Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lubuntu non userà Mir per la 13.10 e la 14.04

Contrordine in casa Lubuntu. In un post correttivo il team fa sapere che, differentemente da quanto apparso in un primo post poi subito eliminato, Lubuntu non userà Mir su Lubuntu 13.10 e Lubuntu 14.04
Lubuntu dunque continuerà a restare su X quantomeno per i prossimi due rilasci seguendo le orme di Kubuntu che ha preso la stessa decisione.
Dunque siamo a ben due derivate ufficiali che voltano le spalle a Mir.
Maggiori info sulla decisione le possiamo trovare nella mailing list degli sviluppatori di Lubuntu dove il patron Julien Lavergne fa sapere che:
This is currently an issue for Lubuntu, because, if i understand
correctly, we are going to replace an X + openbox (without composite)
with a Mir + XMir + composite windows manager (?). Considering the
very bad performance on some of our target hardware running under a
composite manager, I'm quite worrying about the performance
difference. The difference between Unity + X and Unity + XMir + Mir
may not be so different, I can't say the same for Lubuntu.

However, Steve Langasek confirmed on a previous mail that X will
remain for 14.04 for the time frame of the LTS, and I hope it will
still be the case with this change. We currently plan to ship X only
by default for 13.10 and 14.04 for Lubuntu, with eventually an option
to test XMir, to prepare the future.

Julien Lavergne

Link alla mailing list.

Ora non ci resta che aspettare la decisione delle altre derivate ufficiali ovvero Xubuntu, Edubuntu e Ubuntu Kylin che non hanno ancora fatto sapere la loro opinione a riguardo.
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Ahir últim dia de juny

Iniciem el juliol, un mes tipicament estival i això ho notarem amb la pujada de les temperatures i també en les tempestes de tarda, tant habituals a Cerdanya, be això son previsions però s'haurà de veure.

Dades meteorològiques d’avui a Puigcerdà, a les 8 del matí 
 Temperatura actual: 11'6ºC
 Màxima d’ahir: 28'5ºC 
Mínima d’avui: 11'4ºC 
Pressió atmosfèrica: 1018 hp 
Humitat ambient: 60% 
Humitat mínima d'ahir: 19% a les 15.15 h
 Pluja en 24 h: ---- 
Estat del cel: 4/8 de cel tapat 
Visibilitat: Regular

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·         A strong butt supports the upright position of the trunck and helps maintain the pelvis and lumbar spine, or lower back, in the neutral position.
·         Lack of strength in the gluteal muscles, commonly called buttocks, place great strain on the lower back thus increasing risk of spinal injury and lower back and postural problems.
·         If the gluteal muscles are not trained adequately, it affects our ability to perform simple everyday activities like entering a train or bus, or lifting heavy objects, or playing normal sports.
·         Weak buttocks also cause sciatica, as the sciatica nerve, which runs from the spine through the buttocks into the legs, gets compressed, causing a tingling and painful sensation in the legs.


1. Bridge Pose
·         Lie down on your back with your knees bent.
·         Feet and knees should be hip-width apart.
·         Raise your hips up, squeeze your gluteal muscles until you have a straight line running through the knees and hips to the mid back.
·         Keep the shoulder blades on the floor.
·         Hold the position for some time and return to your starting position.
·         Repeat for 2 minutes till you feel a light contraction in your butt and lower back.

2. Squats
·         Adopt the squat position, keeping your feet strong and parallel to each other.
·         Squat down on one side pushing your butt out.
·         Come back straight up and repeat on the other side.
·         Do this for 2 minutes.
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EXPOSIÇÃO LINHAS d,OURO . Inauguração a 13 de Julho, 18 h.

Da estupefação perante o desaparecimento da Linha de Ferro
de Barca d’Alva nasceram imagens, leituras de um olhar de fotógrafo, sozinho,
passeando pela secura da paisagem, exausto, receoso, sedento, perdido, trepando
a contratempo contra a corrente do devir.

E as imagens de choque e desalento cruzaram-se com a escrita
carregada de ser, de pessoas, angústias e riquezas pessoais, palavras grávidas
de sentir.

Do cruzamento de ambas as visões surgem estas Linhas, feitas
de Ouro, do Douro, da escrita e da imagem.

São Linhas feitas do encontro de dois amigos de infância, na
imagem e no texto, na riqueza do olhar de todos os sentidos.

A ideia foi o pretexto mas a essência deste encontro é a
reflexão do olhar perante o tempo, as gentes, as vidas, as paisagens num
encontro de duas linhas de vida.

Eu e o Filipe  Santiago tentámos   presentear-vos com objetos
de luz, sombra, cor e palavra …para que possamos parar um pouco, olhar e
escutar no interior de nós de onde vêm caudais de emoções e de beleza perdida e
reconquistada, na nossa alma.


Combinações Improváveis ,

a partir de  13 de Julho de 2013, pelas

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American-Backed Syrian Rebels Behead Catholic Priest

father mourad The Vatican has confirmed that Syrian rebels last week beheaded a Syrian Catholic priest, Francois Murad, because he was accused of collaborating with the Assad regime. The rebels posted a graphic video of Murad's beheading online. The rebels can be heard cheering and yelling Allahu Akbar as Murad's head is viciously cut off using a knife, the same words spoken by Maj. Nidal Hasan when he went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, killing 19 of his fellow Army soldiers.

These are the same rebels who the U.S. government has been training and funneling arms and aid for nearly two years. The Obama administration fabricated claims that the Assad regime had used chemical weapons on the Syrian people as an excuse for more direct support for the civil war in Syria on the side of the rebels. The UN claims it was the American-backed rebels who used chemical weapons. The United States first introduced chemical weapons to the region when it gave them to Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime to use in its war against Iran during the 1980s.

Hoosiers should take note of the fact that both of their senators, Dan Coats and Joe Donnelly, support military aid to these terrorists in Syria, many of whom have links to Al Qaeda. You should ask them how they justify fighting the government's war on terrorism by arming and funding the very enemy from whom they profess to be protecting us. Perhaps we wouldn't have to suffer through their insulting and pathetic defense of the unconstitutional spying on all Americans by the NSA if they and other members of Congress stop funding the war on terrorism, which has quite clearly been manufactured for the sole purpose of serving the selfish and greedy ends of the military-industrial complex.

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LAFD Paramedics Stress Hot Weather Safety

High Temperature and Hot Weather Safety. Click to learn more...With high summer temperatures likely in Southern California, the Los Angeles Fire Department suggests you take action now to:
  • Minimize the risks of hot weather.
  • Prepare your household, pets and workplace.
  • Plan to get relief from and avoid the effects of heat.
Plan to wear loose, lightweight and light-colored clothing that covers as much of your skin as practical, and a well-ventilated hat with a wide brim - or carry an umbrella. Wear plenty of sunblock and stay in the shade whenever possible.

Adjust your attire and activities to limit heat exposure and exertion!

Water is normally the best drink during hot weather, and you'll need more than you think. If you have a medical condition or are under a doctor's care, consult with a physician.

Drinks with alcohol or caffeine can make the heat's effect on your body much worse. Avoid sugar-filled drinks and only use salt tablets if directed by a doctor. Plan on eating light, healthy meals.

Key Rules: Drink plenty of water before you become thirsty and rest in the shade before you become tired!

Limit your exposure to direct sunlight between 10AM and 4PM, when the sun's rays are at their strongest. If you feel ill, tell someone immediately. Symptoms of dehydration and heat illness may include dizziness, fatigue, faintness, nausea, muscle cramps, headache and vomiting.

Many heat emergencies occur to people exercising, working or staying alone. Use a buddy system and check on elderly, disabled or at-risk neighbors on a regular basis. If you suspect someone is experiencing a medical emergency from extreme heat exposure, call 9-1-1.

If your home does not have air conditioning, consider a cool place to visit or stay during the hottest part of the day.

Schools, libraries, theaters, shopping malls and community facilities such as senior centers and parks may offer an air-conditioned refuge. If activated by officials during peak temperatures, designated cooling centers in the Greater Los Angeles area can be found by calling 2-1-1.

Pets, horses, and livestock are also susceptible to hot weather. See that the special needs of your animals are met, including copious shade and plenty of cool water.

Never leave children, pets or dependent adults alone in a hot car. Even with the windows down, the temperature inside a parked vehicle can quickly rise to lethal levels.

Learn more about hot weather safety at:

Submitted by Brian Humphrey, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department
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Temperaturas actuais no Alentejo!

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Previsión semana 1-4 de Julio de 2013


El verano llama a la puerta y parece que va a ir entrando para dejar los primeros calores agobiantes de la estación, que por ahí arriba siempre son más llevaderos.

Máximas que ya han ido subiendo hasta pasar de 29ºC en Eriste, quedando cerca de esta marca en Campo. Laspaúles, Ampriu y Candanchú cerca de 20ºC. 

Mínimas subiendo hasta más de 9ºC en Eriste, casi esa cifra en Ampriu, un poco por debajo en Candanchú y ya por encima de 10ºC en el resto.

Nada de agua.

Los próximos días la cosa va a seguir así. Tenemos anticiclón cerca, con dorsal, pero va a formarse, por las tardes, una baja térmica en el interior peninsular que dará lugar a algunas tormentas en zonas de montaña, sobre todo lunes y martes.

Las temperaturas van a ir subiendo poco a poco, y parece que a finales de semana podrían meter un acelerón dando paso a la primera entra cálida del verano.

El meteograma nos muestra lo que decíamos. Temperaturas subiendo desde mediados de semana de forma clara, y típicas marcas en las precipitaciones de posibilidad de tormentas, en general bastante locales.

La previsión queda así:

Lunes día 1 de julio: Soleado con algunas nubes de evolución y posibilidad de tormentas a media tarde. En principio poco intensas. Temperaturas con pocos cambios. Vientos flojos.

Martes día 2: Soleado de nuevo, con nubes de evolución y alguna tormenta, incluso más aislada que el lunes. Temperaturas un poco más altas. Vientos flojos.

Miércoles día 3: Soleado, con menos nubes de evolución. Si hay alguna tormenta sería muy local. Temperaturas con pocos cambios. Vientos flojos.

Jueves día 4: De nuevo dominio del sol. Alguna nubes de evolución. Temperaturas con pocos cambios, o un pelín más bajas. Vientos flojos de norte.

El finde parece que si que subirían más las temperaturas con la entrada de una masa de aire africano, ambiente más calimoso y caluroso. Algunas tormentas poco frecuentes.

Lo vamos siguiendo en: @meteobenas




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30 de juny de 2013 Acabem un mes plujós i fresc

Acaba un mes de juny bastant atípic amb  ambient que ha estat fresc en general, fins i tot fred, fins ben bé la darrera setmana en que les temperatures han començat a pujar. També ha estat un mes amb predomini de dies de cel cobert, plujós, amb desgel important que va provocar un bon ensurt i alguns estralls al llarg dels cursos dels rius, en especial, prop de les capçaleres. Afortunadament no va passar res greu i el riu que encara baixa fort no presenta perill.

El darrer cap de setmana del mes ha estat tranquil, amb alguns núvols alts dissabte i núvols d'evolució diumenge, temperatures fresques de nit i matinada però ambient molt més calorós a migdia, al menys a les valls, ja que a cotes més elevades la sensació era més fresca ajudada pel vent de port que bufava. Les mínimes han estat entre 8ºC i 11ºC a les valls i al voltant dels 6ºC a alta muntanya. Les màximes han estat entre 22ºC i 28ºC a les valls i al voltant dels 15ºC a alta muntanya.
Us deixem un resum de la precipitació total recollida durant el mes de juny, com podeu veure la majoria dels registres superen els 100mm.

Resum mensual de precipitació:
Esterri A. 109mm
Planes de Son 130,4mm
Llagunes 139,6mm
Farrera 117mm
Rialp 78mm
Alins 90,8mm
Tavascan embassament 133,8mm
Espot cota 1.959m 107,8mm
Llessui 137,6mm
Sort 83mm
Port Ainé 180mm
Pla de Beret 160,6mm
Estany Gento 186,2mm

Font dades: SMC,, Món Natura Pirineus, Refugis del Parc Nacional Aigüestortes, Saih Ebro, Skipallars, meteopirineu i pròpies.

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They have always been master story tellers! I found at least ten different mapped routes taken by the gang after their alleged flight from slavery. Once again the folks over at Aangirfan are thinking outside the box!

ED Noor: This isn't really how the deal went down?

Source: Aangirfan
June 29, 2013

During the 1980s there were new discoveries in archaeology.

The story of the 13th century BC exodus
from Egypt into the PROMISED LAND
was shown to be a myth.

Moses could not have led the Hebrews out of Egypt into the Promised Land, because the Promised Land was Egyptian territory at the time. 

The archaeologists say there is no trace of either a slave revolt against the Egyptian empire or of a sudden conquest of Canaan by outsiders. 

Nor is there any trace or memory of the Biblical kingdom of David and Solomon.

Just a parable.

"Biblical promises about the land of Israel were never intended to be taken literally, or as applying to a defined geographical territory, the report argued...
“Biblical promises about the land of Israel are a way of speaking about how to live under God so that justice and peace reign, the weak and poor are protected, the stranger is included, and all have a share in the community and a contribution to make to it.

"The 'promised land' in the Bible is not a place, so much as a metaphor of how things ought to be among the people of God.

"This 'promised land'
can be found
~ or built ~
ED Noor: This means possibly THIS place could be the holy real estate promised land!

Bitches and hoes

THE 2013 REPORT is from the Church of Scotland.

The inheritance of Abraham? A report on the ‘promised land’ (*.PDF document)

The Israeli Ambassador commented negatively on the report.

Representatives of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Movement for Reform Judaism, and Rabbis for Human Rights held a meeting with the Church of Scotland.

At this meeting, it was agreed that the report would be withdrawn and revised.

(Church statement is available here. The revised report)

General assembly

The revised version was debated at the Church of Scotland's annual General Assembly in Edinburgh.
Rev Sally Foster-Fulton said: "This is primarily a report highlighting the continued occupation by the state of Israel and the injustices faced by the Palestinian people as a consequence.
"It is not a report criticising the Jewish people. Opposing the unjust policies of the state of Israel cannot be equated to anti-Semitism. "
The revised report was overwhelmingly accepted by the Assembly.

Kirk backs controversial Israel report | Herald Scotland

In 2010, there was debate in the Church of Scotland about the possibility of boycotting Israeli goods.

The Rev Ian Galloway withdrew the proposed boycott call as a result of the threat to the Church’s work in the region from Israeli laws designed to make boycott calls illegal.

"The General Assembly 'may take this legislation to be intimidatory', said Mr Galloway, adding sorrowfully: 'We are intimidated.'"

Assessing the Kirk's report on theologies of land in the ... ~ Ekklesia

There were only about 50,000 Jews in Palestine in 1918. (Cached)

On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from Seattle to Orlando and from Boston to Los Angeles - the land of the Apache, the Huron, the Blackfeet...."

Genesis 15:18-21

The Palestinians are most likely the original Jews.

Most of the Jews in Israel are not the original Jews of the Bible, but people who converted to the Jewish religion.

Most of the Jews in Israel are descended from people in countries such as Germany, Georgia, Ukraine, Yemen, and Morocco who were not originally Jewish.

The Palestinians are most likely the original Jews.

Schlomo Sand, professor of history at Tel Aviv University, wrote about the Zionist myth at Le Monde Diplomatique, in September 2008.

(Zionist nationalist myth of enforced exile: Israel deliberately forgets its history)

Palestinians ~ who probably converted from the Jewish religion to Islam.
Among the points made by Professor Sand:

1. In 70 AD, the Jews were allegedly exiled and went to live in countries such as Yemen, Morocco, Spain, Germany, Poland and Russia.

2. At the end of the 19th century, people claiming to be Jews began to talk about setting up a Jewish state.

The 'Jews' who invaded Palestine were terrorist gangsters from places such as New York, Warsaw and Belarus.
3. Is the Bible historically accurate?

The first modern Jewish historians, such as Isaak Markus Jost (1793-1860) and Leopold Zunz (1794-1886), did not think so.

They saw the stories of the Old Testament as being useful parables.

Victim of an Israeli rocket.

4.During the 1980s there were new discoveries in archaeology.
The story of the 13th century BC exodus was shown to be a myth.
Moses could not have led the Hebrews out of Egypt into the Promised Land, because the Promised Land was Egyptian territory at the time.

The archaeologists say there is no trace of either a slave revolt against the Egyptian empire or of a sudden conquest of Canaan by outsiders.
Nor is there any trace or memory of the Biblical kingdom of David and Solomon.
Many of the Nazi leaders were part Jewish.

5. The Kingdom of Israel was a tiny little place.

6. Were the Jews exiled in 70 AD?

The Romans never exiled any nation from anywhere on the eastern seaboard of the Mediterranean.
The Jewish population of Judea continued to live on their lands after 70AD.
Some converted to Christianity in the 4th century, while the majority became Moslems during the 7th century.
Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this.
Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, accepted it.
Both stated on several occasions thatthe Palestinians were the descendants of the Jewish inhabitants of ancient Judea.
So, the Palestinians are the real Jews.

Begin and his Betar members wore brown shirts and used the fascist salute. (Cached)

7. So, what about the people in Europe and elsewhere who claimed to be Jews?

From the 2nd century BC onwards, many people were forcibly converted to the Jewish religion.

Many Europeans, Africans and Asians were converted to Judaism.

For example, in the 1st century AD, in Kurdistan, there was the Jewish kingdom of Adiabene.

In the 5th century, in Yemen, a Jewish kingdom emerged.

Arab chronicles tell of North African Berber tribes becoming Jewish, during the 7th century.

Israel tries to control the politicians.
8. In the 8th century, the most important mass conversion took place.

This was in the huge Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas.

Judaism spread from the Caucasus into the Ukraine, then into Eastern Europe, and on to Germany. 
The Yiddish culture of Europe involved people who had converted to the Jewish religion.

9. The Israeli forces who seized Jerusalem in 1967 may have been descendents of Germans, Yemenis, Berbers and Khazars.
Victims of Israel ~ Dier Yassin

At Haaretz, on 21 March 2008, Ofri Ilani wote about shattering a 'national mythology'.

Shattering a 'national mythology' ~ Haaretz ~ Israel News

Ilani refers to Dahia al-Kahina, a leader of the Berbers in the Aures Mountains.

Al-Kahina was the daughter of a Berber tribe that had converted to Judaism.

According to the Tel Aviv University historian, Prof. Shlomo Sand, author of "Matai ve'ech humtza ha'am hayehudi?" ("When and How the Jewish People Was Invented?"), the queen's tribe and other local tribes are the main sources from which Spanish Jewry sprang.
Any source

Joe Hogsett Prosecuting Men Involved In International Child Pedophile Ring

Police hold concerns for missing Qld woman (clone 1372491882)
Peter Truong (left) and Mark Newton (right) with sexually exploited son they adopted
It's unclear why this case is being handled by U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett in the Southern District of Indiana, but this past week Hogsett's office announced sentencing of 42-year old Mark J. Newton for his role in purchasing a young boy from a Russian surrogate mother and then exploiting him as part of an international child pedophile ring known as Boy Lovers. Judge Sarah Evans Barker sentenced Newton to 40 years in prison, who along with his gay lover Peter Truong, had sexually exploited the boy since he was two years of age.

These vile creatures traveled throughout the world with their young boy and allowed him to be filmed while being sexually abused by other child pedophiles. Judge Barker said Newton deserved a tougher sentence, but she didn't want to subject jurors to the horrifying facts of the case. Initially, the AP said it wouldn't release the men's name in order to protect the identity of the boy.
"This is not a case that lends itself to easy understanding," Barker said during the hearing.
In a quaking voice, the shackled man stood before Barker and apologized, saying "being a father was an honor and a privilege that amounted to the best six years of my life."
"I'm deeply sorry," he added. "And I regret any harm I caused to my son or anyone else."
"Words don't help," Barker responded. "What can be said? What can be done to erase some of the horror of this?"
The judge noted that the man, who has dual U.S.-Australian citizenship, and his Australian domestic partner went to great lengths to "acquire" an infant from a mother in an unspecified foreign country and brainwashed him into thinking the abuse he endured was normal.
Federal prosecutor Steve DeBrota said the crimes occurred in Australia, the U.S, France and Germany. Two other boys were also abused, prosecutors said, though no details were released.
DeBrota said evidence showed at least eight men had sexually abused the boy, including one in Illinois and one in Florida, though other details weren't released.
The man also was ordered to pay $400,000 in restitution to the boy; the man's partner also has been convicted, according to prosecutors, but has not yet been sentenced.
Monica Foster, chief public defender for the Southern Indiana U.S. District, declined comment following the hearing.
Foreign news reports provide more information on the global pedophile ring than U.S. media. The boy's Russian mother sold him to a member of Boy Lovers, back in 2000 for $8,000. Newton adopted the boy with his Australian domestic partner, Peter Truong. News reports indicate that the boy grew up believing that sexual exploitation and abuse was a part of normal life. Police in Queensland unraveled the case when they arrested another child pedophile, who had photos of the boy and his parents on his computer. Examining Internet chat discussions, police in Australia were able to determine that Newton and Truong were the boy's parents. The two left Australia bound for the US in October, 2011 before police could apprehend them. Queensland police alerted U.S. authorities, who raided the men's Los Angeles home in February of last year and placed the young boy in the care of child protective services.

Initially, Newton and Truong insisted they were being targeted by authorities because they were homosexuals. US Postal service inspectors were investigating the Boy Lovers network, and images and video of the boy turned up in that investigation. The two had meticulously encrypted information on their computer hard drives, but Truong, who is still awaiting sentencing, eventually began cooperating with police and provided them password information to access the incriminating evidence.

There is still no explanation why their cases are being prosecuted in Indianapolis by Hogsett's office. According to news reports, two other men, American residents John R Powell, 41, a Florida-based lawyer, and Jason Bettuo, a 36-year-old Michigan tennis coach, have also been charged. According to Hogsett,  Newton and Truong travelled to San Francisco to meet with Powell and Bettuo who filmed themselves having sex with the boy. Powell had also travelled to the couple's home in Australia earlier to do the same.

"Personally.. I think this is probably the worst (pedophile) rings.. if not the worst ring I've ever heard of,’’ USPIS Investigator Brian Bone said. “For more than one year and across three continents, these men submitted this young child to some of the most heinous acts of exploitation this child has ever seen,’’ Mr Hogsett said after the court hearing.

Mark and Peter have claimed that Mark is the biological father of the boy born to the Russian mother, who acted as a surrogate. They claim the mother turned the child over to them when he was five years old; however, prosecutors found evidence the two had exploited him as early as age two. It is unclear where the two men found the money to live a lifestyle that allowed them to travel the world. “There was no real money trail that indicates they are in a form of employment that would sustain the lifestyle they’ve had and you can draw your own conclusion with respect to the amount of travel they’ve done and where they’ve been and the purpose of that travel,” Insp Rouse said.

It is interesting that a multi-millionaire Indianapolis businessman with ties to Indiana's top Democrats, Joe Miller, committed suicide in August, 2010. Various theories have circulated about the reason for his decision to abruptly end his life. Miller's Great Lakes Products illegally marketed and sold poppers around the world, a recreational drug inhalant popular in the gay community. There were some indications that his business had been raided by the feds. There are conflicting reports on the reason for the raid, which has never been acknowledged by any law enforcement agency. One friend says Miller feared he was about to be prosecuted as a pedophile, while others think his popper business was under investigation. A source close to Miller claimed he sold his popper business shortly before killing himself. Before his death, Miller split his time between a home in downtown Indianapolis and a second home in Los Angeles. Sources claim Miller, who enjoyed frequent international travel, preyed on young boys in third world countries. The circumstances surrounding Miller's illicit activities and death were completely covered up by local news media in Indianapolis.

Miller was a known pedophile who was arrested back in the 1970s for having sex with two young Johnson Co. boys while he was employed as a grand jury bailiff by former Marion Co. Prosecutor James Kelley, who Miller claimed to police had hired and used him as his personal Greek slave. Miller, who was in his 20s at the time, claimed that he traveled around the country and to Canada with Kelley on sex-filled trips. In his book, "Deadline: Indianapolis," former Indianapolis Star reporter Dick Cady said Miller was known as a chicken hawk because of his taste for young boys.

The pedophile charges against Miller were dropped after the boys' parents refused to let them cooperate in the case. Miller's business partner, a former Eli Lilly employee who provided the recipe and process for manufacturing the poppers sold by Miller's business, at the time had also been linked to a male prostitution service that exploited runaway gay youths, which went by the name Rent-A-Man.

Kelley did not seek re-election as prosecutor in 1978 after the Indianapolis Star disclosed that he had been present at a party in Woodruff Place where three gay men who worked at an Indianapolis gay bar, Deja Vu, were later found shot to death that same night in a field up in Hamilton County. Kelley had asked a roommate of one of the men to lie to police about his presence at the party on the fateful night. At the time of the killings, Miller's poppers were being manufactured in a back room at the Deja Vu night club. It is believed that authorities agreed not to press further investigation of Kelley after Miller had provided damaging information about his relationship with him to police. Kelley agreed not to seek re-election and moved to Washington, D.C. after leaving office where he worked as an attorney for the federal government.

Prominent members of the Indianapolis community, including former Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson and socialite Bren Simon, attended a memorial service held in honor of Miller's life at which former Gov. Joe Kernan delivered a eulogy. Kernan told of travelling with Miller to Vietnam where Kernan had once been held as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. In September, 2009, Indiana Stonewall Democrats honored Miller at a reception held at the home of former Indianapolis City-County Councilor Jackie Nytes, who now runs the Indianapolis library. Joe Hogsett, a friend of Miller, attended the reception along with a number of other prominent local Democrats.

It's interesting that President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin for ordering the end to the adoption of Russian children by American citizens. If this sort of thing is happening to adopted children, you can't blame him for not wanting Russian children adopted by American citizens. Any source