Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How about your Investment IQ?

I scored 16/20 in the Investment IQ test by MoneyControl !! I would have scored less than 10 some months ago before I started this blog. :)

Use this tool to evaluate whether you should manage your investments yourself or whether you should approach/ use a professional manager.

This evaluation will consider your temperament, aptitude and technical knowledge. It should take you between 5 and 8 minutes to answer the 20 questions.

Scores on temperament(5), aptitude(5) and technical knowledge(10) are taken. The qualifying score( 15) is a Moneycontrol recommended benchmark and it refers to the minimum you need to score if you want to manage your money independently.

As I said, I wouldn't have scored 16 if I was not doing this blog. In fact I was very miserable with all this personal finance. But I have learnt that finance is not rocket science and I owe it to my family that I manage our finances better.

Maybe you score less than 15. But does it mean you should start finding a professional manager? Or should you try and build your financial literacy levels. Choice is obviously yours!!

Any source

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