I was interested to read this article on anti-bullying programmes at MercatorNet. I don't know enough about the background and the research to come to an informed view, but the thesis resonated with me. As did Izzy Kalman's interesting analysis… done some years ago, about why anti-bullying programmes might not have the desired results.
To take the second point first, Kalman suggests that actions have consequences; and frequently they have unintended consequences, which undermine the outcomes intended by those taking the actions. This is classic open systems stuff, about which I have blogged more than once (follow the label).
But the Mercator.net article caught my attention because of the phenomenon of research demonstrating that something isn't working - and the researchers concluding that we should therefore do more of it, to get the intended result.
That isn't necessarily an incorrect conclusion, but it is certainly open to question. Consider a drug such as aspirin: if one tablet doesn't stop a headache, a second tablet may be advisable; but not another twenty. We really need to understand a little more about why it is not working to discover whether an increased dosage is the right solution.
But this finding and conclusion is of course identical with those relating to sex education for children. And I suspect there is something else going on here.
I am not, for a moment, impugning the academic integrity of the researchers; but I do think that Lewis' observation, which I have quoted before, comes into play:
It is therefore useless to appeal to experience before we have settled, as well as we can, the philosophical question.
So it seems to me that the researchers, understandably enough, start with a philosophical assumption in favour of education.
However, when interrogated, that assumption reveals its flaws. For the assumption at root is that bad behaviour (in this case bullying; in the other, sexual irresponsibility) is caused by ignorance.
However, we know that ignorance is only one of the causes of sin. Therefore to seek to address all sinful behaviour by education alone is a flawed strategy.
I would go further, and say that in some arenas (certainly sexuality, and quite possibly bullying) education - in the form that is meant here, at any rate, is more likely to exacerbate the problem than to solve it.
What is really needed on the supernatural level is grace; and on the natural level, character, which is formed by the practice of the virtues. Of course education has a role there too, but in a rather different sense.
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Friday, November 29, 2013
Boris And Convoys Wharf
Last month, London’s occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson used the bully pulpit given him by the Maily Telegraph to rail at all those who are less than tolerant with foreign investment in the capital’s property developments. At the time, it was not clear what point he was making – no surprise there – but thanks to a decision he has just made, we now know.
Bozza said this at the time: “The answer to house-price inflation is to build more homes – as we can, on London’s 33 brownfield opportunity areas. We can build hundreds of thousands of homes for rent, for affordable rent, for market sale and for part-buy-part-rent ... But we won’t get any of these schemes going if we are so demented as to tell foreign investors to bog off”.
It now seems his comments were directed towards Lewisham Council, who have been in discussions with Hutchison Whampoa, a company based in Hong Kong, where Bozza made a well-publicised recent visit, about the redevelopment of Convoys Wharf, on the Thames at Deptford. Hutchison have written directly to the Mayor asking him to intervene in the planning process, which he has now done.
The impression given, by freesheet City AM, and the Standard, is that this is the result of a falling-out between developer and council over Terry Farrell’s masterplan for the site – so that the referral is for the gallant Bozza to bang heads together and drive the project forward – and that this is some kind of inevitable done deal (“when Convoys Wharf has been redeveloped ...”).
But that’s not how the locals see it: as Deptford Is ... pointed out, “the quantum of units at 3,500 apartments, the typology of high rise towers of up to 48 storeys rising out of 12 storey blocks with their enclosed private green spaces resting on the top of four storeys of car parking ... were all features of the previous Aedas masterplan [from the previous year]”. And how was the latter received?
It “was unanimously rejected by the local community, English Heritage, Council for British Archaeology, Naval Dockyard Society and Lewisham Planning and a number of London amenity societies”. So what Hutchison appear to be doing is “the same number of Lego bricks in the same size tin”. Moreover, on top of the lack of respect for the site’s history are minor points like relatively poor transport links.
And what about those homes for “affordable rent”? We don’t get to find that one out. Like the West Kensington and Gibbs Green saga, this gives the impression of Bozza green-lighting a scheme for developers without giving a fig about mere locals and those pesky heritage movements. They appear to be what the Mayor meant by “tell[ing] foreign investors to bog off”.
Money talks loudest, more glass stumps, sod the proles. What a man of the people.
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權力分立係為避免權力集中導致政府的獨裁濫權,以保障人民之自由權利,基於憲政主義,規範政府組成及權利的行使,建構有限政府(limited government)。
1. 以政治自由之維護與保障為目的
2. 統治組織區分為例法、行政、司法
3. 各部門分別行使立法權、行政權、司法權等功能
4. 各部門僅能行使本身的權力及功能,不得侵犯他部門的權力及功能。
5. 禁止各部門之間的相互兼職
6. 各部門彼此間相互牽制,禁止單一之個人或群體控制整個國家統治機構。
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呈圓盤狀,嵌在子宮壁中,分娩時由於子宮肌層收縮使胎盤剝離而擠出子宮。胎盤中央厚而邊緣薄。向著羊膜腔的一面光滑,稱為子面;臍帶位於其中央。臍帶中有血管,由其分支連接各絨毛子葉。另一面粗糙,稱為母面,也就是剝離的蛻膜組織撕裂斷面。胎盤的主體部分是樹枝狀的絨毛。絨毛的表層是滋養層上皮,中層為結締組織和血管。這些血管是由早期的尿囊血管衍生而來。胎盤有兩套血液循環,絨毛中芯的屬胎兒系統;絨毛間隙與蛻膜區的屬母體系統。人類胎盤是有蛻膜的,與尿囊血流有聯繫的、盤狀的血竇絨毛型胎盤。 靈長類的猩猩、猿猴有類似結構的胎盤。 這一情況與寬鼻猴不同,該類胎盤的絨毛相互連接而組成網路。
胎盤除分泌許多類似垂體和卵巢產生的激素以保證妊娠進行外,還發現有相當於下丘腦的多肽的短距離作用的激素。懷孕3月的婦女因病而施行卵巢或垂體切除術後,由於胎盤的存在,妊娠仍可以繼續。妊娠早期的胎盤分泌人絨毛膜促性腺激素(Human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG),甚至著床前胚泡的滋胚層就分泌這種激素。它的性質和LH相似,有維持卵巢黃體使繼續發育,促使黃體分泌雌激素(estrogen)和孕激素(progesterone)的作用。胎盤組織本身也能合成這些甾體激素,還能分泌人胎盤促乳素(Human placental prolactin, hPL)——一種有促進生長和催乳作用的激素,能促使胎盤和胎兒生長及母體乳腺的生長與發育。妊娠末期胎盤分泌鬆弛素。鬆弛素溶解膠原纖維及軟化韌帶,有利於分娩。胎盤分泌的hCG,hPL,孕酮以及胎兒肝合成的甲胎蛋白等都有抑制母體免疫反應的作用,使胎兒在子宮內正常發育,不致引起異物反應而遭排斥。
資料來源:醫學百科HomeAny source
呈圓盤狀,嵌在子宮壁中,分娩時由於子宮肌層收縮使胎盤剝離而擠出子宮。胎盤中央厚而邊緣薄。向著羊膜腔的一面光滑,稱為子面;臍帶位於其中央。臍帶中有血管,由其分支連接各絨毛子葉。另一面粗糙,稱為母面,也就是剝離的蛻膜組織撕裂斷面。胎盤的主體部分是樹枝狀的絨毛。絨毛的表層是滋養層上皮,中層為結締組織和血管。這些血管是由早期的尿囊血管衍生而來。胎盤有兩套血液循環,絨毛中芯的屬胎兒系統;絨毛間隙與蛻膜區的屬母體系統。人類胎盤是有蛻膜的,與尿囊血流有聯繫的、盤狀的血竇絨毛型胎盤。 靈長類的猩猩、猿猴有類似結構的胎盤。 這一情況與寬鼻猴不同,該類胎盤的絨毛相互連接而組成網路。
胎盤除分泌許多類似垂體和卵巢產生的激素以保證妊娠進行外,還發現有相當於下丘腦的多肽的短距離作用的激素。懷孕3月的婦女因病而施行卵巢或垂體切除術後,由於胎盤的存在,妊娠仍可以繼續。妊娠早期的胎盤分泌人絨毛膜促性腺激素(Human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG),甚至著床前胚泡的滋胚層就分泌這種激素。它的性質和LH相似,有維持卵巢黃體使繼續發育,促使黃體分泌雌激素(estrogen)和孕激素(progesterone)的作用。胎盤組織本身也能合成這些甾體激素,還能分泌人胎盤促乳素(Human placental prolactin, hPL)——一種有促進生長和催乳作用的激素,能促使胎盤和胎兒生長及母體乳腺的生長與發育。妊娠末期胎盤分泌鬆弛素。鬆弛素溶解膠原纖維及軟化韌帶,有利於分娩。胎盤分泌的hCG,hPL,孕酮以及胎兒肝合成的甲胎蛋白等都有抑制母體免疫反應的作用,使胎兒在子宮內正常發育,不致引起異物反應而遭排斥。
資料來源:醫學百科HomeAny source
All Saints' Day
Today is one of the great Feasts of the Church's year: the feast of All Saints.
We honour all those who have achieved their heavenly goal, known and particularly unknown; and we ask for their intercession as we, the Church militant, struggle on.
Here is Victoria's wonderful setting of O Quam Gloriosum Est:
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We honour all those who have achieved their heavenly goal, known and particularly unknown; and we ask for their intercession as we, the Church militant, struggle on.
Here is Victoria's wonderful setting of O Quam Gloriosum Est:
O quam gloriosum est regnum,
in quo cum Christo gaudent omnes Sancti!
Amicti stolis albis,
sequuntur Agnum, quocumque ierit.
Oh, how glorious is the kingdom
in which all the saints rejoice with Christ!
Clad in robes of white,
they follow the Lamb wherever he may go.
Littlejohn Handed His Arse On A Plate
One potential target of complaints to any new and independent press regulator is bound to be the Daily Mail’s tedious and unfunny churnalist Richard Littlejohn, who was memorably excused by the PCC telling a complainant that it was OK for Dick to make totally untrue statements because it was an opinion column and so this was acceptable behaviour.
Pesto, guv? It's foreign, innit?!?
So, having been patted on the head by his legendarily foul mouthed editor’s remote control device (that’s the PCC, folks), Dick clearly believes that he can serve up as many whoppers as he can squeeze into every piece he writes. And that meant today’s offering from the sage of Vero Beach (not in the UK) was so full of serial dishonesty that its main target has had no problem taking it apart.
Dick’s subject is Ms Jack Monroe, who has committed the unforgiveable sin of writing for the deeply subversive Guardian. “Ah, Pesto! These poverty poster girls of Welfare Britain want the gravy too... without having to pay for it” he proclaims. So what has Ms Monroe done to cause Dicky Windbag such offence? Simples. She had to change jobs because of having a child to look after.
This process did not happen instantly, and so Ms Monroe spent a period having to claim benefits. But now that she has secured a new job, she no longer claims. This is a problem? Ah well. She has also featured in a Labour party political broadcast. So Dick gives her the full smear, with plasma screen TVs, Laptops (“state funded”), and the suggestion that she is still on benefits (all wrong).
Ms Monroe has countered Littlejohn’s pack of lies, and you can see the demolition job HERE. But she only touches on Dick’s sheer ignorance of what ordinary folk eat nowadays, perhaps because he’s lived in Florida for so long. He sneers at pesto: “they probably think it’s some kind of fancy foreign gravy mix”. Where d’you think I first bought pesto, Dicky Boy? I don’t shop at M&S or Waitrose.
No, I first bought pesto at Aldi. You know, the kind of supermarket that the less well off frequent (plus those of us who just want decent value for money). The same place I buy ciabatta, baguettes, olive oil, sundried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, Borettane onions, sea bass, coconut milk, Thai mushrooms, passata, chick peas, pate, and rollmop herrings. Ordinary people buy and enjoy all of these.
Oh, and I almost forgot pasta, which Dick thinks ordinary people only enjoy when they open a can of spaghetti. Yes, not only is the supposed voice of ordinary people a serial and wilful liar, he’s also totally out of touch with the reality of life for the lumpen proletariat of the UK. He even mocks Ms Monroe’s Christian name (Jack) without it occurring to him that it’s a not uncommon abbreviation.
Dick, you’re a dick. We’re not laughing with you. We’re laughing at you.
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Hodges Does Not Want To Understand
I frequently disagree with the opinions expressed by Dan Hodges, formerly the Colonel Nicholson of the Labour Party, but that does not detract from the fact that he is a highly intelligent writer. Hodges is not stupid. But when it comes to comprehending the recently signed Royal Charter on regulation of the press, he gives the impression of being unable to comprehend it – at all.
Dan wants everyone to know that, whatever else is in that Royal Charter, there will be prior restraint: “To those people expressing amazement on court revelations: get used to it. If regulation kicks in there’ll be lots more you won’t find out”. There is no prior restraint. No paper could be prevented by a recognised regulator from publishing anything. Dan should know this.
He also knows to paint Hacked Off as the bad guys: “Think we’re about to see what premium Hacked Offand their supporters really place on personal privacy, when it relates to their opponents”. Backing that one up with the teensiest factette? No, thought not. Hacked Off is not about dividing and ruling – that’s one for Dan’s new pals in the press. Hacked Off represents the victims of press intrusion.
But then it’s back to telling whoppers about the Royal Charter: “Papers that print wholly legitimate stories will also be penalised”. That would depend very much on the accuracy of what is published – in other words, exactly the same as at present, and nothing to do with the Royal Charter. One would expect a journalist to know and understand the scope of the regulator’s powers.
And then it’s on to the truly wilful: “Don’t get supporters of press regulation. On one hand they say regulation vital. Then when challenged they say will have zero impact”. Independent regulation will indeed have zero impact – on the press’ ability to investigate, publish and hold power to account. But that regulation is vital for public confidence, and its ability to give victims of abuse the means of redress.
But Dan has one last trump card – editors will go to jail! And those beastly Hacked Off people won’t explain themselves! “I’ve asked a dozen times what the sanction is. You haven’t answered. We both know why” he told a clearly exasperated Evan Harris, who had just, er, answered him (civil contracts do not, and cannot, include jail, which is a criminal sanction). Yes, the “jail” assertion is just another whopper.
So he’s calling the Royal Charter wrong, but at least he’s consistently wrong: back in April he asserted “Royal Charter’s dead”, in another hilariously bad call. The only difference between then and now is that back then he was guessing wrong, and now he’s taken the Murdoch shilling, he’s just being wilful. He who pays the piper still calls the tune, especially if the piper is desperate enough.
All of which means that Dan Hodges has become yet another sellout. Sad, really.
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Thursday, November 28, 2013
11/2 【POG2013-2014】出走予定
11/2 10:40 京都2R 1600芝(良) サラ系 2歳 未勝利 (混合)[指定] 馬齢
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11/2 13:30 京都7R 1400芝(良) サラ系 2歳 500万円以下 (混合)(特指) 馬齢
11/2 15:35 東京11R 1600芝(良) サラ系 2歳 オープン (国際) 牝 (指定) 馬齢 重賞
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8 | 13 | エアカミュゼ キングカメハメハ×ツィンクルヴェール(サンデーサイレンス) 牡2/55k/リスポリ/池江泰寿/ラッキーフィールド | コウノ |
11/2 11:40 京都4R 1800芝・外(良) サラ系 2歳 未勝利 [指定] 馬齢
2 | 4 | クールオープニング マンハッタンカフェ×ファレノプシス(ブライアンズタイム) 牡2/55k/川田将雅/橋口弘次/前田 晋二 | ニシノデンデン |
4 | 7 | アクアマリンブレス キングカメハメハ×アメジストリング(フジキセキ) 牡2/55k/岩田康誠/浅見秀一/サンデーレーシング | コウノ |
7 | 13 | シーサイドバウンド Big Brown×スターダムバウンド(Tapit) 牡2/55k/浜中俊/石坂正/サンデーレーシング | ヒロセ |
11/2 12:20 東京5R 1800芝(良) サラ系 2歳 新馬 (混合)[指定] 馬齢
8 | 14 | ラグジードライブ アドマイヤジャパン×ジョウノエンジェル(トウシヨウボーイ) セン2/55k/丸田恭介/宗像義忠/西城 公雄 | クワノ |
11/2 12:30 京都5R 1400芝(良) サラ系 2歳 新馬 [指定] 馬齢
7 | 15 | チャーマー ストーミングホーム×ヴェルヴェットクイーン(Singspiel) 牡2/55k/バルザロ/安田隆行/H.H.シェイク・モハメド | フルカワ |
11/2 13:30 京都7R 1400芝(良) サラ系 2歳 500万円以下 (混合)(特指) 馬齢
2 | 2 | マダムリシェス サクラバクシンオー×ワイキューブ(アグネスタキオン) 牝2/54k/北村友一/安田隆行/原 礼子 | ナカジマ |
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11/2 15:35 東京11R 1600芝(良) サラ系 2歳 オープン (国際) 牝 (指定) 馬齢 重賞
2 | 4 | パシフィックギャル ゼンノロブロイ×アイランドファッション(Petionville) 牝2/54k/マンディ/手塚貴久/吉田 勝己 | イトウ |
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番 | 番 | 性齢/父/母(母父) | ||||
◎ | 2 | 3 | ブライトライン 牡4/フジキセキ×King of Kings | 福永祐一 56k | 鮫島一歩 | |
○ | 7 | 14 | グレープブランデー 牡5/マンハッタンカフェ×ジヤツジアンジエルーチ | デムーロ 59k | 安田隆行 | |
▲ | 3 | 6 | ローマンレジェンド 牡5/スペシャルウィーク×Awesome Again | 岩田康誠 59k | 藤原英昭 | |
△ | 8 | 16 | ヴァンヌーヴォー 牡4/Cherokee Run×A.P. Indy | 北村友一 56k | 角田晃一 | |
× | 7 | 13 | グランドシチー 牡6/キングカメハメハ×ブライアンズタイム | 津村明秀 57k | 相沢郁 | |
1 | 2 | タイムズアロー 牡5/タイムパラドックス×サンデーサイレンス | 川田将雅 初/56k | 松田博資 | ||
6 | 11 | インカンテーション 牡3/シニスターミニスター×Machiavellian | 大野拓弥 55k | 羽月友彦 | ||
3 | 5 | ケイアイレオーネ 牡3/Henny Hughes×Marquetry | 幸英明 55k | 西浦勝一 | ||
5 | 9 | ナイスミーチュー 牡6/キングカメハメハ×Fire Maker | 小牧太 56k | 橋口弘次 | ||
2 | 4 | キラウエア 牡6/キングカメハメハ×フレンチデピュティ | 藤田伸二 56k | 橋口弘次 | ||
1 | 1 | レッドクラウディア 牝4/アグネスタキオン×コマンダーインチーフ | バルザロ 初/54k | 石坂正 | ||
5 | 10 | オーブルチェフ 牡4/Malibu Moon×Lost Soldier | 浜中俊 初/56k | 萩原清 | ||
6 | 12 | マルカプレジオ 牡5/ゴールドアリュール×トニービン | 内田博幸 初/56k | 今野貞一 | ||
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8 | 15 | アイファーソング 牡5/ソングオブウインド×デヒア | 川須栄彦 56k | 坪憲章 | ||
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11/3 15:35 東京11R アルゼンチン共和国杯
2500芝 サラ系 3歳以上 オープン ハンデ ★☆ G2 ☆★
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◎ | 4 | 7 | メイショウナルト セン5/ハーツクライ×カーネギー | 武豊 56k | 武田博 | |
○ | 2 | 4 | ニューダイナスティ 牡4/ディープインパクト×Dynaformer | 蛯名正義 初/55k | 石坂正 | |
▲ | 7 | 15 | エックスマーク 牡4/ディープインパクト×Acatenango | 石橋脩 初/55k | 角居勝彦 | |
△ | 2 | 3 | ルルーシュ 牡5/ゼンノロブロイ×Highest Honor | 北村宏司 57.5k | 藤沢和雄 | |
× | 8 | 16 | アドマイヤラクティ 牡5/ハーツクライ×エリシオ | マンディ 57.5k | 梅田智之 | |
6 | 12 | アスカクリチャン 牡6/スターリングローズ×ダイナレター | 戸崎圭太 初/56k | 須貝尚介 | ||
4 | 8 | ムスカテール 牡5/マヤノトップガン×サンデーサイレンス | リスポリ 初/57.5k | 友道康夫 | ||
8 | 18 | ホッコーブレーヴ 牡5/マーベラスサンデー×ダンシングブレーヴ | 三浦皇成 54k | 松永康利 | ||
7 | 14 | シゲルササグリ 牡4/ブラックタキシード×デインヒル | 後藤浩輝 初/54k | 中村均 | ||
6 | 11 | デスペラード 牡5/ネオユニヴァース×トニービン | 横山典弘 初/56k | 安達昭夫 | ||
8 | 17 | マイネルマーク 牡5/ロージズインメイ×サツカーボーイ | 柴田善臣 初/54k | 国枝栄 | ||
★ | 1 | 2 | トウカイトリック 牡11/エルコンドルパサー×Silver Hawk | 田中勝春 初/57k | 野中賢二 | |
5 | 10 | モズ 牡6/スペシャルウィーク×Storm Boot | 松岡正海 初/53k | 矢作芳人 | ||
1 | 1 | コスモラピュタ 牡6/ロージズインメイ×トニービン | 武士沢友治 初/53k | 高橋祥泰 | ||
5 | 9 | セイカプレスト 牡7/イーグルカフェ×Sadler�s Wells | 田辺裕信 初/54k | 相沢郁 | ||
7 | 13 | コスモロビン 牡5/ゼンノロブロイ×ジェイドロバリー | 柴田大知 56k | 清水英克 | ||
3 | 5 | サイモントルナーレ 牡7/ゴールドアリュール×アフリート | 吉田豊 53k | 田中清隆 | ||
3 | 6 | イケドラゴン 牡8/ニューイングランド×サクラユタカオー | 石神深一 48k | 石毛善彦 |
11/1 坂路調教ベスト20
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1 | 533>389>256>130 | ヤマニンアドーレ(牝3) | 6:23 | 星野忍 |
2 | 542>396>260>128 | セイウンクロス(牡2) | 6:10 | 武藤善則 |
3 | 542>414>282>142 | スキップコード(牡3) | 6:36 | 鈴木康弘 |
4 | 544>399>259>131 | ニシノハイツリー(牡2) | 6:19 | 根本康広 |
5 | 545>393>258>131 | ジェイリーン(牡2) | 6:23 | 星野忍 |
6 | 547>415>285>145 | ランドロワ(牝2) | 6:59 | 武市康男 |
7 | 550>399>254>121 | グランパレ(牡2) | 9:12 | 根本康広 |
8 | 550>420>279>140 | ファンレーベン(牡2) | 6:23 | 黒岩陽一 |
9 | 551>397>256>128 | メイショウボイス(牡2) | 8:54 | 小島太 |
10 | 555>397>258>132 | メイショウカノン(牡2) | 8:54 | 小島太 |
11 | 574>417>273>134 | ウェルシュハープ(牝2) | 6:10 | 藤沢和雄 |
12 | 574>430>289>147 | ランドオブマヤ(牝2) | 6:23 | 黒岩陽一 |
13 | 577>420>274>133 | レッドレギオン(牡2) | 6:10 | 藤沢和雄 |
14 | 577>426>277>137 | マンインザムーン(牡3) | 8:53 | 藤沢和雄 |
15 | 579>427>282>137 | デグニティクローズ(牡2) | 6:12 | 栗田徹 |
16 | 583>430>286>143 | ソフィスティケイト(牡2) | 6:26 | 木村哲也 |
17 | 597>424>264>127 | キングオブキック(牡2) | 8:08 | 畠山重則 |
18 | 604>450>292>145 | レッドウォーリア(牡2) | 8:53 | 藤沢和雄 |
19 | 604>450>299>146 | エルモッソ(牡2) | 8:22 | 木村哲也 |
20 | 606>455>308>159 | ジョウテンオリーヴ(牝4) | 9:03 | 相沢郁 |
1 | 525>392>260>130 | カメヤマシャチュウ(牡2) | 7:01 | 森秀行 |
2 | 526>382>249>127 | タイセイクインス(牝4) | 7:14 | 高野友和 |
3 | 528>383>251>127 | サーシスリーフ(牡3) | 7:14 | 高野友和 |
4 | 531>391>253>122 | セトノフラッパー(牝3) | 7:21 | 南井克巳 |
5 | 533>386>251>128 | メイショウドンタク(牡7) | 7:24 | 本田優 |
6 | 536>384>246>123 | クルージンミジー(牝4) | 8:50 | 吉田直弘 |
7 | 543>395>258>131 | エイシンミッキー(牡2) | 8:51 | 坂口正則 |
8 | 546>395>258>132 | エイシンボン(牝2) | 8:51 | 坂口正則 |
9 | 555>406>261>126 | テイエムオペラドン(牡4) | 8:51 | 浜田多実 |
10 | 569>421>273>135 | ミキノノボリリュウ(牡3) | 10:28 | 大橋勇樹 |
11 | 575>417>272>138 | ディープオセロ(牝2) | 7:01 | 五十嵐忠 |
12 | 592>447>302>151 | ペイシャモンシェリ(牡2) | 9:15 | 野村彰彦 |
13 | 594>418>270>132 | バンブーカッサーノ(牡2) | 9:04 | 岩元市三 |
14 | 595>442>290>139 | チーフアセスメント(牡2) | 7:01 | 五十嵐忠 |
15 | 611>452>298>148 | サヴィルロウ(牡2) | 7:00 | 平田修 |
16 | 615>438>271>135 | メイショウクローバ(牝2) | 9:48 | 角田晃一 |
17 | 616>453>296>147 | クールスティール(牡2) | 7:10 | 清水久詞 |
18 | 617>462>307>154 | メイショウファルコ(牡2) | 7:08 | 安達昭夫 |
19 | 617>463>308>155 | ハワイアンローズ(牝2) | 8:10 | 鮫島一歩 |
20 | 618>452>298>147 | マルカロゼッタ(牡2) | 8:26 | 今野貞一 |
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