Saturday, August 24, 2013

Top Six – August 25

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I have to go out later. So there.
6 Miranda Detention – Wanker Speaks One former hack cheering on the cops in their dodgy detention of David Miranda, partner of Guardian correspondent Glenn Greenwald, was none other than Neville “Stylish Masturbator” Thurlbeck. Here’s why the security services might be better off without his support.

5 Don’t Menshn Reality The descent of Louise Mensch into a jibbering clone of Melanie “not just Barking but halfway to Upminster” Phillips continued, as she dismissed anyone dissenting from her view as “liars” and “fools”. Many commenting at her blog tried to reason with her. This was pointless.

4 Guardian Spook Visit Double Standards The deeply subversive Guardian was forced to destroy two computers on the grounds that they could not be trusted to keep the data on them secure. The command came from the Government, which has, er, demonstrated that it cannot keep the data on its computers secure.

3 HS2 – IEA Report One Huge Turkey At long last, the IEA “report” into the HS2 project was published. And their “£80 billion” price tag had been achieved by adding in Crossrail 2 (a trick already pulled by the so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance) and doubling the price. And adding in billions of other stuff, just for good measure..

2 Super Soaraway Twitter Swindle The Sun’sTwitter account for information on Liverpool FC had over 7,500 followers, despite the paper being persona non grataacross Merseyside. How was this achieved? It was stuffed full of fakes, that’s how.

1 Don’t Menshn The Invention Into the row over David Miranda’s detention waded the member for Manhattan Upmarket, Louise Mensch. And, despite admitting that she had no idea what Glenn Greenwald’s partner might have been carrying, there were a giddying number of wild accusations about it. This from the former MP who made damaging accusations against Piers Morgan under Parliamentary privilege which she later had to withdraw.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!
Any source

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