Thursday, July 31, 2008









寿たらこ的作品一向很另類,最早是由《DOGLA+MAGLA》開始注意到她,劇情描述強國軍隊創造出無人能及的終極殺人武器,某天,這隻食人天使要求軍隊為他找伴來解悶,而看似窮極無聊的舉動、實則有他自身的考量。呃,我想,可能是先有這一單行本的初步構想,才有後來規模設定如此完整的《SEX PISTOLS》問市。
好,回頭來談談《SEX PISTOLS》這套從另類打入BL主流市場的優異作品。書名有些令人莞薾(直譯為:性手槍),通曉Punk音樂的或許還記得音樂界曾有過這麼一個壽命十分短暫卻發光發熱的「SEX PISTOLS」龐克老樂團,他們以反叛精神為榮耀,詞曲粗糙卻充滿中下階層社會之生命力,最重要的是,這組活像流氓的四人英國樂團鼓動著失序與混亂的社會狀態,與《SEX PISTOLS》的核心內容幾乎是不謀而合。《SEX PISTOLS》將人類分為兩大區塊──進化的種族、斑類與未進化的種族、猴子,而斑類又分為六大類:貓又、蛇目、熊樫、犬神、蛟、人魚,另外再依序分為重種、中間種、輕種,所有的斑類不管同性異性,只要有愛就能為伴侶生下下一代,也因如此,主角關係非常複雜,一開始剛接觸本作品的讀者可能會感到混亂,不過看到後來,這些分類將越來越容易釐清,趣味度也在劇情發展下相對地提升中。故事由斑目這個大家族開始,然後漸漸向外擴大配對範圍,每條劇情線都是各自成立,看似相連卻又互不相干,對,這點個人很喜歡,我最受不了的是一整本書裡的主角全成了同志,最後還要來個闔家歡樂大祝福所有情侶終成眷屬的詭異劇情!可惜的是,尚禾翻譯有給它糟糕到天兵程度,讓我一直下不了決心收集本套作品啊……Q口Q









《Wild Rose─野獸玫瑰─》長鴻


























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La nuova interfaccia di Google Maps

Ecco come si presenta la nuova interfaccia di Google Maps dopo l'ultimo restyling. Obiettivo? Rendere il servizio ancora più semplice, funzionale ed intuitivo.

Da oggi infatti le diverse funzioni di Google Maps, come la creazione di percorsi stradali, mappe personalizzate e la ricerca di esercizi commerciali, sono accessibili direttamente da una casella centrale di ricerca, in pieno stile Google, e in modo ancora più semplice.

Provate a fare qualche ricerca e noterete da subito i primi cambiamenti.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fotografías de la última tormenta O Barco

Aquí os dejo las fotografías tomadas por Cristobal de la última tormenta que descargó en O Barco, el pasado día Domingo 27 de Julio de 2008.

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Who in their right mind would want to draw a strong line of demarcation between one "generation" and the next? In reading, editing and thinking around poetry I've resisted this tendency toward privileging one generation over another, periodizing, caging. I recall reading a wonderful statement by Phillip Whalen which, if i can crudely paraphrase, goes: There is no generation gap / scratch an American smell a cop. And in the 1970s it seemed perfectly natural for the Language Poets to absorb Jackson Mac Low, who had been producing textual and visual work since the mid-1940s, into the sphere of their own poetic production.

This to say, I was quite excited to come across the following statement in a letter from Pound to Zukofsky:

What's age to do with verbal manifestation, what's history to do with it,—good gord lets disassociate ijees—I want to show the poetry that's being written today—whether the poets are of masturbating age or the fathers of families don't matter.

And though he exlcuded Rexroth, Don Allen did, after all, include a fifty year-old Charles Olson in his NAP anthology. As a close friend often says, time is fascist—and those editors and anthologists hell bent on periodizing are, more often than not, the shock troops of this fascism. And the drive to bring out hack work by younger poets—aren't we tired of privileging youth, lusting after it, exalting it? Yo—I don't want some kid's crayon drawing on my fridge, nor do i want them anthologized, bound and on my bookshelves.
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Transit directions: Now on S60 & Windows Mobile

A few weeks ago we released Google Maps for mobile with Transit directions for BlackBerry and Java-based handsets. Now, with the release of version 2.2 of the application for Symbian S60 (3rd edition or later) and Windows Mobile (2005 or later), we're happy to say that Transit directions will be available to a bunch more smartphone users around the world.

Transit directions on these platforms work just like they do on the BlackBerry version of the app (watch the demo video). Simply bring up Directions from the main menu and you'll see a second tab labeled Transit (or Public Transport), where you can request a route using only public transportation. You'll receive a number of alternatives that take you (car-free) to your destination. Transit directions are available on Google Maps in more than 50 cities. So whether you live in or are passing through Zurich, Ottawa, Bordeaux or Chicago -- and plenty of places in between -- you can have Transit schedules in your pocket at all times. Stay tuned as we continue working with transit agencies to support more and more cities across the globe!

You'll find a number of other features in this new version of Google Maps for mobile for WinMo and S60: star-ratings for businesses will help you get a feel for what other people think, your search results show up faster than ever, and user-generated content will now surface in your search results -- opening up a whole new world of geo content on your phone. Look for the blue result markers when you search for "ruins in london," for example.

To get this latest version of Google Maps for mobile with Transit, simply point your mobile browser to Happy trails.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

La Petita Edat de Gel, causada per un mínim en el cicle solar?

Al final de l'Edat Mitjana, l'Hemisferi Nord va patir un refredament climàtic que, entre altres coses, va fer avançar les glaceres muntanya avall i per això és conegut com la Petita Edat del Gel (PEG). La PEG va finalitzar cap el segle XVIII, quan es va iniciar un escalfament que encara dura i que molt probablement és degut a la combinació de causes naturals i antròpiques. L'existència de la PEG es coneix al partir d'evidències indirectes (proxies) que permeten reconstruir els canvis climàtics passats abans de l'existència d'instruments meteorològics (estudis paleoclimàtics), com ara l'anàlisi de fòssils preservats als sediments de llacs o l'estudi de documents històrics. La causa de la PEG encara es debat. Fins ara, les dues hipòtesis més probables estan relacionades amb les erupcions volcàniques i els petits canvis cíclics que es produeixen en la irradiància solar. Se sap que durant les fases de més activitat volcànica, la radiació solar que escalfa la Terra és menor degut a una capa més espessa de pols i cendres que actua de filtre. Per altra banda, els Sol té un cicle intern amb màxims i mínims d'emissió d'energia, que tenen diverses manifestacions, com per exemple les taques solars. La PEG, doncs, podria haver-se desencadenat per un augment general de l'activitat volcànica o bé per l'existència d'un mínim en el cicle solar.

En aquest estudi es confirma que la PEG també va ocórrer als tròpics i que la causa més probable és la variació d'energia incident degut als cicles solars. Anteriorment, un estudi palinològic (a partir del pol·len preservat en torberes) ja havia permès enregistrar un descens de la vegetació de l'alta muntanya dels Andes, degut a un descens de la temperatura. Això va succeir entre els segles XIII i XVIII i es va correlacionar amb la PEG (Rull et al. 1987). Ara, hem aconseguit demostrar que durant aquest període hi va haver quatre màxims d'avenç glaciar, al voltant dels anys 1265, 1520, 1685 i 1810, que coincideixen perfectament amb quatre mínims del cicle solar. Tot enregistrat a partir de proxies preservats en sediments lacustres d'alta muntanya. L'avenç de les glaceres s'ha deduït de l'augment d'un parámetre físic que s'anomena susceptibilitat magnètica i que és un reflex de la quantitat de minerals magnètics presents en els sediments, que només poden provenir de l'erosió que les glaceres produeixen sobre la roca mare de la conca al voltant del llac. Els mínims en el cicle solar s'han deduït de l'augment en la concentració d'isòtops radiactius de Carboni i Berili (14C, 10Be), que són més abundants quan menor és la radiació solar que arriba a la Terra. A més, hem pogut mesurar que el descens de temperatura al tròpic durant la PEG va ser d'uns 3ºC i la precipitació va augmentar un 20% (ambdues són necessàries per a que les glaceres avancin). Això ho hem deduït a partir d'un calibratge previ que permet estimar dades climàtiques a partir de proxies biològics, com ara el pol·len (Rull 2006).

Aquests resultats ens mostren que les variacions cícliques d'irradiància solar, encara que relativament petites en magnitud, són capaces de produir variacions climàtiques importants. Ara falta per esbrinar quins són els mecanismes amplificadors responsables d'aquest efecte. Un cop conegut això, serà possible predir amb més exactitud les possibles conseqüències del canvi climàtic actual i futur.

Glaceres i taques solars. A l'esquerra, la glacera Humboldt, que baixa del pic del mateix nom (4942 m). S'observa l'extensió que tenia la glacera durant la PEG, que arribava a cobrir la llacuna que s'observa a la part de baix. A la dreta, vista de l'esfera solar amb les taques, que canvien de nombre d'acord amb els cicles d'irradiància.

Gràfic on es veu la correspondència exacta (destacada amb franges grises) entre els avenços de les glaceres durant la PEG, a la part superior, i els mínims d'irradiància, a la part inferior.

Article: "Solar modulation of little ice age climate in the tropical Andes",Polissar, P. J., Abbott, M. B., Wolfe, A. P., Bezada, M., Rull, V. & Bradley, R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 103: 8937-8942. S. 2006

Extret de clica aquí

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BVI FSC Issues Advisory Warning Informing the Public on Pyramid Schemes

Last week the second Advisory Warning was published by the BVI FSC, concerning NewNetQuest as a potential pyramid scheme targeting BVI residents. The document reveals general principles of the scheme referred to as a pyramide, and its main point based on the fact that those who have initiated the scheme get benefit, while those in its bottom lose most. It is especially noted that pyramid schemes may be masked as legitimate investment opportunities, offering packages which may be purchased for varying amounts, high investments return, and/or share percentage of net advertising revenue.

BVI FSC made the public aware that it does not regulate such schemes, and has not authorised or endorsed NewNetQuest. Members of the public are advised to exercise extreme caution dealing with NewNetQuest and other similar schemes, and are also invited to provide the Commission with any information on questionable entities operating in or from within the BVI.

The advisory warning, issued under Section 4 (1)(1) of the Financial Services Commission Act, 2001, was published on 25 July 2008 and signed by Robert A. Mathavious, Managing Director/CEO of the Commission.
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Il canale YouTube di Google Italia

Il blog di Google Italia, così come lo conoscete, è ormai da tempo uno strumento istituzionale utilizzato da questa azienda per comunicare novità, progetti e strategie ma anche e soprattuto per confrontarci con tutti voi.

Per chi non lo sapesse da qualche tempo a questo canale se n'è aggiunto un secondo, ideato ancora una volta per condividere informazioni e tenerci in contatto. Si tratta del canale YouTube di Google Italia (, uno spazio dove potrete trovare video tutorial su molti dei nostri prodotti (da Google Sky ad iGoogle), consigli per capire come realizzare in poche mosse un campagna pubblicitaria online con AdWords e un'intera sezione dedicata al tema della privacy: come proteggere i vostri dati personali, il funzionamento dei cookie ecc.

Tra gli ultimi video caricati nella playlist prodotti alcuni tutorial sul funzionamento delle diverse applicazioni di Google Maps: come realizzare una mappa personalizzata, trovare esercizi commerciali e personalizzare un percorso stradale.

Nella speranza che questo canale vi sia d'aiuto faremo del nostro meglio per tenerlo costantemente aggiornarlo, anche sulla base delle vostre esigenze.

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NPR reports that World Trade Organization negotiations have collapsed this week. In an election year it might be important to remember that it was the Clinton administration which threw the US into the WTO and that Congress still has yet to ratify US membership in this organization — which means the US is technically not a part of it, but yet has a surprising amount of sway in these negotiations. The US is precisely the reason talks have collapsed, the US accusing China and India of "insisting on too much protection for their farmers" (BBC). In India food prices have skyrocketed. And this is to mention nothing of the strangle-hold US-based corporations like Monsanto have had on their agricultural and food supplies for the past few decades, forcing Indian farmers to bend to their will through introducing highly destructive GM seed, pesticides and other products into their agricultural economy.

But it's not only in India that food prices have skyrocketed. While lumpenproles in developed countries continue to enjoy the dollar-menu at McDonald's — even though some may have lost their homes — the working poor in much of the underdeveloped world have seen food prices double and even triple, creating a market-driven food crisis. In other words, like the potato famine of 1848 or the Ukrainian famine of 1932 (which continues to be memorialized annually in the Ukrainian Orthodox church), this food crisis has less to do with climate conditions than with the machinations of the market. The food is there, being produced. This crisis, like most other famines, is man-made and determined by market prices. Much of this is naturally connected to the rising cost of oil and petroleum-based products.

Food prices have risen in the US (grains and cereals by 41%) but this increase is slight compared to the rising cost of foods in underdeveloped nations. Food riots have been common in much of Africa, but also in nations as geographically disparate as Bangladesh and Haiti, whose government completely fell apart as the result of food riots back in April. This to say, most of those hardest hit by these rising costs are curiously not white.

Many of the farmers Chinese and Indian WTO officials seek to protect are subsistence farmers. Thus while the US refuses to lower tariffs in key industries (auto and manufacturing) and continues to provide subsidies which give American farmers an edge on the global market, US trade reps like Susan Schwab are struggling to muscle China, India and other nations into lowering the import tariffs that protect their farmers. All of this is further complicated by the fact that underdeveloped nations like Uruguay and Bangladesh have been pitted against other underdeveloped nations in negotiations over trade barriers and protection.

These issues are crucial in an election year — especially one where the lesser of the two meatheads comes to us in the form of a messianic figure. Obama is wealthy. He's connected to the Chicago School of Economics. In fact, Obama's already selected staunch Wal-Mart defender Jason Furman to lead his economic policy team. Here Naomi Klein's article "Obama's Chicago Boys" has been immensely useful. Little of this information appears on his own website, his Wikipedia entry or even the wide range of essays, columns and articles produced by Obama's more conservative critics. In other words, on the terrain of global trade, it's unlikely that Obama's policies will be markedly different from Clinton or Bush administration policies. After all, NAFTA came into effect on Clinton's watch. As Klein writes:

Now is the time to worry about Obama's Chicago Boys and their commitment to fending off serious attempts at regulation. It was in the two and a half months between winning the 1992 election and being sworn into office that Bill Clinton did a U-turn on the economy. He had campaigned promising to revise NAFTA, adding labor and environmental provisions and to invest in social programs. But two weeks before his inauguration, he met with then-Goldman Sachs chief Robert Rubin, who convinced him of the urgency of embracing austerity and more liberalization.

Liberalization here of course means privatization, just as so much of the war in Iraq has been "liberalized" rather than regulated, strategic security missions continuing to be farmed out to corporations like KBR that make of the Middle East a sort of wild west, a lawless region that truly understands the destructive currents of neoliberal laissez-faire policy. And here I wonder how the economic policies of a candidate like Obama, both at home and abroad, will act on or inflect his foreign policy. If he's already selected figures like Furman to deliver economic advice, who else is lurking outside the limits of his down-home neo-populist rhetoric? Might we also find executives associated with Halliburton, Lockheed Martin and other corporations deeply invested in the war milling around the Oval Office in January?

The complicated relation of world trade to US foreign policy, a policy presently characterized by protracted war, is crucial here. The deficit is immense, ringing in at around $450 billion. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue — and it is unlikely either of those nations will see the withdrawal of US and coalition troops during the next presidential term. In some ways I find myself more frightened by Obama's connection to Chicago and Friedmanism than Alan Greenspan's connection to Ayn Rand. The distance between one party and another is almost negligible here. It's important to remember here that the ongoing war in Iraq didn't end under Clinton, it was simply elided by the media. The bombings continued, almost without interruption. And much like the international community's long delay in entering into the Rwandan crisis in the 1990s, we see a similar delay in responding to the current rape crisis in the Congo where rape has been deployed as a strategic military tactic. But this is the Congo which, along with Mozambique and other West African countries, supplies the metallic ore coltan to much of the world, an ore which we find in everything from cell phones to computers to digital cameras. It is coltan in fact which allows me to upload this entry to the web. On the terrain of the market, is there something to be gained by not intervening in the Congo crisis?

Given the complexity of all of this, the overdetermined relation of economic and foreign and domestic policies — including those policies and less formal trends that govern the ebb and flow of media and culture — I find it hard to believe that casting a ballot can effect change in any meaningful way. As Ed Dorn said, if voting changed anything it would be illegal. The new boss, if not the same as the old boss, will never be too markedly different. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe questioned years ago the limits of political participation, asking why it's so difficult to imagine a form of participation broader, more immediate and more inclusive, than the token forms of participation offered to us through western democracy. After the failures of the anti-globalization movement of the late 1990s and early '00s this decade, in terms of struggle, has been characterized by a debilitating and deeply fatalistic sense of powerlessness. But if Obama swings into the Oval Office next year perhaps his presidency will simply give us a greater sense of agency, even if largely illusory as it was under Clinton.
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Monday, July 28, 2008


The most mysterious package arrived in the mail this morning containing two publications in a transparent acetate envelope plastered with stamps. One of the two saddle-stitched books is the magazine They Are Flying Planes. Rather than attaching a name to the sticker bearing a return address, there is only the title of the journal. Further, although there's an address included in the journal, the name(s) of the editor(s) are not disclosed. It begins with a table of contents, but once we move past the table of contents the names of authors and artists have been omitted and, like the early numbers of Cid Corman's Origin, do not appear beside their work.

The roundup of poets in the journal is an amazing blend of poets and artists, some I know well and others I'm encountering here for the first time: Michael Basinski, Ryan Gallagher, Lisa Jarnot, Clint Krute, Willem John Doherty, Carol Ann Davis, Helen Phillips, Orlando White, Patrick Durgin and Jen Hofer, Randall Sellers, Evan Kennedy, Tim Morris, Adam Thompson, DG Nanouk Okpik, Edward Hopely, Matt Reeck, Anselm Berrigan, Michael Keenan, Derek Fenner, Dustin Williamson, Tetra Balestri, Ed Go, Christopher Stackhouse, Mary Millsap, Cat-Bear, Nora Almeida, Buck Downs, Jessica Pavone, Thom Lessener.

As an object the magazine is something to behold. Its format is large, the cover simply a large (18" x 12.5") white envelope folded in half with Japanese endpapers and two separate signatures, both of which are hand-stitched to the cover. A small handful of ephemeral items also appear in the magazine — two small broadsides, one on translucent vellum, a screen-printed three-color visual image, and a small screen-printed envelope which bears the image of a hand giving the okay sign and is filled with grains of something or other (it makes noise).

The journal has a whimsical Fluxus feel, something like Justin Katko's Plantarchy and Critical Documents publications, but was clearly assembled with tremendous care. The thing is interactive, it demands a lot of the reader, makes of the reader something of a participant or performer in the project. The envelope is to be shaken and one must be careful to keep the broadsides from falling out. When reading through the poems this morning I was thrilled by the absence of names, an editorial gesture that forced me to read the poems as anonymous or authorless or collaborative works -- outside any relation to a particular name. What I encountered were simply texts standing on their own -- unless, of course, I flipped back to the table of contents to track down the name of the poet or artist. Such a strange book. Given the size of the thing, flipping back and forth from poem or visual piece to the contents page demands much of a reader, forcing the reader to move in strange ways and focus on the magazine. It controls the situation in a sense — much like a car might when it breaks down.

And what does it mean for an editor or group of editors from Brooklyn, a stone's throw away from Ground Zero, to call a journal of the arts They Are Flying Planes?

Unfortunately I missed out on the first number of the journal. But I look forward to getting future numbers.

The second book, Mike Basinski's auXin, is similarly wonderful. Black bristol cover with screen-printed title. Visual images screen-printed across the inside of the cover. And the text:

the fungi constitute a kingdom
of their own mutations including
me, deletion, duplication
the arrangements, translocations, inversions one
word witch two

This brought out through Amphibole Books, which I imagine has some connection to TAFP. The address: 570 45th Street Brooklyn NY 11220. No website.
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Sunday, July 27, 2008



いつものように、iPod touchを胸に刺し、杉並を出発、方南通りを東へ。やがて中野区に入り、まもなく山手通りというあたりで、左折。中野坂上に行きたいのだが、山手通りはまだ工事中で、道がつぎはぎだらけ、あまり気持ち良く走れない。そこで裏道、東京工芸大中野キャンパス付近から、中野坂上の高層ビルの裏手を通って青梅街道へ。


ここはちょっと休憩。いい歳になって始めたサイクリングはいつもこうなる。大ガードの手前の交差点を左へ。小滝橋通りを大久保方面へ。こちらは幸い車も人も多くない。少し行った新宿百人町交差点の手前にコーヒー店Dがある。このあたりは無論路上駐輪禁止、線路沿いの有料駐輪場も満杯。そんな所にあってこのコーヒー店Dはありがたい。店の前に、4、5台詰めれば6、7台の駐輪場があるのだ。よくある歩道にはみ出した駐輪をせずに、ゆったりMTBが収まり歩道より一段高い立派な駐輪場だ。しかも店内は、人の頭が波打つ繁華街からほんの少し離れただけなのに土日はいつもすいている。さらにここは無線LANが使える。まったりとコーヒーをすすりながら、iPod touchでメールをチェック、Googlemapsで行順のチェックと地図のキャッシュ。 以下(2)へつづく。

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Rosso di Mattina....

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El volcà Chaitén torna a l'acció.

A principis de maig, va entrar en erupció el volcà Chaitén (Xile). Algunes vegades ja em parlat de l’erupció d’aquest volcà (clic aquí), que amb les erupcions d’altres volcans, he anat comentant la possibilitat d’un refredament lleuger de la temperatura global del planeta.

Aquests dies, aquest volcà a intensificat la seva activitat, originant fins a 200 tremolors amb una mitja de 8 moviments per hora, alguns d’aquests s’han sentit fins a 300 quilòmetres de distància.

La intensificació eruptiva del volcà, a obligat al desallotjament de tota la població de la zona i com a principis de maig, a posar en màxima alerta tota la zona més propera al volcà.

Aquest volcà, se’l considerava inactiu i segons els científics, la seva última erupció va tenir lloc l’any 7420 a.C. Avui, en canvi, és un dels volcans més actius del planeta i des de principis de maig es troba abocant cendres i gasos constantment i amb fortes erupcions regularment. Fins i tot, algunes de les fortes erupcions han vingut acompanyades de material incandescent i algunes llengües de lava.

En la seqüència de les imatges del satèl·lit de principis de maig, podem veure com les cendres van cobrir tota la Patagonia argentina. Durant els propers dies el fum del volcà va arribar fins els 17 quilòmetres d’altura obligant a tallar el tràfic aeri en diferents aeroports ubicats a centenars de quilòmetres del Chaitén.

Imatge del satèl·lit Terra de la NASA amb els seus sensors MODIS el dia 3 de maig. S'aprecia la columna de fum provinent del volcà creuant la Patagonia argentina.

Una altre imatge del sensor MODIS del satèl·lit Terra presa el 5 de maig on s'aprecia el desplaçament cap a l'est de la columna de cendres volcàniques.

Video de l'erupció del Chaitén de principis de maig.

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In a recent and especially useful essay on Creeley called "Hero of the Local," Charles Bernstein discusses the relation of the particular to the common. BOO. Both terms are highly abstract, fungible and often completely unmanageable. Abstraction's not always such a terrible thing, but it's especially bad when it discloses itself as something other than (an) abstraction, as something like an impenetrable and sovereign "particular" or "singularity." In the case of each, we've beaten these terms to death, ground them down, sapped whatever residual meaning might be lurking within them. Each time I hear the word "particular" I want to vomit. And I imagine this nausea has something to do with the excess of meaning that characterizes the word — its meaning is indeterminate, undecidable, utterly beyond location. Particular. From the moment I first encountered poetry it was one of those words that was — without mercy — beaten into me. The particular this. The particular that. It didn't set the terms of the conversation so much as it shackled the conversation, narrowed it, presiding over it like a little dictator. It deluded us into believing that the multiple, the reproducible, was singular and singularly unique. This particular moved through the world like a god or Big Brother, at once everywhere and nowhere. But this particular dictator ...

The same is the case for "common." What "common" and "particular" hold in common is their malleability. We can do any damn thing we want with these words, fiddle with them to meet our ends, stretch them like pennies to make ends meet. It is precisely because neither are particular in any essential way that each are so useful to so many.

But what happens when neither the particular (difference / singularity) and the common (sameness) are not framed as mutually exclusive terms, but terms that collapse into one another. What happens when the common is defined not as sameness but the terrain within which multiple differences or singularities reside. As Bernstein says of Creeley's poetic practice:

Creeley's equal emphasis on both the particular and the common is another one of his paradoxes: for it is the particular within the common that is the obscure object of his desire and frequent frustration. The common is not one thing (or one idea) believed by all but a shared space in which our individual differences converge without disappearing. A commons is a place of dispute and provisional agreements, a convention not a conversion, a particular place not a universal claim. In Creeley's prosody, and here the mark of Zukofsky is evident, we count by ones: a serial order in which the contingency of the next is honored and each word (nouns no more than prepositions) carries its own weight. This is a poetics not of subordination but of the sublimity of the modular and the local. Each part doing its part against an horizon of a whole that never arrives.

This notion of the common is not only spatial but also exterior to difference, outside of singularity, delimited by the "horizon of a whole that never arrives." But a "common" space can also be internal or interior and may have a location in (or jurisdiction over) consciousness, the unconscious, etc. What about difference within? Can we conceptualize each and every material being and / or body as (part of) a common within which contrary subjectivities compete, converse or negotiate with one another. Identity is many, right? And competing ideologies (the production mills of subjectivities) move through the body and act on it, determining its movement and position within the world, its relation not only to others but ultimately to itself. If discourses or ideologies pass through bodies, do these bodies — these singular beings, these particulars — also become part of "the common"? Doesn't something of the common reside within each particular? But perhaps this is the paradox Bernstein refers to in Creeley.

ADDENDUM: I've decided to construct what I would like to call THE PARTICULAR STICK. I imagine this as a sort of truncheon or fraternity paddle with the word "particular" inscribed on it. It is for beating people. Into submission.
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世間では、iPhone 3Gの噂でもちきり? 少なくともIT関連企業で働く私の周りの世間では。
この日も喫茶店で早めの昼食をとりながら、iPod touchでメールを見ていたら、席を立とうとしている隣の管理職風の男性から「おっ、これiPhoneですか?」と声をかけられた。
iPod touchと伝えたが、話が通ってないようで、「iPoneて薄いんですね〜」と好奇の目を向けつつ店を出て行った。ですからこれはiPod touchですってば。iPoneはもっと厚いです。持ってないから分からないけど…

iPoneは買わない、当分は。携帯持ってるし、iPod touchで用は足りてるし、重そうだし、それよりもなによりも維持費がた、た、高い!!




さて、iPod touchをフル充電して、MTBで出発。方南町で銀行の用事を済ませ、コーヒー店のDで早めの昼食。ここのDは無線LANが入っているので、メールやら天気予報やらHPをチェックし、本日の行程、といってもほんの数キロだが、GoogleMapsで表示し、キャッシュ。こうしておけば無線LANが切れていても、数キロ分の地図は確認できる。


コーヒー店D桜上水店で休憩兼買い物をカバンに詰め替え。この店は、前にきた時、無線LANが使えたのだがこの日はだめだった。それでもiPod touchの連絡先に入れておいたYahooNewsをチェック。



公園名の「南烏山りんりん広場」をiPod touchのメモに記入しようとiPod touchを取り出しロックを解除すると、先ほどトイレを探した時のままになっていたGoogleMapsが最初に表示され、なんとそこに現在位置を示すGPSの青い輪が現れた。ということはこの公園にはどこかの無線LANが漏れてるようだ。ちなみに、iPod touchのGPS機能は、無線LAN基地の位置を割り出しているにすぎなくて、iPoneのGPS機能とは比べ物にならない位貧弱だが、それでもそれなりに役に立つ。

用を済まし、さらに西へ、南烏山駅入口交差点を左折。今日の目的地南烏山商店街へ。昼食が軽かったので小腹がすいてきた。MTBを烏山図書館駐輪場に止めさせてもらい、お気に入りのラーメン店へ、が、しかし「東秀・北口店」がなくなっている! 駅南側に同じチェーン店がもう一軒あるのでそちらへ向かう。あった。南側の店はまだ営業していた。しかし、店内は大入り大混雑。あきらめ再び北側へ戻り、コーヒー店Bへ。この店は残念ながら無線LANがない。



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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Gmail for iPhone with Richer UI now in 17 more languages

If you use Gmail in Chinese (Simplified or Traditional), Danish, Dutch, UK English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil or Portugal), Russian, Spanish, or Swedish you can now access a richer Gmail experience for your iPhone that was previously only available in US English. While you've been able to access the integrated for iPhone in many languages since May, you'll now see a multilingual version of Gmail for iPhone that leverages the AJAX capabilities of the iPhone browser and features address autocomplete, a smoother UI, and mail pre-fetching.

This version of Gmail for iPhone also includes performance and reliability enhancements including faster loading and better support for reading your email in both portrait and landscape modes. These improvements have also been rolled out in US English, as well as for Google Apps email users.

To try out the updated Gmail for iPhone in your language, go to (or the Google Mail site for your country) in your desktop browser, sign in to your Google account, select "Settings," and change your "Gmail display language" to your desired language. Then, go to in your iPhone or iPod Touch web browser, select the "Gmail" tab, and sign in.

Google Apps users can go to in your desktop browser and then in your iPhone browser, where "" is replaced with your actual domain name.


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Kyle Schlesinger launched a message this morning wondering if I was familiar with Jeremy James Thompson's letterpress work. The work is quite extraordinary, Thompson insisting on rethinking letterpress broadsides not as single-author projects but as truly collaborative projects beginning with a poem and sprawling outward to include poetic and critical responses to that poem. This approach to broadside design is truly dialogic, and Thompson's use of color bold, asking as much of a reader's eyes as the work asks of the mind.

I always find myself completely taken by Kyle's attention to the forms and technologies that mediate texts. For him the bibliographic and material aspects of a poem scarcely ever take a backseat to the textual or intellectual production of a poem.

Kyle's recently invested tremendous energy in promoting the work of Ted Greenwald — and this coupled with countless essays, lectures and constant blog postings on the work of bookmakers, publishers and letterpress artists suggests a lot about his sense of poetry and its relation to material production. For him the proximity between the textual production of a poem and its material production collapses — maybe not entirely, but enough to suggest that a poem is best thought through the limits or possibilities of its material production, through the complex of technologies which first brought it into being and carry it across time.

Mimeo Mimeo, which he coedits with Jed Birmingham, focuses almost exclusively on bookmaking and the material production of the poem. As he and Birmingham write in the inaugural issue of the journal:

Mimeo Mimeo is a forum for critical and cultural perspecives on the Mimeograph Revolution, Artists' Books and the Literary Fine Press .... this periodical features essays, interviews, images, correspondence, artifacts, manifestos, poems, and reflections on the graphic and material conditions of contemporary poetry and language arts. Taking our cue from Steve Clay and Rodney Phillips' ground-breaking book, A Secret Location on the Lower East Side and its corresponding exhibition at the New York Public Library, we see the mimeograph as one among many printing technologies (letterpress, offset, silkscreen, photocopiers, computers, etc.) that enabled poets, artists and editors to become independent publishers. We have no allegiance to any particular medium or media.

The journal includes images which compliment each essay or interview but these images also reinforce the last line of their mission statement. There is no privileging of one medium or media over another. From Jed Birmingham's essay on Jeff Nuttall's My Own Mag to Kyle's long and electric interview with Alastair Johnston, images are used to great effect, covering without discrimination a wide range of approaches to publishing and book making. Fucking brilliant.

Digital images of the entire run of Nuttall's My Own Mag can be viewed through the Reality Studio site.

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Nuovi template per Google Docs

L'ultima novità per gli amanti di Google Docs sono i nuovi template: una galleria che raggruppa già centinaia di layout per documenti, fogli di calcolo e presentazioni.

Poca fantasia su come tenere conto delle spese domestiche? In cerca di un nuovo look per il vostro curriculum o semplicemente di un layout d'impatto per la prossima presentazione? Direi che ora avete solo l'imbarazzo della scelta. Basta usare i nuovi template, creati per essere condivisi, farvi risparmiare tempo e dare un nuovo look ai vostri documenti.

Al momento la funzione è disponibile solo in inglese ma in attesa che venga localizzata ecco un piccolo consiglio su come accedervi da subito. Entrate in Google Documenti, fate clic su "Impostazioni" (in alto a destra) e cambiate le impostazioni linguistiche da italiano ad inglese. In questo modo la prossima volta che farete clic sul tab "New", trovere un nuovo link. "From template" che vi darà accesso al portfolio di template creati fino ad oggi.

Abbiamo categorizzato i layout per formato d'uso (documenti, fogli di lavoro o presentazioni) e finalità (CV e lettere di presentazione, calendari, business, statistiche ecc.)

Una volta utilizzato il primo template non ne potrete più fare a meno e in attesa che siano disponibili anche dall'interfaccia italiana può essere interessante familiarizzare con i layout presenti nella galleria inglese.

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Meteorología en el MUNDO

"Dolly amenaza con convertirse en huracán y se dirige a Tejas"
El Gobierno mexicano declara la 'alerta naranja' en la zona de la península de Yucatán.- La tormenta tiene vientos de hasta 85 kilómetros por hora
Dolly amenaza con convertirse en huracán y se dirige hacia el sur de Tejas, han pronosticado hoy los servicios metereológicos estadounidenses. Las autoridades del Estado de Quintana Roo, en el Caribe mexicano, han declarado la alerta naranja (peligro alto) por la tormenta tropical Dolly, mientras que la secretaria de Gobierno, Rosario Ortiz, ha anunciado además la evacuación de una franja costera de unos cien kilómetros entre las localidades de Playa del Carmen y Tulum.

"Dolly se aproximará a la costa oeste del Golfo de México el martes en la noche. Se vaticina un fortalecimiento y podría convertirse en un huracán mañana", advirtió el Centro Nacional de Huracanes (CNH) de EEUU en su boletín de las 18.00 GMT de hoy. La tormenta emergió hoy en las aguas cálidas del Golfo de México, un factor que sirve para fortalecer los sistemas tropicales, y se desplaza a gran velocidad a unos 30 kilómetros por hora hacia el oeste-noroeste, con vientos de hasta 85 kilómetros por hora.

La tormenta, que ha dejado fuertes lluvias en Cancún, está afectando a los numerosos turistas, españoles y de otras nacionalidades, que veranean estos días en la zona más turística de México. El presidente de la Asociación de Hoteles de Cancún, Jesús Almaguer, aseguró antes de que la tormenta tocara tierra, que sólo en Cancún hay 45.000 turistas y tranquilizó a los familiares: "Todos están seguros y tranquilos.No hay ningún problema".

El estado de alerta entró en funcionamiento las 16:30 de ayer, hora local (23.30 en España). El portavoz de Protección Civil en Quintana Roo, Juan Granados, ha explicado que la medida afectará a 100 de los 800 kilómetros de costa del Estado, donde están las localidades de Banco Chinchorro, Punta Herrero y María Elena.

Dolly, que avanza hacia el sur del estado de Tejas, es la cuarta tormenta tropical de la temporada de huracanes del Atlántico y entró de forma inesperada ayer en Yucatán. Protección Civil determinará en el transcurso del día las acciones preventivas.

Hasta el momento se han habilitado 14 refugios en todo el estado y han sido evacuadas al menos 250 personas de Punta Allen, pequeño puerto pesquero del municipio de Tulum, pero se espera que sólo en esta región se evacuen al menos a mil turistas. Uno de los tres refugios de que dispone ya ha comenzado a recibir gente de las colonias que podrían verse más afectadas. Los puertos marítimos están cerrados, aunque el aeropuerto de Cancún todavía funciona con normalidad.

Fuente: El PaísAny source

¿Cómo están de Humedad nuestros suelos?

La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) nos muestra en su web, de forma periódica, la cantidad de humedad que contienen los suelos de España. Esta es expresada en forma de porcentaje con respecto a la saturación que es el 100%, es decir, cuando el suelo está “tope de agua”.
Como es normal, debido a la falta de precipitaciones y a las altas temperaturas, gran parte del solar ibérico tiene un porcentaje de humedad muy bajo y por tanto presentan un carácter muy seco. Tal es el caso del municipio de O Barco, donde el suelo permanece poco húmedo, con un porcentaje de entre el 25/50%; a la espera de las lluvias tardo – estivales, si es que estas llegan. Seguiremos informando de esta variable durante los próximos meses.
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書刊名:大腦開竅手冊(Welcome to Your Brain: Why You Lose Your Car Keys but Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzies of Everyday Life)
作 者:阿瑪特、王聲宏(Sandra Aamodt, Ph.D. & Sam Wang Ph.D.)
譯 者:楊玉齡








(a) 在你誕生之前
(b) 6歲時
(c) 18~23歲之間
(d) 老年時

(a) 空間推理能力
(b) 導航策略
(c) 為他人把馬桶蓋放下
(d) ab皆是
(e) bc皆是

(a) 10%
(b) 睡覺時5%,清醒時20%
(c) 100%
(d) 依個人的智力而定

(a) 真的比較大
(b) 並沒比較大
(c) 表面皺褶多
(d) 多出一個部份

(a) 抵達目的地後的那個晚上,服用退黑激素
(b) 幾天內避免日照
(c) 到達目的地後多曬太陽
(d) 開著燈睡覺

(a) 睡覺時聽古典音樂
(b) 念書時聽古典音樂
(c) 從小學習某種樂器
(d) 念書時,每一段時間就停下打打電動
(e) cd皆是

(a) 失去意識
(b) 失去記憶
(c) 原本失憶的人會回復記憶
(d) 性格發生改變

(a) 做長程決策
(b) 看一張照片
(c) 下棋
(d) 睡覺

(a) 一盞冰箱的燈泡
(b) 一台筆記型電腦
(c) 一輛正在發動引擎的汽車
(d) 一輛正在高速公路上奔馳的汽車

(a) 把你的手放在他的手上,跟著一起移動
(b) 咬自己的指關節
(c) 反過來搔他癢癢
(d) 喝一杯水

(a) 喝一杯酒
(b) 不斷提醒自己,這場考試很重要、不能考砸
(c) 吃一塊糖
(d) 非常堅定的告訴自己,你對這種考試很在行

(a) 講大聲一點
(b) 遮住一隻耳朵,用另一隻耳朵聽電話
(c) 在你講話時遮住你的耳朵
(d) 在你聽話時遮住手機發話筒

(a) 抗憂鬱藥物
(b) 運動
(c) 行為治療
(d) 以上皆是

(a) 了解字彙
(b) 聽聲音
(c) 記憶故事
(d) 訓練狗

(a) 把音樂轉小聲一點!
(b) 出去玩一玩!
(c) 多練一下樂器!
(d) 以上皆是

(a) 20幾歲
(b) 30幾歲
(c) 40幾歲
(d) 50幾歲
(e) 60幾歲

(a) 一個晚上喝三瓶啤酒
(b) 抽大麻
(c) 吃搖腳丸
(d) 以上皆是
(e) 以上皆非

(a) 多吃含有Omega-3脂肪酸的魚
(b) 養成運動習慣
(c) 每天喝一兩杯紅酒
(d) 每天喝一整瓶紅酒

(a) 記憶拼圖
(b) 我的失憶女友
(c) 海底總動員
(d) 美麗境界

(a) 5%
(b) 25%
(c) 50%
(d) 90%


想知道當你的腦袋重重挨了一記時,會出什麼毛病?拜託,千萬不要去看電影找答案! 電影裡的人物總是不斷惹上神經方面的麻煩,一會兒是失去記憶,一會兒是突然改變個性,再不然就是得了精神分裂或是帕金森氏症;至於反社會人格以及其它林林總總的精神異神,就更不用說了。





電影中,女星茱兒·芭莉摩飾演的角色每天都會形成新記憶,但隔夜又把它們忘光光,重新來過一次。也因為這種毛病,讓她能夠受得了和亞當·山德勒一再約會。這種類型的神經毛病:在某特定的時間長度內,一再儲存並喪失記憶的「特殊病例」,恐怕只有那種向別的劇本作家「借腦袋」的編劇,才能想得出來。 事實上,因為撞到頭而喪失記憶的故事,早在電影問世前,就在文學作品中出現過了。






















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集 數:兩集完
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Más historias del Cambio Climático

"El Subidón"

Lo puedes ver y opinar en: o pinchando en el logotipo correspondiente de la columna de la derecha.Any source

¿Cómo están de Humedad nuestros suelos?

La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) nos muestra en su web, de forma periódica, la cantidad de humedad que contienen los suelos de España. Esta expresada en forma de porcentaje con respecto a la saturación que es el 100%, es decir, cuando el suelo está “tope de agua”.

Como es normal, debido a la falta de precipitaciones y a las altas temperaturas, gran parte del solar ibérico tiene un porcentaje de humedad muy bajo y por tanto presentan un carácter muy seco. Tal es el caso de Orihuela, donde el suelo permanece muy seco, a la espera de las lluvias tardo – estivales, si es que estas llegan...
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Más noticias del Tiempo en el Mundo

"Dolly amenaza con convertirse en huracán y se dirige a Tejas"
Lo puedes ver y opinar en:
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