Tuesday, July 30, 2013



·         You can have a flat stomach without hitting the gym.
·         Your diet and eating habits can take care of this problem area.

1. Flax seeds
·         Flax seeds (linseeds or alsi) are nutritious seeds packed with monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), which are very diet-friendly.
·         Monounsaturated fats, unlike saturated fats (the "bad" fats found in junk food), lower cholesterol levels and reduce body fat.
·         Flax seeds provide high levels of fibre and can banish bloating, constipation and other digestive problems to keep the digestive system running smoothly.
·         Add a tablespoon of flax seeds to your morning cereal, lunch salad, or a smoothie for belly-flattening benefits.

2. Berries
·         For reducing belly fat, eat fruits that are blue or red in colour (such as cherries, red grapes and many types of berries).
·         In fact, it is the chemicals that are responsible for giving these fruits their colour (anthocyanins) that, also burn abdominal fat.

3. Yoghurt
·         Yoghurt is low in fat and calories, so good as a weight loss food.
·         Many types of yoghurt also contain active cultures (probiotics) which promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut and help with digestion, excess gas and bloating.
·         Yoghurt can be fitted into any diet plan, as part of a meal or a snack between meals.
·         It can also be combined with berries and flax seeds in a smoothie or bowl of cereal, as morning breakfast.

4. Whole grains
·         Whole grains are a low-fat source of slow-release energy.
·         Due to their high levels of fibre, they also help to regulate the digestive system and keep you feeling fuller for longer.
·         Eating whole grains also helps to lower the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and insulin in the body, both of which cause fat to be stored around the belly.
·         However, instinctively opting for wheat as their primary source of whole grains, is often not the best choice.
·         Wheat is difficult to digest, causing bloating,
·         Good alternatives are brown rice, oats, buckwheat and spelt.
·         Quinoa - although technically a seed - is also a nutritious alternative that can be used in the place of grains such as pasta and couscous.

5. Water
·         While it's not technically a food, a lack of water in your diet could hinder your aim of a flat stomach.
·         Drinking water will help to flush toxins out of the system, curb hunger, improve the digestive system and reduce fluid retention, all of which will leave your stomach looking flatter.
·         If you are aiming for a flat belly, it is important to drink a minimum of eight glasses of liquids a day.
·         Besides water, liquids that are naturally still (fizzy drinks can cause bloating) and low in calories can also be consumed.
·          A good alternative is green tea, which has fat-burning benefits, or fennel, dandelion or peppermint teas, which prevent bloating.

6. Take fish oil supplements
·         Fish oil supplements burn fat and supply essential fatty acids.

7. Always have breakfast
·         Eat within 1 hour of waking up.
·         If you don’t have time, just grab a piece of fruit and a few nuts.

8. Don’t eat after 8 pm
·         Eating a large meal in the late evening, when your body is slowing down or sleeping, is a bad idea for your digestion and weight.

Any source

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