooperative   ...Since Wednesday, July 24th the Wisconsin Capitol Police have arrested over 150 people, issuing over 300 citations. The arrests have been made for participating in the two-year tradition of singing at the Capitol from noon to 1pm...
Why is Gov. Scott Walker hiding health care prices? (opinion)  Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel   ...I am surprised by Gov. Scott Walker's decision to hide insurance rates for the health plans about to be sold in Wisconsin's online exchange. What is Walker hiding?...
Norman Stockwell: Arrests here show King's fight for worker rights far from over (opinion)  The Cap Times   ...Today there is another struggle to recognize the rights and dignity of labor in the state of Wisconsin. .. Notable labor activists arrested have included David Newby, former president of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO...
Energy from Moral Mondays fuels Franklin Street rally  The Daily Tar Heel    ...The N.C. NAACP-sponsored rally, which occurred simultaneously with a dozen other rallies statewide, was a continuation of a summer of activism and protest at the N.C. General Assembly...
North Carolina Republicans Escalate Attack on Student Voting  The Nation   ...Hours after passing the country’s worst voter suppression law, North Carolina Republicans escalated their attempts to prevent students from participating in the political process...
Fast-Food Strikes Set for Cities Nationwide  Associated Press   ...Organizers say thousands of fast-food workers are set to stage walkouts in dozens of cities around the country Thursday, part of a push to get chains such as McDonald's, Taco Bell and Wendy's to pay workers higher wages...
Frackers slash billions in payments to landowners  Philadelphia Inquirer   ...Report: Thousands are receiving far less money than they were promised by energy companies to use their properties. Some are being paid virtually nothing...
First Nations loses bid to block Canada-China FIPA treaty  CBC News   ...The Federal Court has dismissed an application by an aboriginal band in British Columbia to stay the Canada-China investment treaty until First Nations have been consulted...
How Depraved Money Hungry Media Is Distorting What We See, and Messing with the Country  Alternet   ...Three recent stories that drive home the sorry state of the media...
Survey: Banking industry's reputation is nearly as bad as that of Congress; BofA ranks last  Los Angeles Times   ...Five years after the financial crisis, the Reputation Institute survey said banking has a worse reputation than Big Pharma, news outlets, oil companies and telecommunications firms -- though not so bad as Congress...
How an Insular Beltway Elite Makes Wars of Choice More Likely  The Atlantic   ...Intervention in Syria is extremely, undeniably unpopular...

Any source

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