Thursday, June 30, 2011

LAFD HazMat Responds When Dock Worker Takes Ill

TERMINAL ISLAND - A 37 year-old longshoreman was taken to the hospital on Thursday evening, June 30, 2011, after possible exposure to a substance spilled at a freight yard in the Port of Los Angeles.

Twenty-eight Los Angeles Fire Department personnel - including an LAFD Hazardous Materials Squad, under the command of Battalion Chief Raymundo Gomez, were summoned at 6:52 P.M. to the Yusen Terminal at 701 East New Dock Street on Terminal Island.

The worker, who complained of a headache and general malaise, told first-arriving LAFD Paramedics that his symptoms commenced immediately after noting a substance on the ground near a sealed 20' cargo container.

Though no evacuations were necessary, harbor-area protocol brought the interagency response of personnel from the Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles Port Police, Long Beach Fire Department, U.S. Coast Guard and L.A. County Fire Department Health Hazardous Materials Division.

LAFD Hazmat experts opened the locked cargo container to find it half-filled with 55-gallon drums containing Hydrogen Peroxide. Following a methodical investigation of nearly two and a half-hours, they determined that the freight was intact, and that pint of 'resin-like' liquid seen on the ground was not associated with the suspect container and of no escalating hazard.

The ill dock worker was taken by LAFD ambulance in good condition to the Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center in San Pedro for further evaluation, as a private on-site cleanup firm removed the yet-identified substance under the guidance of health officials.

Dispatched Units: E40 RA36 E48 T48 E248 SQ48 RA848 BC6 EM6 RA112

Submitted by Brian Humphrey, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department
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Improved Google Search for BlackBerry 6.0 devices

Today we’ve updated the Google search experience for BlackBerry 6.0 WebKit enabled devices. We’ve added a number of enhanced search features integrated throughout the homepage and search result pages, making searching faster and easier on, especially on touch-enabled Blackberry devices.

Left: Improved homepage with autocomplete and search history as you type.
Right: See more information with search options and enhanced results.

  • Enter searches faster: Save time by using autocomplete and search history queries that appear beneath the search box as you type.
  • Web search: Find what you're searching for fast. Comprehensive results pages let you see relevant websites, images, videos, news, real-time results and more. Simply click on the arrow button ‘>>’ to the left of the top search box for more refinement options.
  • Image search: Swipe through image results quickly and easily on touch enabled devices. Start by selecting ‘Images’ at the top of, then enter a search. From there, click on any image to view a larger size.
  • Local search: Find restaurants, shops and other popular business categories with a single tap. Start by selecting ‘Places’ at the top of, then click on an icon from the Places homepage.

These features and more are available on most RIM OS 6.0+ devices with WebKit browsers like the BlackBerry Torch and BlackBerry Bold 9780, and can be accessed in 20 languages across 70 countries.

To try out the new features, go to in your mobile browser. We recommend that you bookmark Google Search to your phone’s home screen, so that Google search is just one click away.

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Cartas Previstas para el Sábado-2-Julio-2011...

Cartas Previstas para el Sábado-2-Julio-2011, a las 18 utc (15 hs de Argentina).

--- Arriba: Carta de Superficie, con Isobaras cada 4 milibares.
--- Abajo: Carta de Lluvias Previstas en las últimas 6 horas (valores en milímetros).

Any source

Cartas Previstas para el Domingo-3-Julio-2011...

Cartas Previstas para el Domingo-3-Julio-2011, a las 18 utc (15 hs de Argentina).
--- Arriba: Carta de Superficie, con Isobaras cada 4 milibares.
--- Abajo: Lluvias Previstas en las últimas 6 horas, valores en milímetros.

--- Fuente de las Cartas: Modelo GFS (NOAA/USA).

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Previsión fin de semana 1-3 de Julio de 2.011

Buena nuai!

Menuda semana más cambiante que hemos tenido eh. Hemos pasado de un calor sofocante a un fresco más típico de abril que de julio. Hemos tenido hasta un poco de agua, más de los esperado siendo una entrada de norte anticilónica, y ahora vamos a volver a temperaturas altas, pero sin tanto calor como los primeros días de esta semana que finaliza.

Estos pasado días hemos tenido los días más calurosos del año, marcando los máximos el martes cuando Benasque-Linsoles llegó a casi 32ºC, que fueron 28ºC en Cerler y 25ºC en Hospital. Las mínimas, muy altas también, mas cerca de los 15ºC que de los 10ºC. Sin embargo, el día siguiente, el jueves, Benasque se quedaba en 25ºC (con un descenso casi de 7ºC), Cerler marcaba 20,7ºC (unos 8ºC de bajada) y Hospital se quedaba en unos escasos 20ºC ( 5ºC pro debajo del día anterior). En las mínimas los descensos fueron similares.

Además, como decíamos, llovió un poco, rondando los 12 litros en Hospital y pasando de 16 litros en Benasque.

Los próximos días vamos a ir recuperando temperaturas más elevadas a la vez que el viento va a perder intensidad durante el fin de semana. Además. el domingo parece que podemos tener una línea de inestabilidad que nos dejaría un día mas´gris y algunas tormentas. 

La previsión para lo que queda de fiesta de Benasque es la siguiente:

Viernes: Día con resto de vientos de norte, parando y girando a sures. temperaturas un poco más elevadas, aunque por la mañana seguirá el ambiente bien fresco. Sía muy soleado con algunas nubes de evolución, sin riesgo de tormentas, o muy locales.

Sábado: Día soleado con algunas nubes de evolución que podrían dejar tormentas muy locales. Las temperaturas un poco más altas las máximas, entorno a 26ºC de máxima en Benasque. Las mínimas si que subirán más, mañanas menos frescas ya. Vientos flojos.

Domingo: Mañana soleadas pero por la tarde hay posibilidad de tormentas frecuentes que podrían ser intensas localmente. Temperaturas estables. vientos flojos que, a ultima hora del día, irían rolando a norte.

Lunes: Parece que las primeras horas quedaría inestabilidad de la noche anterior, tendiendo a irse despejando. Descenso de temperaturas sensible (2-4ºC) y vientos de nuevo de norte, flojos en general.

Parece que la semana entrante podría seguir con días soleados y algunas tormentas poco importantes. No se atisban calores tan fuertes como los pasados, si bien en el sur peninsular si que van a tener calor muchos días. Habrá un fuerte gradiente de temperaturas entre el norte peninsular, con fresquillo, y el sur, con calor importante.


Viernes y sábado: Días soleados, temperaturas al alza. Algunas nubes por la tarde.
Domingo: Día con tormentas por la tarde.
Lunes: Pues al revés, por la mañana nublado y mejorando. Temperaturas hacia abajo.



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Zone Euro Grèce: Les banques s'investiront en masse dans le plan de sauvetage.

La Grèce en pleine rédemption?

Après de nombreuses négociations toujours plus ardues, le gouvernement Grec obtient une majorité pour faire voter son énième plan d'austérité. Largement crtiqué par son peuple, le premier ministre Grec Papandréou semble "enfin tenir la bonne corde".

Alors que le gouvernement et les parlementaires  étaient en pleine séance du vote crucial, de nombreux incidents se déroulaient sur la place qui domine ce même parlement.


Pendant les nombreuses heures qui précédèrent cette étape, les tractations entre majorité et opposition s'amplifièrent. "Nombreux députés faisaient remarqués que ce plan d'austérité allait devoir susciter une adhésion sans précèdent des partenaires de la Zone Euro, l'objectif de concorde nationale étant un impératif des actionnaires du plan d'aide au pays. Le F.M.I, L'Union européenne et la BCE (Banque Centrale européenne) souhaitaient de sérieux gages! Tout l'équilibre de la Zone euro étant clairement suspendu à un défaut Grec ou évènement de crédit..." Nous précisait un haut diplomate sous couvert de l'anonymat.

Dans les différentes chancelleries européennes, des équipes spéciales étaient à dispositions des autorités grecques pour aider "à la réalisation de cet objectif salutaire!".

Signal fort

En France, on ne cache pas que le secteur privé (Banques et Assurances) s'est montré particulièrement opérationnel en proposant des solutions concertées jugées très pragmatiques. "Il fallait donner un signal fort aux marchés et aux principales agences de notation qui doivent pouvoir remarquer que l'implication pour une solution est réelle tant en France et en Allemagne, les deux pays étant particulièrement exposés par des grandes pointures du secteur privé!" Nous commentait un chef économiste d'une très grande banque française et d'ajouter: "Il faut aller le plus vite possible pour éviter une contagion dans les autres pays fragilisés..."

Joie mesurée

La chancelière allemande ne cachait pas sa joie lors de l'annonce du vote du parlement Grec, une "joie mesurée selon ses proches!". "Nous voulons que le secteur privé participe sur une -base volontaire- , je veux insister sur ce point, il n'y a aucune base légale pour une participation obligatoire. Ceci doit être fait en harmonie avec la Banque centraleeuropéenne" a-t-elle insistée lourdement. Tout en ayant revue ses ambitions "à la baisse", l'Allemagne s'était lancée dans une road show trés médiatisé, pour promouvoir l'idée d'une implication volontaire du secteur privé. Elle s'est finalement ralliée à la proposition "bien française" que de la BCE et Jean-Claude Trichet s'était vue largement prônée par le président français, Nicolas Sarkozy,  la fameuse "Initiative de Vienne" également largement évoquée depuis des mois par Finance Offshore."Nous parlons bien d'une implication du secteur privé sur une base volontaire, la meilleure base qui soit pour entreprendre une sortie de crise!" clamait encore Angela Merkel qui s'est laisser convaincre par ce plan déjà utilisé au pire de la crise financière de 2008, dont les banques européennes s'étaient fortement engagées dans les états de l'Europe de l'est qui s'étaient vus repousser les échéances par un système de rachat du montant des titres équivalents à celui qui leur était remboursé ...à l'échéance. Le nouveau plan de quelques 110 milliards d'Euros ne pouvait être actionné sans une implication du secteur privé, lui même largement aidé par les états en 2009.


Samedi ou dimanche, les ministres de la Zone Euro devraient faire un premier bilan des différentes propositions du secteur privé qui pour l'Allemagne, annonce "vouloir intégrer une participation plus massive au plan". La France, devrait défendre le plan porté "par ses trois plus grandes banques", jugé comme une solution "constructive et adaptée au risque inhérent de contagion tant redouté...". Un ensemble de mesures qui devra intervenir "en support du plan d'austérité du gouvernement Grec". Le retour d'une croissance dans les principaux pays de la Zone euro étant un élément déterminant si tous "les pays s'inscrivent durablement dans la gestion de leur déficit, l'Unicité de la Zone euro devant être la règle!". L'urgence était bien pour la Grèce d'obtenir la cinquième tranche du plan d'aide initial de 110 milliards d'euros sur  trois années, plan accordé au printemps 2010 par le Fonds monétaire international et la Zone euro, une étape cruciale de 12 milliards d'Euros sans lesquels la Grèce ne pouvait honorer ses engagements pour les remboursements de l'échéance de juillet 2011.

La seconde étape étant l'obtention d'un second plan d'aide -supplémentaire- dont "le vote du plan d'austérité intervenu était rendu indispensable pour entrevoir l'éventualité!". De Nicolas Sarkozy à Angela Merkel, en passant par la nouvelle patronne du FMI, la française Christine Lagarde, tous étaient en accord avec le besoin d'une "unité nationale" en Grèce. Guidé par l'intérêt général, le gouvernement Grec semble avoir acquis son premier quitus de bonne volonté, un travail de communication devant s'opérer en Grèce pour informer le bon peuple des enjeux que porte ce plan d'austérité. "Le quotidien de nombreux Grecs est trop délicat pour faire entendre raison sur le bien fondé de ce plan et des mesures toujours perçues comme la "punition collective!"  La Grèce sera sous perfusion internationale jusqu'en 2014, les modalités de ce nouveau plan "de continuation" sont toujours au centre des discussions, il y a "des modalités qui devront faire l'objet d'arbitrages toujours plus précis(...) L'objectif étant clairement de démontrer que les états ne seront et ne doivent plus être seuls à mettre la main à la poche...", banques accusées d'avoir "aussi une grande part de responsabilité dans la crise!"

La restructuration "pure et simple" est donc évitée de "justesse" pour laisser place à la restructuration "douce", privilégiant le "rollover" de "l'initiative de Vienne" qui évitera ainsi aux banques de "couper les vivres à Athènes". D'ici au -11 juillet-, dans la coulisse les tractations sont fortes pour que, les agences de notations n'intègrent jamais cette initiative comme "un évènement de crédit" au point de devoir en amender les notes des états en difficultés. Un exercice bien complexe, la commission de Bruxelles ne cache pas qu'elle repose son analyse sur les "bons résultats" du précèdent opus de "l'initative de Vienne", celui qui "sauva des états de l'Europe de l'est en pleine crise de 2008!".

Nous allons voir comment la Zone Euro va pouvoir "tenir sa thèse" alors que certains éléments du Fonds monétaire international nous invitent clairement à "l'optimise de rigueur", optimisme qui doit être très mesuré dès lors que la croissance bat de l'aile aux Etats-Unis et demeure très limitée en zone euro, dont l'Allemagne et la France semble toujours tenir "un certain haut du pavé".  Les états à petite économie, eux,  n'étant toujours pas au bout de leur peine... Le F.M.I annonce un presque 2,0% en Zone Euro (3,2% pour l'Allemagne, 2, 1% pour la France dont l'INSEE table plus pour 1,9%, faisant déjà mentir l'optimisme de son président, Nicolas Sarkozy qui parlait bien plus volontiers de 2,3 "%... La dette publique des états qui menace toujours plus le secteur bancaire, toujours exposé dans des états ou petites économies toujours en difficulté. A suivre...

Photographie: Tous droits réservés
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Vendredi 15 Juillet 2011 orageux

Temps orageux pour ce Vendredi 15 Juillet 2011 ?

Matin :
Le champ de pressions s'abaisserait considérablement au point que le système dépressionnaire influencerait la France.
Du coup, un flux de Sud-Ouest se mettrait en place favorisant de l'instabilité sur les reliefs, plus localement en plaine.

Les températures minimales oscilleraient entre 10°C à Mulhouse et 23°C à Ajaccio en passant par 11°C à Aurillac, 12°C à Metz, 13°C à Douai, 14°C à Paris, 15°C à Toulouse, 16°C à Rennes, 16°C à La Rochelle et à Brest, 18°C à Lacanau (Gironde) et 21°C à La Seyne sur mer (Var).

Après midi :
Le dynamisme serait plus flagrant sur toute l'hexagone.
Ainsi, une accumulation de chaleur serait à envisager en marge d'une dégradation orageuse intense.
Le lendemain de la fête nationale pourrait donc être particulièrement électrique sur la moitié Ouest dans un premier temps, puis sur le reste du pays en soirée : les précipitations pourraient être soudaines et intenses tout comme les rafales de vent !

Les températures maximales seraient globalement chaudes par rapport aux normales de saison (à confirmer) : elles partiraient de 18°C à Cherbourg pour aller à 19°C à Quimper (Finistère) et à Lille, 20°C à Sedan (Ardennes), 21°C à Colmar, 22°C à Langres, 23°C à Créteil (Ile de France) et à Nantes, 24°C à Chatellerault et 25°C à Poitiers.
Au Sud, entre 23°C à Irun (Pays Basque) et 28°C à Perpignan en passant par 24°C à Carry le Rouet (Bouches du Rhône), 25°C à Rodez et à Grenoble, 26°C à Bastia et à Bordeaux, et 27°C à Agen.
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(Not) Talking Constituyente

The AFP, in an article entitled "President of Honduras to convoke dialogue on a National Constituent Assembly", reported today that Porfirio Lobo Sosa will begin on July 9 a series of dialogues across the country to talk with various sectors about constitutional reform.

The AFP's headline is somewhat misleading: Lobo Sosa will not be calling for a Constituyente.

What he says he will do is quite a bit different:
"After they tell us the reforms, we will translate them into proposals for the National Congress to do what is normal in Congress, to analyze, discuss, generate consensus, and reform laws or approve new laws....I will advance the discussion of reforms because we can't sit around waiting for a Constituyente to be approved."

So pretty clearly, no Constituyente; no popular debate about fundamental reorientation of the political system and codification of rights of women and minorities; just constitutional reform as business-as-usual, perpetuating existing power relations.

That doesn't merit the headline of the AFP, or the promotion the same misinformation is getting now in venues like the AP.

Lobo Sosa won't be proposing anything himself; he'll just be listening.

Historically, Lobo Sosa has used dialogues like this to cull ideas for legislation, meeting with the obvious interest groups to which he and the National Party are oriented, not, for example, the FNRP or campesino groups.

The groups presenting ideas in the present dialogues will come from recognized sectors of society (e.g. business associations, the churches, the UCD, the political parties), each in its own separate dialogue with Lobo Sosa.

The participants will be limited to invited interest groups, and if you don't fall into one of those groups you will be voiceless in this process.

So, the key will be seeing who is invited to talk to Lobo Sosa. Will the FNRP get a hearing? How on earth could Lobo Sosa think he can accommodate what the Frente is calling for within the existing government processes?Any source

Bay Area's First Electric Car Charging Station

The Bay area's first electric car charging station is ready for business.

The free charging station is at the AAA Auto Club office on Westshore Boulevard in Tampa. The station is part of a national network that officials hope will grow.

It's hoped that the stations will promote the use of electric vehicles by offering convenient locations motorists to top off their car if they're running low on power.

These charging stations are also being tested in San Francisco, San Diego and Santa Monica, California.

Tampa resident Rob Gross noticed the station while paying $3.73 a gallon to fill up his car at a nearby gas station.

"Hey if they can make the economics work where the cost of the car is affordable as well as the cost to recharge it, then it's great,'' Gross said.

Jessica Brady with AAA said more charging stations throughout the city will be opened in the future.

"These were installed as part of a grant from the Department of Energy,'' Brady said. "We're going to see about a hundred of them pop up in the Tampa area within the year. Some other locations include the St. Pete Times Forum, some local libraries, Hillsborough Community College.''

Meanwhile, Suncoast Electric Cars President Richard Nimphie is charged about the possibilities of electric cars. Nimphie said opening new statements eliminate a major obstacle in getting people to buy electric vehicles.

"Their number one concern is range anxiety,'' Nimphie said. "And even though we find that the average driver only drives 15-25 miles per day, the thought that there is a charging station available gives them that much more confidence that should they need it, they can do opportunistic charging."

Nimphie added this could be a major opportunity to change the way and what people drive.

Officials said other charging stations would be added in Temple Terrace and at Environmental Protection Commission offices. However, no timetable was issued for when those stations would open.

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Evoluzione week-end 1 - 2 - 3 Luglio 2011

Buonasera a tutti!!
I temporali di ieri sera (mercoledì) al settentrione sono stati un chiarissimo segno del ricambio d'aria, portato dal primo di una serie di fronti freschi provenienti da N-N-W. Si sono verificati anche fenomeni intensi locali, con raffiche di vento notevoli e forti rovesci con grandinate. Il tutto è stato causato dalla gran quantità di umidità presente in pianura Padana, che con l'avvicinarsi del fronte si è sollevata buttando così benzina sul fuoco di instabilità portata da esso.

Come mostra chiaramente l'ultima immagine proveniente dal satellite, i settori occidentali del nostro paese sono già completamente sgomberi da nubi, grazie all'ingresso del maestrale sul Mediterraneo occidentale che ha ripulito l'aria, abbassando il tasso di umidità. Il versante adriatico del centro-sud resta invece coinvolto da nubi associate a rovesci e temporali, che sono i resti del primo fronte di ieri notte.

Nelle prossime ore e nel week-end il tempo tenderà a migliorare, ma non sarà una guardigione completa. Infatti quella piccola "L"(bassa pressione) sull'Europa centro-orientale, grazie all'afflusso di aria fresca sia da nord sia da E e S-E (meno fresca) troverà forza per rinvigorirsi e traslerà verso sud-est. Tale spostamento porterà infiltrazioni d'aria fresca sul versante Adriatico sia Sabato mattina sia (meno probabile) domenica, portando un lieve rinforzo dei venti da N-E, soprattutto al largo, e qualche rovescio pomeridiano sull'appennino centro-meridionale.
In termini di onde, il maestrale sarà molto generoso soprattutto sul basso Tirreno, ove non mollerà la presa fino a domenica al largo, garantendo così un week-end pieno di onde. Stessa cosa per le isole maggiori, un po' peggio per il mar ligure (soprattutto il ponente, dove il mare sarà quasi sempre poco mosso), dove le onde mancheranno solo domenica, mentre l'Adriatico avrà anch'esso del suo (seppur con poca misura), soprattutto e con maggiore certezza sabato mattina.
Il fanalino di coda spetta allo Jonio, ove in estate la direzione media dei venti resta spesso poco favorevole a far entrare swell degne di nota.
Sotto i dettagli!!
(il modello LaMMa sta seguendo poco le variazioni dei venti dell'ultime corse modellistiche, quindi consiglio di vederlo non prima di domattina)


Venerdì 1: nuvolosità irregolare su tutte le regioni con maggiori momenti soleggiati al nord, sulle isole e sulle zone costiere, addensamenti più intensi sul Triveneto, l'ovest del Piemonte, gran parte della dorsale appenninica con spunti temporaleschi sparsi che, nel pomeriggio, potrebbero sconfinare sulle zone costiere, specie tirreniche. Temperature in diminuzione.

Sabato 2: ancora tempo un po' instabile sull'insieme del territorio con fenomeni però soprattutto in Appennino e sulle Alpi e nelle ore pomeridiane. Sconfinamenti in pianura segnatamente sulle regioni centrali e meridionali. Più sole sulle isole maggiori. Fresco ovunque.

Domenica 3: bello al nord, ancora qualche colpo di tuono sull'Appennino centro-meridionale nel pomeriggio, con sconfinamenti sulle coste, più caldo, ma sempre temperature gradevoli.


Mar Ligure

Venerdì 1: Al mattino mari poco mossi sul settore centrale e di ponente, mentre piccole onde in scaduta sul levante, di misura maggiore scendendo verso sud (Livornese), con 0.5-0.8 m fino a 1 m più a sud. Venti assenti all'inizio, poi dalla tarda mattinata rinforzo delle brezze da mare. Nel pomeriggio cresce leggermente la misura, con 0.8 m quasi ovunque 1-1.2 nel Livornese. Venti in calo solo al tramonto. Possibilità di piccole onde (0.5 m) nel pomeriggio anche sui settori più esposti del ponente ligure.
Sabato 2: Al mattino onde in scaduta sull'estremo levante ligure, con 0.5 m in Versilia e circa 0.8 m nel Livornese. Venti assenti, moto ondoso in calo in tarda mattinata-primo pomeriggio, quando le brezze da mare sciuperanno la qualità. Calmo o poco mosso il settore di ponente.
Domenica 3: Mari generalmente calmi o poco mossi.

Isole Maggiori

Venerdì 1: Swell da N-W con mare e venti attivi su entrambe le isole, con misura in crescita sulla Sardegna, da 1.5-1.8 m del mattino fino a 2-2.5 m nel pomeriggio. Venti sempre forti on-shore. Sulla Sicilia sud-occidentale swell da N-W più consistente, con misura in crescita e sui 1.3-1.5 m al mattino, e fino a 1.8-2 m nel pomeriggio. Venti forti side-shore. Andrà meglio in qualità sulla costa nord Sicula, ove le onde rifratte da N-W saranno sempre attorno a 1-1,2 m, ma con venti al più moderati e quindi onde più regolari e pulite (deboli-assenti al primo mattino).
Sabato 2: Al mattino ancora onde con venti attivi su Sardegna occidentale e Sicilia s-w, ma mare che inizia a calare. Nel pomeriggio scaduta ovunque, con venti al più moderati, mentre sulla costa nord Sicula sempre deboli o al più moderati. Misura di 1.5 m ovunque al mattino (1 m in costa nord Sicula) in calo a 1 m in costa n-w Sarda e s-w Sicula verso sera, mentre 0.5-0.8 m in costa nord Sicula e s-w Sarda. Venti deboli verso sera.
Domenica 3: Al mattino presto possibili ultime piccole onde (0.5 m) da N-W sui settori più esposti di Sicilia e Sardegna n-w, poi passaggio a poco mosso ovunque. Venti deboli. Brezze.

Mar Tirreno

Venerdì 1: Al mattino, sui settori centrale e meridionale, onde in scaduta da 0.5-0.8 m, con venti inizialmente deboli, in intensificazione durante le ore centrali. Calo nel pomeriggio sui settori più a nord, regge invece 0.5 m sul settore meridionale.
Sabato 2: Altra giornata di piccole onde da ponente sul settore centro-meridionale, con 0.5-0.8 m al mattino, in lieve calo di misura e qualità nel pomeriggio, a causa del rinforzo dei venti di brezza tesa. Venti più deboli solo sulla Calabria tirrenica.
Domenica 3: Al mattino ancora possibili 0.5 m da ponente sul settore centro-meridionale, con venti assenti al primo mattino, in rinforzo da brezza in mattinata. Passaggio a poco mosso in tarda mattinata, e venti che girano da maestrale. Regge qualche piccola onda fino a sera solo sulla Calabria tirrenica.

Mar Ionio

Venerdì 1: Mari generalmente poco mossi sottocosta, a causa di venti da n-nw al largo, al più moderati.
Sabato 2: mari calmi ovunque.
Domenica 3: Mari calmi o poco mossi ovunque, con venti di brezza tesa da s-w nel pomeriggio.

Mar Adriatico

Venerdì 1: Al mattino mari generalmente poco mossi su Romagna e Marche (o al più 30 cm da N-E in mattinata sulla bassa Romagna e nord Marche, ma in rapido calo), mentre su Abruzzo, Molise e Puglia onde da N-E a mò di "risentita", con 0.5-0.8 m max in mattinata, tendenti a calare nelle ore centrali un po' ovunque (solo sulla Puglia piccole onde anche nel primo pomeriggio). Venti deboli ovunque al mattino, di brezza tesa nel pomeriggio, soprattutto al centro-sud. Ripresa della bora in nottata su alto Adriatico.
Sabato 2: Su Romagna e Marche settentrionali, al mattino possibilità di onde da N-E a mò di "risentita" (vento debole o assente all'inizio con moto ondoso, poi si invertono le due cose), con 0.5 max 0.8 m, momento di massima misura tra le 9 e le 11. Poi entra la brezza da mare, tendente a calare nel pomeriggio, e mari poco mossi già dopo pranzo. Poco mosso o calmo sugli altri settori.
Domenica 3: Mari calmi o poco mossi sulla Romagna, mentre in mattinata possibilità di 0.3 m da Nord sulle Marche settentrionali (attendibilità bassa), con venti che girano poi da maestrale nel pomeriggio. Più a sud all'inizio onde piccolissime da nord, poi ingresso deciso del maestrale con onde in crescita fino a sera sulla Puglia, mentre cala il mare altrove. 0.5 m su Marche meridionali, Abruzzo e Molise (anche 0.5-0.8 m qua), mentre onde fino a 0.8-1 m verso sera sulla Puglia, con venti moderati-forti da N-NW.

Al prossimo aggiornamento!!
Buon week-end a tutti!

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Finance Rumblings: Here We Go Again?

Just when we thought all had turned around and we sensed the corner had been turned, we hear banter about financial institutions pondering lay-offs and staff reductions. Haven't we heard these rumblings before?

As big banks and other financial institutions stumble toward the end of the second quarter, 2011, published reports say lay-offs are looming. Senior managers have begun to panic over whether they will be able to generate returns that will match those of 2010, especially with deal flow, trading activity, and the economy sputtering.  Historically, the first response of financial institutions (from trading desks and deal teams to operations groups and compliance functions) is to reduce personnel numbers to brace for rougher waters.  And always, the method that comes to mind to reduce is "LIFO" outplacement--the last in are the first out. Critics say the first reaction is to protect compensation among the elders when the industry must weather a brief storm.

This time around, some financial institutions say they will manage a hint of a slow-down in intelligent, efficient ways.  Banks, funds, dealers and other financial institutions in the past often reduced staff too quickly. Once markets signaled a decline, institutions marshaled out the door the young, ambitious talent it had just hired with effusive enthusiasm.  When markets turned bright months later, firms with swiveled heads rushed to replace the talent it just let flee.

Financial institutions promise they will manage staff numbers better the next time. So at midyear, 2011, when banks and firms sense turbulence heading into the second half (not a crash, not a collapse, not a double-dip recession, but a pause or a correction of some kind), they must restrain themselves to avoid rampant lay-offs in areas where they will be desperate for analysts, team leaders, MBAs and finance experts once markets and activity surge again.

Still, the professionals in these roles must be prepared--from managing director, senior vice president to analyst intern. In fact, this could be an opportune time for self-assessment, the time to ask introspective questions about what's next or the time to make sure you are in sturdy spot if there is commotion around and about:

1.  Are you in a group, unit or business area that could be vulnerable?

2.  How would you expect business-unit leaders to respond, behave or react if there is a prolonged slow-down in the business? How have they reacted or behaved in the past?

3.  Do you understand the positioning, the strategy or the vulnerabilities of your group or area?  Are you aware of the profits and losses (or expense burdens) of your group?

4.  Have you performed as best as possible, given the circumstances? Have you done something recently (managed a project, done a deal, generated new business, or developed staff) that can separate you from the rest?

5.  Are there other opportunities worth exploring? Could this be the right time to move to a new area, new role or a position with greater responsibility and visibility?

Often finance professionals, from those at entry-level to those in privileged perches at the top, will say they are too mired in current problems, deadlines, and group turmoil to address career-related questions.  "We are just trying to survive," everybody says. 

Pausing and assessing what's going, nevertheless, might be worth the time and attention--even if you are exhausted from trying to develop new business in shaky markets, taking on extra projects to prove you can still contribute, or existing in an environment of uncertainty and worry.

Whether they are Consortium MBAs or others with extensive experience, there are many stories of how people thrived when the ground was shaking beneath them, when they took advantage of tenuous circumstances or when they used them to springboard to a better position. This is the time when equity analysts might decide to transition into private banking, when a derivatives expert might consider being a foreign-currency risk-manager, when a top client-relationship executive moves into corporate staff management. Or when a senior manager agrees to take on more responsibility--more groups or more clients reporting into her. Or when the 10-year corporate citizen decides to pursue an opening at a smaller boutique.

It could be the right time, too, to reach out to networks, peers, and colleagues to share ideas, perspectives and concerns.  Not gossip, not hot leads to a new job, but information or insight about what's going on and where the industry is headed. Ideas about next steps and appropriate ways to manage uncertainty. What better time, say, than for Consortium MBAs in finance to reach out to share thoughts about where markets are headed from here, what the hiring trends are in certain areas of the U.S., what opportunities exist in foreign locations, and what the best ways are to confront uncertainty.

Tracy WilliamsAny source


Ned Maddrell, a fisherman and the last native speaker of Manx — the Goidelic language associated with the Isle of Man — passed away in 1974. This fact evidently has no bearing at all on the poetry of Geoffrey Grigson, whose biographical note on the dust jacket of his Collected Poems 1963-1980 identifies him as "the seventh son of a Cornish vicar." David Hadbawnik, who visited earlier this week, pointed this wonderfully odd statement out to me after we returned from a bookshop in Portland, Maine where I was thrilled to find both volumes of Grigson's Collected Poems. And stranger than the statement itself is the fact that someone in Southern Maine saw fit to discard these largely wrongheaded but delightfully peculiar volumes.

Grigson is, no doubt, most well known as editor, from 1933 on, of the UK poetry journal New Verse. In an editorial statement featured on the cover of the first issue, Grigson claims that New Verse "favours only its time, belonging to no politico-literary cabal, cherishing bombs only for masqueraders and for the everlasting 'critical' rearguard of nastiness..." In tone and texture, the editorial statement in the first issue of Claudius App — a web-based magazine that bills itself as a journal of "fast" poetry — is strikingly similar: "The point is not to articulate a school, but to articulate so quickly it registers as a slur." Nihil novi, no matter the speed (viz. I find it useful to walk at a moderately brisk pace, not so slow that I arrive at the bar after last call and not so fast that I break a sweat en route).

Beyond the banal appeal to speed (even the worst of cars has a range of gears), the first number of Claudius App includes an impressive range of poets, including Joshua Clover, Joe Luna, Marianne Morris, Rod Smith and Keston Sutherland, among a wide cast of others. But the explosive character of its generosity is, I think, best captured by the inclusion in this first issue of work from both Charles Bernstein and Kent Johnson, each representative of incredibly distant and largely antagonistic poles within a broad constellation of often-overlapping poetry communities.

The Bernstein poem, titled "Autopsychographia" and written after Pessoa, begins: "Poets are fakers." The poem is interesting, especially since it's the first piece included in the issue — that is, Bernstein's clickable name appears in the upper left hand corner of a three-column front-page index. As such, the journal begins with an insult or, perhaps more likely, a self-reflexive comment on authenticity and authorship. But the Bernstein poem appears to take on a curiously self-excoriating, even confessional quality when read in the context of Johnson's essay "Poetic Economies of Scale," an extended and thoroughgoing critique of the recent acquisition of Jacket magazine by PennSound and the Kelly Writers House, two institutions Johnson corals together under the aegis of what he refers to as the "Bernstein Group." Framed as a letter to the editor, Johnson writes:

For example, I'd had in mind to write, using advanced micro and macro-economic analysis, supported by graphs and charts, concerning how J2 [Jacket 2], in context of the avant-po-biz economy, is to be seen as a massive acquisition that moves the Bernstein Group into the territory (sub-culturally speaking) of quasi-monopolistic status: Tranter's independent, multifarious, often cantankerous, unruly, sometimes satirical upstart bought up and aesthetically downsized (rationalized) as tame and proper subsidiary vertically integrated into the Academic Post-Avant Consortium (APAC).

In a closing postscript, Johnson includes a message sent him by an anonymous poet-critic, who comments:

I think the analysis of BG's (she means the Bernstein Group) acquisition is exactly right — Penn Industries receives the academic equivalent of gov't funding, as well as, I imagine, plenty of actual gov't funding, so that snapping up an undercapitalized but ferally innovative Jacket at a bargain-basement rate was something like Wells Fargo using TARP funds to buy Wachovia. The analogy isn't exact, if only because, as you indicate, it doesn't go far enough: I'm not sure there's a bank as (sub-culturally) monopolistic, as horizontally and vertically integrated, to compare it to — really a rather shocking concentration of institutional power in very few hands, as even the small staffs of these supposedly individual organs completely overlap (PennSound, Jacket2, Kelly Writers House, etc.) ... the new Jacket feels, especially in the reviews, almost hysterically groomed, like the university quadrangle it in fact is.

Whether or not we agree with the whole of this critique, there can be little doubt that an overwhelming amount of cultural capital — along with the power, at least in a US context, to include or exclude, promote or ignore, various tendencies in poetry — does in fact reside within a very limited number of hands that, since the acquisition of Jacket, are now even fewer.
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Business Succession Planning: A Short Course

Bell Investment Advisors, a Bay Area registered investment advisory firm, today announced they are now offering the public a free white paper, "Business Succession Planning: A Short Course." Bell Investment Advisors regularly offers free white papers and webinars as part of an ongoing educational series.

This recent white paper outlines the key factors a business owner must consider when planning to pass on the business. The paper examines the important steps of succession planning that must be completed to keep the business intact, functioning and profitable under the next generation of ownership and management.

The paper is written by John M. Latta, MBA, CPA of Orion Advisory Group, LLC, and long-time business consultant to Bell Investment Advisors. The author reviews essential concepts and issues such as "institutional independence" and familial complications, and presents vital strategies for business survival. In straightforward terms, Latta addresses common considerations for business succession planning and includes practical guidelines for successful transitioning.

"A frequent challenge is that the company is so identified with the founder that it loses its identity in the minds of customers and perhaps even employees once that founder is no longer involved," said Latta. "Owners must plan to ensure their business is capable of thriving under new ownership and management."

To access the free white paper, visit

An archive of additional resources and white papers offered by Bell's financial advisors and occasional guest writers can be found at Subjects include information related to business, wealth management, as well as career coaching.

Through Investment Management, Financial Planning, and Career & Life Coaching, Bell Investment Advisors ( helps people build positive momentum for a good life. Established in 1991, the firm has offices in Oakland and Santa Rosa, California.

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Bucuresti live webcam Pasajul Basarab

Pasajul Suprateran Basarab - Bucuresti uneste sectoarele 1 și 6 intre Soseaua Nicolae Titulescu și Soseaua Grozavesti. Pasajul Basarab beneficiaza de două benzi de circulatie pe sens și doua linii de tramvai.

Bucuresti live web cam Pasajul Basarab
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Using your strengths to stand out

Welcome to this week’s Discuss HR.

Well what a day! The largest strike in decades and Lloyds Banking announcing a further 15,000 job cuts.  Fortunately our regular columnist John Hepworth comes to the rescue to inject some positive thinking into what could be a rather dour day.  Today John picks up from last week’s theme on emotional intelligence and looks at recognising and utilising ours and others strengths. (Ed Scrivener)

Using your strengths to stand out

“Positive Psychology” is seen as the new way forward for many…the concept that “Positive Psychology is the scientific study of optimal human functioning. It aims to discover and promote the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive. The positive psychology movement represents a new commitment on the part of research psychologists to focus attention upon the sources of psychological health, thereby going beyond prior emphases upon disease and disorder (Sheldon et al, 2007, University of Pennsylvania).”

So, looking at the ‘good stuff’. This has always been a bit of a stretch for me, in that my selection interviewing training, for instance, taught me to seek examples from candidates that met the criteria for the job. In my mind, then, I was seeking to find out things that candidates could do, rather than what they could not. But let’s run with this, because to me, the way that Positive Psychology is moving now suggests that there is more to it than just – let’s face it – happy, clappy Americanisms.

OK, so what do I mean? My introduction to the topic has been focused on career development for clients. Where clients have little or no work experience to draw upon, I was finding myself restricted in how I could help. Without any doubt, following a discussion with Bill Davies at JCA (Occupational Psychologists), a ‘strengths’ approach – delivered from a Positive Psychology perspective – paid dividends. I used “StrengthsFinder” ® and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and this provided a rich seam of information for development and learning.

I was presented with an in-depth profile of what the client saw as their strengths, allied to a comprehensive MBTI report that complimented and helped start a discussion. It was amazing to me at least to see traits and preferences that had been seen as a ‘problem’ in some clients, suddenly turned into ‘strengths’. This allowed me to work with the clients on how they then implemented their new-found strengths into practical, career-based action.
I was then struck by a sentence on the back of a book…”…we become experts in our weaknesses and spend our lives trying to repair these flaws, whilst our strengths lie dormant and neglected.” This is taken from ‘Now, discover your strengths’ by Buckingham and Clifton (2005) and my goodness, did this resonate with me!

Did the constructive criticism go too far?
Thinking back on my employed career, how often did I actually focus on the strengths of employees and managers alike? Rarely, mainly in formal succession planning sessions rooted in personal bias and cultural norms, rather than what was actually required ‘to move the business forward’. Mainly, my job was identifying and correcting weaknesses – even if I did call them development needs. We Brits do like to criticise – but give someone sustained and authentic feedback?! And when it came to selection interviewing, well, what I actually did was seek instances where candidates met our competencies, rather than demonstrated their strengths and how they may be applicable.

Interesting and I am sure that many of you will have a different view. But what has changed for me is that far from being ‘happy, clappy Americanisms’, the role of Positive Psychology and its applications can be at least as powerful as a competency-based approach (and hey, most good competency systems now describe behaviours that are ‘good’ and ‘bad’).

Where does this leave me, then, in my view on Positive Psychology? One example helps here. Writing in ‘Assessment & Development Matters’ (BPS, Vol 3, No1, Spring 2011), Trenier et al share their experiences of using a ‘strengths’ approach with undergraduates. The Association of Graduate Recruiters (2010) noted that some 70 graduates were applying for each available job, so by implication, graduates needed that ‘something else’ to stand out from the mass of applicants. Trenier et al devised a programme to help undergraduates identify their strengths, to help them identify realistic career choices and to present themselves strongly to recruiters.

The outcomes for the students involved were telling. For instance, the simple fact that recognised that they could not all be all-rounders – we all have different strengths – and yet strengths are not static: they can be ‘realised’ through targeted development and experiences.

I feel now that it goes without saying that applications such as Emotional Intelligence lead the way for career development and psychological well-being – and tools in EI focus on strengths. Picking up on last week’s blog, what we need to see more of now is the business success associated with adopting Positive Psychology and EI approaches: the Holy Grail of linking people well-being with outstanding business performance. Sufficient to prove once and for all that we ‘people professionals’ were right all along!

About the author
John helps organisations, especially in the SME sector, achieve competitive advantage. He has a particular interest in translating strategic HR management into practice. Typically, this has meant focusing his efforts on recruitment & selection, performance management and training & development activities. John sees the challenge of matching the development of internal competencies with the externally driven demands of the market place as one of the key themes in developing organisational engagement, capability and performance. 


Discuss HR is the blog for Human Resources UK, the leading LinkedIn group for those involved with HR in the UK.  Next week’s Discuss HR will be published on Thursday 7th July and will be written by Annabel Kaye, Employment Law Specialist.

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The Owner of a Locally Based General Contractor Sentenced to 10 Years' Probation

The owner of a locally based general contractor that won at least 27 different government contracts in Bay Area counties was sentenced to 10 years' probation for various frauds in which the company did not properly pay its workers.

Monica Mui Ung, 51, owner of NBC General Contractor Corporation, pleaded guilty in April to felony fraud crimes, including prevailing wage fraud and workers' compensation premium fraud, and to committing white collar crimes.

Ung organized the fraud by telling governments that she was paying her employees a prevailing wage and giving them overtime, sick leave, pension, health care and vacation benefits. However, investigators found, Ung and others within the company had denied those benefits to workers and instead kept the money themselves.

As a result, the workers, many of who were non-English speaking immigrants, were not properly paid, a news release by the Alameda County District Attorney's Office states.

"In this case, many of the workers are non-English speaking and were fearful of coming forward, they found themselves part of a captive labor force working in the underground economy," said District Attorney Nancy O'Malley. "They were victimized by the predatory practices of dishonest employers."

NBC Contractors, which opened in 1995, had worked on a number of government projects including Piedmont Elementary School, Daly City Fire Station, Oakland Library, El Cerrito City Hall and Walnut Creek Civic Center.

Ung's sentence of four years in state prison was suspended and she was placed on 10 years felony probation and ordered to pay $350,000 in restitution to her workers and $850,000 restitution to the State Compensation Insurance Fund.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

3M's eBook Cloud Library Didn't Come Out of Nowhere!

When the Douglas County Libraries in Colorado installed self check-in stations a while ago, they realized that hey had an opportunity to restructure their space. The circulation desk that dominated the main entrance was no longer needed. It seemed obvious to Library Director Jamie LaRue what to put in its place. Libraries need to greet their visitors with displays of books available for immediate checkout. 80% of Douglas County's adult circulation is generated by visual displays of books, so the best way to entice visitors to read is to show them great books to read.

When Douglas County began investigating how to put ebooks into county resident's computers, they wanted to do something similar. A user looking for ebooks should be greeted with a virtual bookshelf of books waiting to be checked out. LaRue was not satisfied with the offering of industry leader Overdrive because he couldn't do such a simple thing.

Public libraries that offer ebooks are frequently faced with problems posed by the strong demand for ebooks. Their users are frequently disappointed that the ebooks they want are always checked out. Overdrive has not yet implemented an programming interface that would allow library catalogs to check on an ebook's availability before showing it to a user, so the process of finding an available ebook can involve a lot of tedious clicks.

To address these needs, Overdrive has announced the "Overdrive WIN" service, which will address better integration with library automation software along with a host of other improvements and service innovations.

I spoke with a number of library automation vendors at this past weekend's American Library Association meeting in New Orleans. eBook integration is high on the list of their customers' wish lists, but I couldn't find any that could tell me when they would be implementing better Overdrive integration, though many of them were in "discussions".

A new vendor worth mentioning was Toronto-based BiblioCommons, whose EC2-cloud-based OPAC service has been implemented by Seattle Public Library and is in beta with New York Public Library. I'd been hearing about BiblioCommons for long enough that I'd had my doubts as their reality. At ALA, they demoed a clean, modern web interface with plenty of social features- go take a look at Seattle Public. Given NYPL's status as a prominent Overdrive customer and Bibliocommons' actively developing codebase, I had hoped to see some preview glimpses of Overdrive WIN in BiblioCommons, but had no such luck.

Back in Douglas County, Jamie LaRue wasn't satisfied with the available options, so around the end of 2010, he had his team approach their auto-check-in vendor, 3M, to see if they could do something about ebooks. As luck would have it, they could. And they did.

Although 3M's entrance into the library ebook platform business came as a complete surprise to many in libraries and publishing, it seems obvious in retrospect. 3M's RFID tag, self-checkout/checkin, and detection businesses were already integrated with library automation systems, so much of the code needed to integrate to library systems was already written. 3M licensed ebook reader and DRM systems from Adobe, and in the space of six months, with the advice and help of customers such as Douglas County, was able to assemble a strong set of services it is branding as the "3M Cloud Library". These include reader software for iOS and Android, as well as spiffy "3M Discovery Terminals", electronic kiosks "with an intuitive touch-based interface". (pictured) 3M is even going to sell "white-label" eReader devices with software tweaked to meet the needs of libraries that want to lend devices.

While 3M is arguably breaking new ground in integration of ebooks with library systems, 3M is far behind Overdrive in the area of publisher relations, which can't just be switched on in a mere 6 months. Overdrive has announced expansions of its offerings in the school and academic markets. Meanwhile, 3M is going in publishers' back doors as it helps the State of Kansas withdraw from an awkwardly drafted Overdrive contract, which Kansas says allows them to move purchased content from Overdrive to other platforms. It's in publishers' interests to have a library ebook channel that competes with Overdrive, but they do SO like to be asked permission first.

For his part, LaRue just wants to be able to tailor his library service to the needs of his community. "I want to provide a quality, integrated experience with a local focus" is what he told me. That doesn't seem to be asking so much.

Update 6/30/11: At The Digital Reader, Nate Hoffelder reported in May that a lot of 3M's reading platform was sourced from txtr, a German start-up they'd invested in. I wasn't able to confirm this at ALA, but have since done so. The Adobe DRM implementation, reading software, apps, presentation interfaces all originated in txtr. I'm also told by multiple sources that 3M has been talking to publishers since at least December 2010.
Enhanced by Zemanta

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MSM: So Far So SWEET (30th June 2011)

New Bursa Malaysia comer, MSM is the leading sugar producer in Malaysia, with a total market share of 57% in 2010 (based on production volume). It is one of two sugar refiners in the country, the other being Tradewinds (M) Bhd. Following its listing, MSM will be the only directly listed sugar refiner in Malaysia.

It has two sugar refineries in Prai, Penang and Chuping, Perlis with production capacity of 1.11m tonnes per year, as well as the only sugar cane plantation and mill in Malaysia. MSM’s sugar cane plantation is 4,454 ha in size, while its sugar mill has a capacity of 5,500 tonnes/day.

No wonder MSM had gained 26% on its debut, albeit profit taking the following day. Yet, many investors are pouring their interest in this counter maybe for the following reasons:

  1. A potential beneficiary of a free market for sugar soon – in view of the Government’s moves to reduce subsidies for sugar over the last year and a half;
  2. Beneficiary of the Government’s long-term contract for raw sugar – given that raw sugar comprises 80% of its production costs;
  3. Beneficiary of weakening US$ - given that MSM imports 98% of its raw sugar requirements;
  4. Focusing more on export markets to grow margins and profitability - given that margins in the domestic market are relatively stable due to the price ceiling in place; and
  5. 36% growth in capacity within the next five years to cater for export opportunities given the widening spread between raw and refined sugar prices.

OSK Research

MSM produces various products including fine granulated white sugar, coarse granulated white sugar, coarse brown sugar, soft brown sugar, icing sugar, caster sugar, super fine white sugar and molasses. White sugar comprises the majority of its sales volume. MSM’s sugar is sold under the brands of “Gula Prai” and “Gula Perlis”. MSM breaks down its sales into four categories:
  1. Domestic – which comprise sales to the domestic market and which is entitled to a subsidy from the government;
  2. Local export – which comprises sales to domestic industrial customers, who use the sugar to manufacture products for export;
  3. Export – which comprise sales to export markets like Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Pakistan and are made via traders; and
  4. Other – which is made up entirely of sales of molasses.
Valuations and Fair Value
OSK Research: We peg MSMM to 13.0x FY11 EPS, which gives us a fair value of RM5.16. We are basing our valuation on 3 other non-government linked sugar refining companies with similar FY10 net profit and refined sugar production capacity. However, we think that MSMM should trade at a premium to its peer average PE of 11.7x given its link to Felda Group, which confers it the benefits that come with having a GLC as a majority shareholder. MSMM plans to pay out at least 50% of its earnings as dividend. Assuming a 50% dividend payout ratio, the stock offers dividend yields of 5.9% and 6.1% for FY11 and FY12 respectively.
Regional Peers Comparison - OSK Research
RHB Research: For valuation purposes, we have compared MSM to its regional listed peers. In our view, although Tradewinds is the only other sugar refiner in the country, we believe MSM is not directly comparable to Tradewinds, given that Tradewinds’ business comprises sugar, rice and palm oil. Based on our analysis, MSM’s regional peers are trading at an average PER of 11.6x FY11 and 10.6x FY12. As such, we attribute a target PER of 11x FY12 to MSM’s earnings, in between its regional peers’ valuations for FY11 and FY12, and obtain a fair value of RM4.90. This implies a 40% upside from the IPO price of RM3.50/share. At our fair value of RM4.90, investors would also benefit from a dividend yield of 4-5% p.a.

Source: OSK Research and RHB ResearchAny source

Digby Jones latest to berate WAG’s decision to mothball WDA

It won’t make any difference to tone deaf Labour Minister’s in Cardiff Bay who are unlikely to reverse the decision and plough on with the discredited Economic Renewal Plan plus, but it’s certainly worth mentioning another influential UK Business figure questioning the wisdom of former First Minister Rhodri Morgan’s decision, supported by other parties to take the WDA in-house to the Welsh Government which by most impartial analysis resulted in a worsening performance of the Welsh economy.

Digby Jones is a former Minister and head of the CBI, but more importantly in this context a former employee at West Midlands Development Agency in the 1980’s – one of the Welsh Development Agency main competitors, he spoke of the WDA’ s prowess in its quick response mainly due to a lack of political interference.

In his interview he said “When I was part of the West Midlands development agency in the 1980s, the best inward investment agency in Britain was the WDA. They were so far ahead of all the other development agencies.”

This was partly because they were “quick off the mark and could respond quickly,” and partly because they were non-political, he said.

“I think its demise should be lamented,” he added.

“If you want to make it more relevant to a changing investment criteria around the world fine, but to bring it inside the tent of party politics is no way to attract private sector investment from anywhere.”

The full interview is wide ranging and covers issues such as Corporation Tax and tax and borrowing powers for the Welsh Assembly and includes another rebuke to add to the First Minister Carwyn Jones growing collection on his borrowing powers only line, Digby points out that any borrowing need tax raising powers to compliment them in order for any debt to be repaid otherwise problem will arise.Any source